Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

Kuzan: Are all pirates so treacherous these days?

So it's easy for a dwarf mule to get in, but it's basically impossible to get out, unless you have the strength of "Poseidon" + "Pluton" Rayleigh or a former Marine Admiral younger brother, those former enemies didn't take this The guy's former boss died tenderly, probably because of Marine Admiral's sake.

But these are all digressions. It may be that he watched a lot of Jianghu movies in his previous life, and he thought about it for a while. He was still curious about how the sand crocodile was able to escape from Kuzan's hands, but it was fruit ability or war. Force, two sand crocodiles five to five are not enough for Kuzan to hit with one hand.


Kuzan looked at the battle not far away and didn't speak, and finally blew out a long breath of cold air that froze the air around his mouth into ice slag.

Actually... He still doesn't know how he let that guy run away from his hands. In short, his brain suddenly crashed as if he was infected with a virus. Thinking back on it, he felt very uncomfortable. Not true.

Because this sand crocodile is really a special dish, the fruit ability is better, and the development is not bad, but the hands-on ability is extremely poor, he really can't figure out how this guy ran away from his hands. .

But this guy really ran away from him, this is an indisputable fact.

I still remember when he and Kizaru had just returned from New World when they received an order from Marshal Sengoku to capture the sand crocodile who had drawn an oasis of World government allies into a country in a large desert. rushed over.

After all, it is also Logia Demon fruit power. For the pirate Sand Crocodile, he can be said to attach great importance to it, but when he catches up with this Sand Crocodile, he will be disappointed as much as he expects. He has a kind of Logia fruit that is a waste on him, so after knowing the strength of this sand crocodile pulling his hips, he doesn't force it, and his best start is a big move that directly freezes the sea to prevent this guy from sailing away. Then he also wanted to see the power of this Sand-Sand Fruit ability.

After all, there are too few Logia Devil Fruits. So far, he has only seen the three Admiral Logia Fruits. The destructive power of magma, the speed and explosion of Sparkling Fruit, and his own ability to freeze everything into ice sculptures at absolute zero, He hadn't seen any of the others.

But just when he was about to test the sand crocodile, the sand crocodile led his younger brother to attack him aggressively without any hesitation. He originally thought it would be a wonderful matchup, but this Sand Crocodile was handsome in less than two seconds before he swiped his foot and started to rub the ground.

And this masturbation has been masturbating for several days, making him a little confused, not knowing what the other party is doing, but considering that the other party's fruit is Sand-Sand Fruit, he did not act rashly, the other party is very likely. It is the prelude to holding back the ultimate move. The greater the power of the ultimate move, the longer and more complicated the preliminary preparations will be. This is common sense in combat. Although Marine catches pirates, it is only right and proper, but he has been involved in the club. What kind of lightning strikes with five whips or something, the dignified Marine Admiral still needs sneak attacks to catch pirates, and it is not very good to say that his reputation is not very good. Leonardo is not because he does not talk about martial arts, and his reputation in New World is now stinky.

The pirates in New World were about to put up a sign at the entrance of New World that said "green foxes and dogs are not allowed to enter~°", so he just kept looking at the ice crocodile for several days. The noodles were almost pierced through the ice.

Just as the sand crocodile finally got up with the help of the younger brothers around him, Aokiji could see that the prelude to this guy's violent and unparalleled ultimate move was ready, and he was secretly vigilant from those big angry eyes. , his hands began to be shivering, and he was ready to receive a big move and then fight back.

But just when he was ready to stomp and pat his hands and was about to go to work, the guy actually said a few words and then brought his people back to the boat with a mighty momentum to turn on the propellers. gone!

Leaving him alone with a limited edition bicycle standing blankly in the vast ice surface, are today's pirates so treacherous?

He, Kuzan, started to follow the boss at the age of nine and started to mix clubs. At the age of thirteen, he built many sites for the club to make it one of the major super clubs in North Blue. At the age of fourteen, he became one of the youngest people on the North Blue Road. He is a candidate to become the next leader to sit in the pavilion. If he had encountered pirates when he was not bringing goods, and met Garp Vice Admiral, he should have dominated the North Blue underworld earlier than Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo, even if he was fooled by Garp Vice Admiral. Marine made his debut. He is still one of the brightest stars in Marine. In just a few years, he has gone from being a Marine student to being a Marine Admiral. His first half of his life has been rich and colorful. Haven't encountered anything?

However, on that day, his dignified Marine Admiral was actually played by a pirate rookie who had just debuted a few years ago.

So even if Leonardo, who has experienced the four irons of the rivers and lakes, asked him, he would not mention it.

Especially this guy is such a big mouth, who knows if tell him today, will this matter spread to Marineford tomorrow. …

"" "Oh? I understand...(???)?"

Leonardo saw Kuzan's reluctance to talk about it, and gave him a look that I understand and asked with a smile.

The more Kuzan is like this, the more he feels that there must be a problem here. The original book does not explain any connection between the two. After all, Sand Crocodile Wuwu (Nuo Hao) is just a supporting role, and the story line is not about Garp's grandson. The body is on the monster under Garp's son. It is rare to find a new story line. Leonardo expressed that he was very excited. Inexplicably, a picture of the sand crocodile girl that he had seen in the post bar popped up in his mind. Let's take a look now. Now the sand crocodile, who is still a spiritual head boy, is half-baked.

Not to mention, if this sand crocodile was transformed by the hormonal fruit of that monster, it would be a little bit similar.


Kuzan was already used to this bastard's brain circuit, and the conversation with him would only get darker and darker. He simply ignored his eyes and continued to look at the one-sided battle stalk in front of him.

I understand your second uncle, if it weren't for the fact that there were not many classmates, I really wanted to hack this bastard to death...\(-_-)/

(PS: Thank you dads for the monthly pass!!).

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