Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

410. Marine is so petty

And Kizaru, who was originally traveling with a salary to relax, felt the anger of the boss, and changed his laziness in the past, and said that the principle of whitebeard's useless when the bonus is in place, shocked Akainu's chin and pulled out the world nautical chart. After a few nights to rule out all the impossible places, he was stunned to find the seat of the missing core members of the "Anti-Marine Guild".

Two major Marine Admiral with a dozen Marine Vice Admiral plus a large number of Marine elites from the headquarters, such a lineup, even with the Whitebeard Pirates, can be a hit, what about a group of defeated soldiers who were killed by Kaido teacher Can withstand the impact of this lineup.

Kizaru and Akainu haven't even sweated yet. The core members of the "Anti-Marine Guild", Moroda, Alvin and Molinsdan, have already raised the white flag and surrendered. When he got up, the other little brothers also ran and died.

In short, the Marine forces led by Marine Admiral, Kizaru and Akainu, pushed all the remaining members of the "anti-Marine guild" in one fell swoop at the cost of zero casualties. However, on their way back, I don't know if it was a business Busy, Sengoku forgot to tell Kizaru and Akainu that there is a Grandmaster unlocking skill in this gang, and did not inform Kizaru and Akainu of the flaws in the seastone handcuffs and shackles developed by the full-fed bastards in the science department, they still use them Those defective seastone handcuffs and shackles handcuffed these pirate leaders~ and locked them in the cabin.

Although Kizaru and Akainu thought the calmness of the detained pirate leaders was a bit strange, they couldn't think of a reason. They thought they were high enough to see it, so they didn't care. −.

But just after a month of dark winds turned up, Akainu was studying the nautical charts, and recalled how little Kizaru did to find the pirates hiding in the corners of the New World from one of the entire nautical charts of the world, including the four seas. , trying to figure out how exactly that guy did it.

Kizaru, who was waiting to go back to receive overtime pay after finishing his work, was sleeping comfortably on the bed. A group of Marine uncles on the boat, except for the night guard, were also relaxing and falling asleep, and came to the turkey man again. It's time for the show, and a group of pirate leaders in the cabin look eagerly at the turkey man. This kid can't do anything at ordinary times. He is the first to drink and flirt with girls, but he has to rely on him at the critical moment!

The turkey man didn't disappoint these pirate leaders either. He fiddled with his big mouth and tongue for a while, and another small silver needle came out of his mouth. to open.

This group of people are all smart people, they know that there are two Marine Admiral towns on the boat, they don't vent their uncle Marine like they did in the Snowman Sea, and they plan to leave quietly under the night, and then let the birds fly, They are more familiar with the New World site than Marine. If these Marines can find them once, they have already stepped on shit, and they can find them the second time.

They are all a group of old fritters, and they have never encountered any stumbling and stumbling. One or two failures will not only fail to defeat them, but will make them stronger!

As long as their foundation is still there, they will develop in a low-key manner for two or three years, and they will still be a hero when they re-debut!

Judging from this different operation, whether it is Moroda or Alvin, Morin Stan or Morion, a village teacher, are all IQ online people. If this operation goes well as they think, then they will All of them can leave safely, and there is no problem in starting again after two or three years of low-key development.

In the sea, time is the least valuable thing. Time can dilute everything. Just like the top four in the past, today's people only remember Roger, who has been crowned king, and Whitebeard, who is still alive, and the other two I can't remember where to find it.

So even if they fail once, it doesn't matter, starting over and lowering the threshold will not hinder the development of their organization... But the name of this organization is going to be changed, and many people suspect that they are hiding in this time. The mountain is stared at by two Marine Admiral, the problem lies in the name...

Brother Marine is so stingy!

However, their ideas are good, and their plans are almost perfect. Unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky. When they supported Uncle Marine who was standing guard, they quietly left the cabin to find a few small broken boats for the two of them. When Marine Admiral played the mysterious disappearance technique, it might be because of the number of people. The elder brothers who were in the lead had already boarded the small broken boat and were ready to set sail, and some of the younger brothers were still behind and lined up to board. ferry.

Akainu, who always turned off the lights and rested on time that night, did not sleep, but was recalling and researching Kizaru's tricks to find someone. On this hot day, he drank a lot of water, and the water in his body was so high that even the heat of his magma was hot. He couldn't evaporate, so he could only go out to the toilet to deal with the excess water in his body. When Akainu just walked to the door of the toilet, he found two blurry figures shaking constantly in the dark.

・・・ Flowers・

To be honest, in the middle of the night, it was a dark cloud and a dark night when I encountered such a scene, even Akainu, who was upright, felt a little hairy and goosebumps all over his body. After all, this sea is almost every day. In the dead, this large amount of grievances have accumulated over the years, and it is not uncommon for strange things to appear.

But when I recall what Uncle Wang said in his ear before he died when he was a child, there is a righteousness in heaven and earth!

In an instant, he was like a dick, a great courage flowed through his body, he was full of courage, and he was no longer afraid of anything. He resisted the urge to urinate and walked over. He wanted to see what the hell dared to come to Marine Admiral's boat at midnight. As a demon, don't you know how heavy is the evil spirit on Uncle Marine's gun?

When Akainu approached, he glanced at the shaking figure, who was crouching in the corner.

good guy!

These bastards actually want to run away?

At first, Akainu, who didn't believe in evil, thought that he had stayed up too long to see his eyes. After all, those bastards had seastone handcuffs and shackles on their hands and feet. How could they still have the strength to run around so many Marine guards under such circumstances? come out.

But when he took out several bottles of shiny eyedrops and put them down, he could see clearly now. These little rubbish really want to run away! There are a few fast runners who have already supported their boats to 200 meters away. At this moment, Akainu completely broke out. You little rubbish, labor and capital It's rare to eat a fast without killing you, yet you don't know how to repent, and why do you want to run away?

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed Akainu rushed up against the billowing lava, and he would fight for hundreds of each, a set of madness and unparalleled combos came down, he was said to be the pirate boy who was still on the boat, the pirate leader 200 meters away. No one was spared, and they were all smashed into the sea by the hot magma and fed to the Sea Kings.

Of course, due to the poor choice of the location of Akainu's wave of unparalleled and unparalleled combos, his top-equipped Admiral-class giant ship was also blown down, and the unresponsive Marine uncles on board also fell into the scalding hot in their sleep. Crying father and mother in the sea...

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