Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

546. The red-haired female friend is broken

"I didn't expect East Blue to have such a paradise town... Huh? Isn't that the ship of the Red Hair Pirates."

On the sea near the port of Windmill Town, Bob and the others couldn't help but sighed when they saw the picturesque town in front of Qian Qian. When Fuck was indeed the hometown of Garp Vice Admiral, Bob suddenly saw a ship docked at the port. The very familiar pirate ship, isn't this the ship of Red Hair Pirates?

"No way? No way? The redhead is actually in Garp Vice Admiral's hometown??(⊙_⊙)?"

"If we're not mistaken, it's the red-haired pirate's ship...(⊙_⊙)"

After seeing for a while that the pirate ship docked at the port was indeed the ship of Red Hair Pirates, everyone was stunned. Is this red hair a water tank? How dare you come to Garp Vice Admiral's hometown? "Zero Five Seven"

"...Let's go and have a look...35

Leonardo, who was holding his baby daughter, said to everyone that he was not surprised at all, and it seems that the time to ride a dragon warrior is almost the same time as the fateful encounter with Garp's grandson, but he didn't know the attributes of the one-armed sword king Activate no.

"Won't you notify Marshal Sengoku?"

Gion looked at Leonardo and said.

Although the Red Hair Pirates are completely different from other traditional pirate groups, world-class pirates like them appear in the hometown of Marine heroes, and they all know that it is better than nothing. There are so many places in East Blue that you don't go to It happened to come to Garp Vice Admiral's hometown, and the woman's sixth sense told her that this red hair is more than doing something...

"Let's see, what if the family is just passing by? If we report to the first brother, a large army comes, and they play kidnapping on it, aren't we self-defeating.

Leonardo touched his chin with one hand and said.

Gion nodded and felt that it made sense. Looking at the Red Hair Pirates since they went to sea, although they haven't done anything illegal, and sometimes even helped their Marines to lighten the burden, the other party is now a world-renowned top pirate. If only passing by Garp Vice Admiral's hometown is only, if they call to shake people, it is not very good for the other party to attack on it, and this is also Garp Vice Admiral's hometown.

"Bastard, I'm going to be the Pirate King in the future...

"Hahaha, the kid actually wants to be the pirate king...

"Hahaha, Luffy, you're thirsty, have a glass of juice.""

"Oh, thanks.....

"Hahaha! The kid who drinks juice is going to be the pirate king..."



When Leonardo came to the door of a tavern, the irritable voice of a kid and the mocking voice of a group of unscrupulous men came from the tavern. Leonardo knew as soon as he heard it that the dragon-riding warrior had taken Garp's grandson, the pirate, the king Luffy. The outlook on life and thought has been established.

Go to the door and have a look...

"Ouch! Isn't this our dragon-riding warrior Shanks? Huh? Where's your girlfriend? Why is one missing? Isn't it because of overwork? The dragon-riding warriors have become one-armed swordsmen....( ^?^)?”

Good guy, it's too late, I can't see the whole process of the dragon rider becoming the one-armed swordsman...

And looking at Garp's grandson's angry and determined eyes, he knew that he couldn't pull it back.

Just kidding, this kid doesn't have a very developed brain, plus the dragon riding warrior also raised a female friend, so he didn't make this kid lame?

A little East Blue offshore king can make red hair break his arm?


Hearing this familiar and arrogant voice, the people in the tavern instantly became quiet.

It's so familiar. Whether it's the title "Dragon Riding Warrior" or such an arrogant and humorous joke, you can use your butt to figure out who it is. Except for that big mouth Admiral, who else in the entire sea has such a cheap mouth. ...

Isn't that big mouth Admiral on vacation? How did he get here?

After they came out of the New World, their captain sneaked to Sabaody every night and disappeared for a day and a night. They thought the captain had an accident and was about to go to Shanks. When the captain came back, he brought them back this Big mouth Admiral's vacation news, why did he suddenly come here....

Is it too special? (⊙_⊙)?

"Red.. Redhead has broken his arm!! (2)"

And Gion and others who were beside Leonardo also saw Shanks' empty left hand ate several kilograms in an instant, and almost vomited!

Redhead, one of the top pirates in New World, the redhead of the fourth giant has a broken arm?!

And still in East Blue....what's the situation?

"Dragon Rider!! Wow! Shanks, is this your title? Awesome!!!

Garp's grandson, who had been ridiculed by a group of unscrupulous uncles before, immediately lit up when he heard the uncle who was wearing a cape like his grandfather and said the words "Dragon Riding Warrior", and looked at Shanks with admiration. The four big characters "Dragon Riding Warrior" are full of glittering gold in his mind. In his limited brain capacity, "Dragon Riding Warrior" seems to be taller than "One Piece".

"Damn bastard, aren't you on vacation, why are you here! (♥~▼ㄨ)"

Sure enough, when he heard the words "Dragon Riding Warrior", Shanks, who was drunk, at least jumped.

"....I am on vacation, yes, but this is the hometown of our Marine hero Garp Vice Admiral, you and a pirate can be here, why can't I be here, the proprietress comes with a bottle of Shirley......

Leonardo looked at him like an idiot and said 4.7 as he walked to the bar and said to the proprietress whose head was green.

"Umm...he seems to be fine...(⊙_⊙)"

Shanks' friends nodded in agreement.

Yes, they can come here for pirates, why can't the Marines come here, this is still the hometown of that old guy from Garp......

"I said kid, there's no future for a pirate, just look at this guy, he's been hungry nine times in three days, and now he doesn't even have a girlfriend...(^?^)?"

Leonardo glanced strangely at the dragon-riding warrior and smiled at Garp's grandson.

Through the previous conversation between them, he found that the dragon-riding warrior doesn't seem to know the identity of Garp's grandson...

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