Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

496. Shanks: Kaido is so brave, I sprayed it first

"Maybe not before, but now...

Kuzan shook his head helplessly as he looked at a large swarm of pirates in the New World headed by Whitebeard, Teacher Kaido, and Fat Lady Charlotte.

Akainu's previous wave was too outrageous, this time Leonardo and Kizaru came to New World again, which shows that New World is regarded as their Marine back garden. Those big pirates in New World are all temperamental people. He didn't stand up to wave the flag, that's why they let Marine do whatever they want in the New World. Now that the three giants of the New World stand up to wave the flag, it will be different. If he is the big pirate of the New World, as long as someone stands up to wave the flag He will go up the flag.

Why was Demixus able to call on so many big pirates to team up to do Akainu before, is it really a big face for Demixus?

"Green fox kid! Get out of labor!!! "Nine Nine Three"! (●'A'-)/"

As soon as Kuzan's voice fell, a roar came from the opposite side, deafeningly resounding throughout the entire space.

I saw Mr. Kaido, who was a little bit of a middle schooler, carried his exclusive super mace with great arrogance and shouted loudly. The younger brothers who were closer were holding their ears in pain. Mr. Kaido's tenor was stronger than Charlotte's. You might as well let the fat woman's strange voices go.

"Hi... well... so scary."

Mr. Kaido's tenor voice almost scared the younger Uncle Marine, especially when he saw Mr. Kaido's stalwart body like a demon and the aura like a beast, the uncle Marine's feet were weak. soft.

I have to say, Teacher Kaido's face can really scare a lot of people to death, it's so sturdy...

Before he started, he was standing with Whitebeard, the fat woman Charlotte, and people who didn't know he thought he was the boss.

"Pfft! 39

"Haki, brave enough! (⊙_⊙)

Xun Shanks, a dragon-riding warrior who did not dare to stand out in the crowd, touched Laki Lu's meaty legs with another sip of wine, and couldn't help but praise Teacher Kaido.

How dare you to say hi to that bastard, how much courage is that? I wonder how sharp that guy's eloquence is?

Originally, he thought that before starting the fight, according to that bastard Marine's habit, he sprayed it for ten minutes and let the opponent suffer mental damage for ten minutes before starting the fight. This is the usual style of this bastard. He and his friends have already prepared earplugs. Ready to defend against the bastard's mental attack, Kaido sprayed first.

So special, Haki is an idiot....



The little friends around also blinked their eyes and nodded their heads in confusion. That Marine Admiral's mouth talent is top-notch in history. Ninety-nine out of 100 people who have been in the sea for several years are afraid of him. Mouth, after all, if you lose a fight, you still have to suffer mental damage. Really few people can stand it...

Kaido is so brave!

"Oh hey! I thought it was a dutiful son who was calling Dad, and he was screaming so piercingly. It turned out to be Kaido, you stupid big guy, don't shout so loudly, Dad can hear it. (???)?"

At this time, Leonardo did not dare to show weakness, he took out his exclusive wireless microphone and turned the volume to the maximum, so that every audience at the scene could hear it.

"Damn it, give me death!!"

Although Mr. Kaido does not have a spaceflight eye of 5.0 or higher, but when he hears this cheap swish sound, he can completely make up the cheap swish in his mind, and the cheap swish appears in his mind. If you don't go, Mr. Kaido will go up as soon as he can't get rid of it. He really can't stand the cheap swoosh of this bastard.

I saw Mr. Kaido's feet slightly bent to form a 90-degree angle. He threw the super mace behind him and smashed a little brother behind him under the deck. The Achilles tendon that had grown to the buttocks suddenly exerted force, with a super explosive force. Let Teacher Kaido jump for tens of meters and then Balala transforms, and a 100-meter-long dragon appears in the air.

..Heat! (▶a▲)!”

Kaido, who turned into a giant dragon, rushed to the small island looking down at the front, searched for the target for three seconds, locked the target, and opened the huge dragon's mouth to fire!

A blast of powerful, hot, thick phlegm shot out of his mouth towards the shore of the island where Uncle Marine was located.

"Cut! There is still no growth at all, these are the means to come and go.?(;一_¬)??"


"Five-layered Rosengate!

"Boom boom boom...!"

Leonardo looked at the "high temperature and thick phlegm" sprayed towards this side, held his mouth in disdain, and snapped his fingers with a flickering green light on his left hand...

Five tall, massive wooden doors stood up in front of Uncle Quanfang Marine.

"Boom boom...!

Kaido's thick phlegm is very powerful, it may be attacking with attributes. Teacher Kaido's "high temperature thick phlegm" broke through the first two Rosen doors in an instant, but when he reached the third door, he could only stay on it. It looks like a burnt mark.

"Isn't it? Wasn't it? It was so loud just now, that's all? That's it?

Leonardo jumped to the top of Luo Shengmeng on the fifth floor, and shouted and became smaller. Even Whitebeard, who had severe presbyopia, could see that little look of contempt.

"Damn....give me!

"tornado! (#dan')?L

Mr. Kaido looked at this bastard, his eyes were bloodshot, and after shouting at the younger brother below, the dragon drive in the air began to rotate, getting faster and faster, and then formed a super tornado toward the sweeping come.

"Wang Defa?! And this kind of hype?

Leonardo was also a little confused when he saw the huge tornado that swept in.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Kaido still has such an operation. If the thick phlegm just now is Mr. Kaido's natural ability to become a dragon, then this super tornado is developed by Kaido through his own brain hole.

Through his own dragon body 4.6 telling the rotation to form a powerful dragon sense wind, I have to say that Kaido teacher is quite literate, and even knows how to generate wind.

"Hidden God!"

"The brave who meet in the narrow road wins, don't be shy, go!"

The super tornado was getting closer and closer, and Leonardo didn't have much time. He pulled out the ancestral sword of kindness, Haki, and wrapped around the tornado of Mr. Kaido. After throwing a super sword glow to interrupt Mr. Kaido's circle, he saw the uncle Marine who was around him. Xiaosheng looked frightened, he stepped on Moonwalk with a big hand and rushed forward.

You must not be cowardly in a group fight, especially this kind of large-scale team battle with outnumbered enemies.

Especially as the leading big brother, he has to take the lead. Kizaru and Kuzan are both half-mage players, so this kind of dirty work can only be done by him.

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