Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

414. The quantity here is comparable to the quality of New World

"The city of water, a good place!"

On the Admiral-class giant ship not far from the water, Leonardo stood on the bow and looked at the water capital not far ahead. There were rows of brand-new pirate ships parked around it. The brand-new pirate ship shows how developed the shipbuilding industry in the water capital is now. Of course, the current water capital cannot be compared with the water capital after Garp's grandson debuted more than ten years later. After all, the young man named Bingshan. The promising mayor has not yet taken office. Although the mayor of the current water capital has done a good job, he does not have the courage to carry out a complete reform of the shipbuilding industry in the entire water capital and complete enterpriseization. The shipbuilding industry in the water capital is still relatively introverted.

After all, everyone opens their doors to do business. The competition between shipyards and shipyards is also quite fierce. The price of a pirate ship itself is not cheap. It is ridiculously high, and of course the cost is more expensive. Basically, some small and medium-sized shipyards want to build a pirate ship made of treasure trees. Turned over.

If the built treasure ship 913 is not sold for more than half a year, it will basically close down. Therefore, the competition between the shipyard and the shipyard is also very fierce. If you want to attract customers, it is naturally the most perfect work of your own home. To show it off, Leonardo looked at the magnificent pirate ships lined up in front of them, luxuriously decorated, well-crafted, and all of them were high-quality pirate ships. Can not afford a girl.

Needless to say, these pirate ships are almost all Marine Admiral series that he didn't have his salary card with him. It's okay to come here.

There are not only the perfect works of major shipyards parked around the water capital, but also at least hundreds of pirate ships with various pirate flags docked at the port. The number of pirates alone can be enough. It can catch up with the big pirates in the New World who can easily reach two or three billion.

Do the math, even if there are 100 pirate ships docked here, it means that there are 100 pirate groups in the water capital. Even if the average worth of these pirates is only 10 million, they add up to more than 1 billion. Yes, but this is obviously impossible. The pirates who can (cceg) break into the capital of water are worth 30 to 40 million yuan. If you count these pirates, they will be smashed. , much more than he went to New World for a lap.

So, people still have to go out and walk more, don't stay in one place all the time, stay in one place for a long time, the vision, the pattern will naturally become smaller, he admits that his pattern is small before, can't see clearly In reality, I despise these Mr. pirates who are worth less than 100 million. Here he sincerely apologizes to these Mr. pirates, because his pattern is too small...

To be honest, he has come to the Water City only a handful of times over the years, and he can count them with just one slap. It was only once when Sengoku, who was still Admiral, and the old Garp boy were chasing Roger. I really don’t know much about him, all I know is that the shipbuilding industry in the Capital of Water is quite developed, that’s all, this time should be the second time he has come to the Capital of Water since his debut. Last time, because we wanted to hunt down Roger, we came and went in a hurry. After knowing that the Roger Pirates had left the Water City, they left in a hurry. I really haven't seen one of the four famous international cities. How prosperous is the water capital.

Now just by looking at the various pirate ships around, you can feel that this water capital is quite prosperous!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to attract so many dreamers, careerists and criminals...

"Curry Admiral, that's Sand Crocodile, Sir Crocodile's Pirate Flag, that guy seems to be in the Water Capital too..."

Vice Admiral, who was one of the big supporters behind Leonardo, suddenly pointed to a pirate ship parked at the port and said.

Sand Crocodile, Sir Crocodile, the rare Logia Sand-Sand Fruit demon capable person, is now also a famous pirate in the first half, after all, Logia Devil Fruit itself is rare, the currently known Logia are the three famous Marines Admiral, so the sand crocodile with the ability of Logia fruit, Sir Crocodile's name is not small in the first half, plus before, people once overturned a country alone, draining the water of the whole country, and the country is an oasis in an instant Turning into a big desert and slipping away in the capture of Marine Admiral Aokiji, it made everyone see the overbearing fruit of Logia, and also made him famous, even Sengoku did not hesitate to give this pirate The rookie's first rookie contract offered a large contract of more than 80 million yuan.

You must know that in the ocean at present, apart from the fact that the real Dragon Knight Shanks is a full-level debut and some special reasons, the first rookie contract of the little girl on Ohara was directly filled by Sengoku due to some special reasons. There is only this sand crocodile, Sir Crocodile It's the guy who Sengoku just filled up on his first rookie contract for no reason.

What kind of concept is it that the bounty is as high as more than 80 million just after debut? How many pirates can't reach this value in their entire lives, and when they debut, they stand at the end point that many people look up to all their lives.

Nowadays, various young pirates emerge in an endless stream in the first half, and there are not a few who have been on the front page of the news. Although the reputation of this sand crocodile, Sir Crocodile is not very loud in the first half, but in Marineford, Naval Headquarters, his name is good It is much louder, and it is on the same level as the real Dragon Knight Shanks. Although the price difference between the two is not more than doubled, they are both people whose contracts are directly filled by their brother. Many Uncle Marines don't want to pay attention. Disaster.

Therefore, so many pirate ships docked in the port were discovered by the Marine Vice Admiral Bob, who had been trained for several years and didn't know if he could still fight.

"That guy didn't honestly go to New World to challenge Whitebeard, what are you doing here... You take someone to check the location of this guy, and by the way, find out what this guy is doing in the Water Capital, and this kind of stuff. The person who was highlighted by the first brother came to the water capital, but there was no news at all, what was the situation of the base chief of the water capital...

Leonardo touched his chin and thought for a long time. He remembered that the sand crocodile in the original book seemed to be young and vigorous. He didn't know how deep the water in New World was. His hand was chopped off by Whitebeard and fed to the dog. If according to the original book, this guy has been lifted to the sky by Sengoku as soon as he debuted, and he should go to Whitebeard for a one-on-one fight, but now this guy is staying What is Water City?

Pay attention to the ancient artifact "Rayleigh" Pluton?

It shouldn't be possible, the time line is too early now, the archaeologist girl is not yet an adult, he knows the ancient artifact "Rayleigh" Pluton.

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