Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

439. Doflamingo was born as a child

"You should underestimate him. In a few years, he can go from an obscure pirate group to dominate the entire North Blue underworld. I think this Doflamingo has a lot to do as a child, and his talent is even more obvious to the naked eye. If he does not encounter injuries in the future If so, I bet this guy will become a great player in the future, instead of looking for those pirates who have no talent and don't know how to die

It is better to find someone who is talented and will become a great player in the future. At least in the next ten or twenty years, the Queen's City will be more stable. "9

Leonardo touched his chin and explained, there was one last sentence he didn't say, that is, this guy Doflamingo is such an all-rounder, not only black, but also white, especially the way to make money Not bad, just look at the Dressrosa in New World.

Dressrosa is located in the first half of New World. It is a not-so-famous holiday resort in New World, and its economic development is average. Although I don’t want to be so poor in the future, even 10 billion baileys will have to be paid by the people of the whole country, but now Dressrosa is really just average, nothing compared to the future when Doflamingo makes it the most famous holiday resort in the New World.

Even a country like Dressrosa that is not well-known nowadays, 947 Doflamingo can be made into the most profitable country in the New World, so now there is an international metropolis of the Queen City for him, good boy, why is it still not flying?

At that time, he won't have to go to New World every time for the debt of the little black card, and he will sweat all over...


Kent looked at Leonardo dubiously. Although Curry Admiral had some truth in what he said, it would be better to find a talented pirate than to look for those cats and dogs, but... a little North Blue's underworld boss has this ability? He really is Not optimistic.

If it was as outstanding as Curry Admiral said, he would have been out of the small circle of North Blue and ran into the big world of Grand Line, so why should he stay in North Blue all the time?

However, Curry Admiral has already decided, and he is not easy to refute it. Even if the underworld boss of North Blue is not very good, but there is a Marine Admiral who supports it, I believe that even a pig should be able to fly in the first half of the Grand Line, right?

At this time, Doflamingo, the head of the North Blue underworld, who has been in North Blue, is holding a glass of red wine in one hand in his luxurious private room, and the other hand is twitching in the air like a cramp, frowning, not knowing what to think. What, it can be seen that he is very hesitant now!

At the voting meeting of the whole family more than a year ago, they agreed that they have now reached a bottleneck in North Blue. If they want to make a breakthrough, they must go out of North Blue and enter the Grand Line. He also thinks so, but the whole The safety of the family's life and property rests on him alone, so he must be careful not to be sloppy in every step, and his identity is more sensitive than ordinary pirates, so although they agreed to leave North Blue and go to Grand Line to seek a breakthrough , he didn't immediately set off to take people there, and proceeded steadily, first let his younger brother go to the Grand Line to open two arsenals to test the water, and see the reaction of Marine's side. Elders called, hoping to impress the other party through their sincerity.

In the beginning, the development went smoothly. The arsenal of Grand Line opened less than half a year ago, and its sales volume was more than that of North Blue's annual sales, which also allowed him to see a larger market. The Five Elders also did not immediately reject his sincerity, but said it needed to be considered.

Originally thought that after this sentence, things are basically stable, and it is only a matter of time before entering the Grand Line.

Just when he arranged for his younger brother to pack up and prepare to enter the Grand Line, two consecutive bad news came to disrupt all his plans. His arsenal in the Grand Line was raided by Uncle Marine, but this was not serious. (cceg) point, it's just a small arsenal to test the water market, copy it, and pay tax to Uncle Marine

Anyway, he never makes friends by looking at how rich the other party is...

What he cared about most was that the Five Elders who had told him to consider taking the initiative to contact him and thought of decisively rejecting his sincerity.

This made him quite confused. He wondered if this old guy had eaten too much melatonin and didn't want any more money?

Or is he not giving enough?

The exposure of the arsenal has made him already targeted by Uncle Marine. The others are okay. Marine's first brother Sengoku must know his identity. Which Marine Admiral will be sent to attack him, so without the care of the Five Elders, it is absolutely impossible for him to enter the Grand Line. It doesn't matter if he has a bad life, but he is also responsible for these family members who have been with him for more than ten years. You must not take them to give away heads.

After being rejected by the old guy, he never ran to the Grand Line rashly. God knows once he gets to the Grand Line, there will be Marine Admiral waiting for him, although he is still in North Blue, but this time He was not idle either. Although he was copied from the arsenal of Grand Line before, it also made him see the huge market of Grand Line. Naturally, he couldn't let it go so easily, so during this time, he continued to send his younger brother to Grand Line. Test the water, while thinking about how to enter the Grand Line without being taken care of by Uncle Marine.

But this is difficult. After thinking about it for so long, he can't think of a good solution. After all, his identity as Celestial Dragons is too sensitive. The bastards of Mariejois in North Blue may be regarded as not seen. But once he became bigger and stronger, those bastards would definitely not be able to bear him.

So recently he was really melancholy. Looking back on his first 20 years, he had only heard of cheating fathers, but he had never seen cheating sons, and he was cheated by his dead ghost father. Well, the good Celestial Dragons are not good, they have to be ordinary people of Nimei?

Not only did he harm himself and his mother, but he also harmed him like this. After so many years, he has finally made it to the present. Because of his former identity as Celestial Dragons, he has a talent but is so special. North Blue can't get out because of the word "once".

Doflamingo became annoyed the more he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he got up, the red wine in his hand poured into his mouth, the labor and management just wanted to live a better life.

Doflamingo really wants his dead ghost father to come back to life and appear in front of him again, and give him a headshot again, he has never seen such a fooling son!

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