Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

444. Celestial Dragons make no money

"That's it, you see that there are so many floating populations in this Queen's City every day, and everyone wants to make those pirates and dwarf mules chug. It obviously does not show that the enemy is dark and you are bright, and you want to follow up with you. What kind of intrigue they play would be quite passive!"

"Furthermore, your responsibilities are not only those pirates on the Queen's City, but also the long-term stability of this sea area. You have put a lot of energy into fighting wits and courage with these pirates. Then there is no time to estimate other places, which involves the issue of finite and infinite."

"Your energy is limited, and pirates and short mules are like watching a lantern in one wave and another wave. This belongs to the infinite. You put your limited energy on infinite things. Big loss! You said that right?

Leonardo doesn't seem to be so brainless when he sees this suspected son of the old leader. After all, he has read books for so many years, but he still understands and nods in agreement with his statement, and continues to lead the way in an orderly manner.

"....It seems like this is the case after hearing you say that, what can you do, Curry Admiral?"

JR. Notan touched his chin, listened earnestly and nodded his head, very 960 recognized what the other party said. He has been a talker in the Queen City for several years, and he has indeed been in the past few years. He was all worried about the pirates in the Queen's City and those dwarf mules who were mixed with the community. He seldom cared about the situation in the surrounding waters. The pirates in the Queen's City alone had already exhausted him physically and mentally, and it was true that he had no experience to worry about it. conditions in the surrounding waters.

Now that I hear Leonardo's analysis, I wake up and realize that his words are indeed a bit incompetent!

"So if you want to deal with those insidious and cunning pirates, you should let professional people come. We Marine is professional in catching pirates, but we play tricks and routines, and we Marine don't have so much time to play with these pirates. The best way to deal with these pirates and dwarf mules is naturally to let their peers deal with them. After all, only people like them can understand their habits of thinking, right?

Leonardo began to guide slowly.

"...You mean....find a pirate and a gangster to help us deal with them?(⊙_⊙)?"

JR. (cceg) Although Nuotan has no brains, he has inherited Kong's IQ to some extent. Leonardo has said it so clearly. If he still can't guess, he doesn't need to be a talker in the Queen's City. It's time to go to Mariejois to follow his nominal "uncle" and go with him to Sabaody District No. 5 every day to compete for the big brother, at least this way, you don't have to worry about being played to death...

JR. Notan's eyes widened, and he looked at him in disbelief. This grade is almost ten years younger than him, but he has become his immediate boss. It is rumored that Marine is the most beautiful boy......

This method is really good!

No wonder people are young, the first two generations are just not outstanding Marine Vice Admiral, and they are not as high as his uncle's appearance fee, but it is not unreasonable for people to be able to take the position of Marine Admiral at a young age. The first brother's uncle was raised, but he has never thought of such a method in the past few years when he came to the Queen's City.

Although he was raised by Marine's "uncle" since he was a child, because "uncle" was busy with get off work, he went out to rescue the miss when he got home for a meal after work, so seriously, he and the nominal "uncle" "We didn't get to spend a lot of time together. When we grew up, everyone was busy with their own business. My uncle continued to contribute to the stable development of Marine and Marineford's entertainment industry at the headquarters. He also went to the tough mountain to guard the fish pond, and we didn't see each other for a year. On the one hand, since he was a child, he was very little influenced by the nominal "uncle", and did not inherit the Marine's idea of ​​​​the old generation of Marine, and the pirates never communicated with each other.

In his mind, it doesn't matter whether he is a black cat or a white cat, the one who can catch mice is a good cat. In the years when he guarded the fish pond, some pirates came to his territory to make trouble, and he also got help from the passing pirates. So when he heard Leonardo's approach, he had a qualified reaction because it was so good.

In many cases, many pirates are indeed more competent than their Marines in dealing with pirates. For example, some pirates that they can't find in their marines. If you ask those pirates to look for them, if you find an accurate one, the most famous one is the original one. The Roger Pirates are gone. Sengoku Admiral and Garp Vice Admiral searched for almost two years and could not find the whereabouts of the Roger Pirates, but the Roger Pirates were blocked by the Golden Lion in the New World.

And their Marines often need to act according to the rules, which greatly limits their Marine's ability, and pirates have no such concerns.

"That's right, I've already helped you find someone, and it should be here in a few days. Then you can rest assured and hand over the pirates in the Queen's City and those gangsters to him, you only need to be responsible for the general The direction and the safety of the sea around the Queen City are enough. He is a smart man, so you can rest assured that he will not dare to mess with him.


Leonardo looked at the son who was suspected to be the old leader, although his facial reaction was a little big, but he didn't shake his head and say NO as he imagined, and he relaxed and nodded, and said confidently.

As long as the suspected old leader's son doesn't object, then this matter is guaranteed. With Doflamingo's IQ, how could those pirates and street runners in the Queen's City be able to play against him? By then, the Queen's City will be more and more in the hands of Doflamingo. The bigger he is, the better his career is, and he doesn't have to worry about that damn little black card anymore.

Who wants to go to the New World and get sweaty when you can lie down comfortably and count money?

And if the Doflamingo guy's performance is good, he doesn't have any problem with expanding his business to Sabaody.

Although he is the person in charge of Sabaody, many things cannot be left to him, such as those organizations with World government participation. He killed a few at the beginning, but it is not harmful to others at all. After two years, the wind will not be so serious. It's just a matter of investing money in other people. He can't keep staring at those people and fight, right? After all, one is in Sabaody and the other is in Mariejois, looking down and not looking up. The five godfathers at the top of the world government don't care. Why does Marine, who is in charge of catching pirates, worry about it?

Don't let him be the crown prince...

If he doesn't earn that money, he will earn it from others. Celestial Dragons' money from the big local tyrants won't be made in vain!

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