Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

503. The Ultimate Mystery of Marine!

"Brother Meng!! Come on, hack these Marines to death for me!! (▶a)"

"Kill it!!!

The fight between Garp and Whitebeard was like a fuse. Originally, the pirates who were still thinking about why the red-haired pirates had such a nickname as Dragon Warriors realized that they are here to cut people, thinking about these strange things. what's the matter...

Immediately afterwards, an unknown New World pirate seemed to be infected by the two wonderful battles between the dragon riding warrior and Kaido teacher, shouting and copying the guy, and the pirate younger brothers also reacted when they heard the shout and didn't care. Is it the figure of his boss, copying the guy to keep up.

"For justice! Go!"

"For justice!!!"

Uncle Marines are naturally not cowardly. Although the enemy is outnumbered, there is a pirate in Uncle Marine's heart, so-called "nothing", faith!

As the flying squirrel shouted, they raised their fellows and slashed at the pirates in front of them.

"The world of flowers and trees is coming!!

"Big Wood Dragon Technique!"

"Wooden Man Technique! 55

"Hidden knife!!"

Mr. Kaido was playing a duel with the Dragon Rider, Whitebeard was dueling the old boy Garp, and Fat Charlotte was also held back by Kuzan. Leonardo found that he had no opponents. , Although he also felt a little embarrassed, after all, he was not Akainu who was not in a hurry, but he was still a wave from entering the crowd.

All kinds of messy skills are scattered everywhere, and those skills are used to harvest at least ten Calami's heads. Unable to prevent it, several small-target big pirates were tied into twists and could be seen everywhere, and the data had reached three digits in just a few minutes.

This annoys Leonardo himself, he has no opponent at all!!

"Quinn, stop that bastard!!! (#Dan')?"

Mr. Kaido, who was playing hot at Shanks, saw Leonardo so handsome in the crowd, he was about to suffer from pink eye, he wanted to fuck this bastard Marine, but then he saw this redhead who wanted to ride him and his uncle, and The nickname that deeply offended him, and finally decided to kill the bastard Red Hair who offended him first.

Seeing that my little brother Quinn was besieging a few Marine Vice Admirals with a few trash pirates, I didn't care if my little brother could handle that Marine bastard, let's talk first and then let that bastard Marine be so dashing. If you brush him down, you will go straight to the MVP!


"Receive....Received, boss...(mouth) o"

Originally, Quinn, the fat little guy who was playing with a group of pirates with a few small targets and a few Marine Vice Admirals, heard the boss's voice and spat out a mouthful of old blood thirty meters away.

Don't ask why it can be sprayed so far, it is 30 meters away anyway!

In an instant, the arrogant appearance before was gone, but the fat face of the embarrassed person, this fuck that bastard Marine can't even handle you, I'm so fucking fat with hundreds of pounds of fat!

But the boss has spoken, and it won't work if it doesn't go up!


Taking a deep breath, sinking into his dantian, boosting his courage, as if surrounded by countless halos, he turned into a swollen Brachiosaurus, and his four short legs jumped and rushed towards Leonardo, who was swiping high in the crowd. .

"Ouch, the little fat man is so rich, he still wants to get down on it? (^?^)?"

"Marine's ultimate mystery! Thousand! Years! Kill! Kill! Kill!"


Leonardo, who was enjoying himself in the crowd, also saw the little fat man jumping and rushing with his head on his head. He moved laterally to the left to avoid the iron-headed charge of the little fat man, and then the knife of kindness returned to its sheath and aimed at the eighth of the Brachiosaurus. On the fifteenth day of the month, the forty-fifth month goes up from the bottom to the top, just like this...

The whole world is quiet!


Seeing Leonardo's move, the surrounding pirates Kalamy tightened their glutes and widened their eyes, instantly sucking in the cool air around them until they were out of stock.

It's so cruel! The cruelty of Tai Te's mother!!!


After the world was quiet for three seconds, the face of the fat little Quinn, who seemed to be frozen in place and turned into a Brachiosaurus, changed from yellow to red, then from red to purple, and finally turned black, and then the whole person was like a jet. Rush to the distant sky to be side by side with Father Sun...


"Too...too brutal...

The surrounding pirates watched to see that the sky had rushed into the sky and disappeared, leaving only a gas in the sky to prove that someone had passed by, and their feet were all soft.

When they came out, they thought that the day they would be hacked to death by Uncle Marine, so they were not afraid of death, and after 18 years they were heroes again.

But this Marine Admiral's brutal method caused so much pain before dying. That's another story. The tragic cry of the plague just pierced through their souls, and their souls are still shaking now. .

"This Marine is too brutal, you go first..."

Not far away, Red Hair Pirates is known as "the most flexible fat man in the world" Laki. Lu looked at it blankly. Originally, he didn't know when the big meaty legs in his hands fell to the ground. Now he feels that his scalp is a little numb. The little friend next to him said with a trembling voice.

Mother Tait is terrible, how can this Marine succeed...

"...Actually, the captain's secret is not very important to us, and what the captain wants to tell us will be said one day.

The Huazi in Bakers' mouth, who could never finish smoking, was no longer there. Looking at Marine Admiral who was dashing for the MVP, he thought about it for ten seconds, calmed down and said calmly.

"Hmm, agree. I also don't think it's very good to inquire about the captain's privacy privately...(⊙_⊙)"

Bendik Snake, who has a tattoo on his neck, nodded and agreed with Beckman.



The little friends around also nodded and thought that what they said was all right.

Originally, they planned to run to this Marine Admiral to secretly inquire about the little secrets of their captain. After a short time together in Sabaody, they felt that this Marine Admiral was a good person, and they should be able to chat except their captain. , Beckman is also confident that he can extract the captain's little secret from this big mouth Marine Admiral.

After all, the secret that can make the usually easy-going captain instantly fry his hair, it makes them feel uncomfortable when they can't figure it out.

But before they even got close, they saw such a brutal scene, which made their chrysanthemums chill... 10.

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