Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

412. Can't always stand against Sabaody

"According to the news from New World Kizalu Admiral, that's right, those pirates didn't know what method they used to open the seastone handcuffs and planned to escape at night, but after they happened to be caught by Akainu Admiral, they wanted to resist, and in the end they were attacked by Akainu Admiral. Total annihilation..."

The Kent Vice Admiral, who has been trained for several years, is not sure if he can still fight, but he has a very good way of collecting information.

"...tired, let me be quiet...35"

Leonardo waved his hand to interrupt his passionate report, and said listlessly.

"(⊙_⊙)? Curry Admiral, what's wrong with you?

Kent saw Leonardo lying on the bed listlessly, looking like he was about to die, and asked with concern, wasn't he excited when he heard that the pirate leaders were stabbed just now?

What the hell is it now?

Although he has never come into contact with the famous "undead Admiral22" before, he has heard of it. This "undead Admiral" has always attacked pirates with heavy punches. In the Marineford battle, he invited Whitebeard as soon as he appeared. The macho, in his mind, he should also be a person who hates evil.

So after receiving the news, he ran to tell the "undead Admiral" the good news without brushing his face or brushing his face. As a result, the reaction of the "undead Admiral" seemed a little wrong. He was quite excited at first. , now how can I die like a dead godfather..

"Hey...Kent Vice Admiral, you much does it cost me a night in this luxurious VIP suite right now?"

Leonardo asked weakly, seeing that he was clearly in his early thirties and still looked like he was a lot older than him.

Now he finally knows why this Kent has been cultivated in Naval Headquarters for several years, and he has grown fat and has not been sent to the frontier to guard the fort by Sengoku. This fuck's eyesight is too bad, and he can't understand the leader's thoughts at all. The meaning to be expressed, if such a person is arranged to guard some kind of agency fortress, it will be strange, but such a person is the most ideal person to take the blame....

He is starting to miss Dominic a little now. Anyway, he is a brother who has been with him for several years. He won his heart. However, it seems that the day of the Vice Admiral award has not yet arrived, and it will take some time. This time Sengoku What about the Marine Vice Admiral who set up a few counterfeit cards for him.... There are so many things, a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates, either they have been recuperating in Naval Headquarters for too long, or they have suffered from serious injuries and left a psychological mark. Shadowy, even when he usually speaks, he has to be cautious, so this Kent is still thinking about it. The other few let them do their best. If they really let them lead the team, Leonardo himself felt guilty.

He can't afford Vice Admiral-level pensions, so how many times does he have to make New World trips...


Facing Leonardo's sudden question, Kent was stunned. He didn't know what the new officer was trying to convey, but he answered truthfully. He also came to spend at Sabaody Land Hotel back then, but it wasn't just a luxury VIP suite. ...

"That's right, it's 10,000 baileys to stay here for one night, of which this is just the accommodation fee, not including the food and drink, if the food and drink are also counted together, I'm only here for one day. Consumption, even if the general manager of this hotel gave me a 30% discount, it would start at 30,000.

"Do you know what this is? These bastards are all money! Those bastards were originally slapped by me. If I hadn't been in a hurry to come back, I would have slapped those bastards back, those bastards. My worth is now mine! Do you know, do you know .. <(#fan')?”

Leonardo counted for Kent while pinching his fingers, and the more he counted, the more heartache, the more blood he lost, and finally jumped up and grabbed Kent's neckline and shouted excitedly.

Originally, although he didn't avenge his "cousin" this trip to the New World, he still managed to win a group of pirate leaders. Although Moroda's gang of bastards ran away, he was a little nervous, but he could bear it. , But after the bonus was handed out, part of it was given to the families of the Marine brothers who died in the New World as a pension, plus the soup for those injured brothers, and the rest was paid off after the damn card debt. It was found that he was poor again.

Originally, I was planning to wait for Kizaru and Akainu to get those pirate leaders back and take the opportunity to cry with Sengoku and make a fortune. That guy Akainu is too hard to fight, but Kizaru is still very reliable, so he I plan to wait for them to come back and it will be the same as the headquarters. After all, the effect of crying in poverty is definitely not as good as the effect of live performance. The expression of the phone bug is too stiff, and the performance marks are too serious, but now it is set by Akainu. Grumpy unparalleled three dance, not a single hair!


Naoga! It turns out to be such a problem, isn't it Bailey, Curry Admiral doesn't need to care about this, if you want to earn Bailey, there is still a way!

Kent, who was sprayed with saliva, then reacted. He had also heard about the financial restraint of this new chief, but he couldn't remember it before. Marine Admiral's annual salary of tens of millions plus various bonuses, The consumption of 30,000 yuan a day may be a bit tight for him, a Vice Admiral, but for an Admiral with an annual salary of over 10 million 913 yuan, he should be no stupid.

He had forgotten the rumors in Marineford, the salary card of this "undead Admiral" was held in the hands of Gion Vice Admiral, and was regarded as a model of a good man by the girls on Marineford but was regarded as a coward by the men on Marineford. ...Maybe this new chief is poorer than his Vice Admiral, who is idle in Marineford....

"Huh? Tell me what's your way? (⊙_⊙)?"

Hearing this guy talk about making money so lightly, Leonardo realized for the first time that this guy is not stupid!

He let go of his hands and sat on the bed and asked curiously.

"Cough cough... Curry Admiral, you forgot, you are the commander of the Sabaody branch, the Sabaody branch's jurisdiction is not only the Sabaody land and the sea, you can't always stare at the Sabaody land, there are other What about the place, not to mention the small place, there is too little oil and water, you probably don’t like it, but the two places of Queen City and Water Capital are international metropolises! Don’t think that the reputation of this city is not as good as that of Sabaody, but The activities of many people in these two places are only a lot more than that of Sabaody. Curry Admiral, you only need to go to these two places every once in a while, right? It can not only fight crime, but also rob the rich and help the poor. .....39

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