Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

551. Sengoku: Where is that straw hat?

He is not a superstitious person, but because he has read for a few years and accidentally got a postdoctoral degree, he believes in science even more.

Recently, people and nature said that people are born of human beings, monsters are born of monsters, and the next generation of people who fall in love with monsters is 100% monsters. He agrees 100% on this point.

Therefore, he never believed in the evil straw hat theorem of good friends.

But think about it carefully, the owner of the first generation of this straw hat is Roger, and the second generation is a redhead. Both of them have achieved great success in the sea. Roger became the pirate king, and the redhead became a dragon-riding warrior. And it is also one of the top four in the New World. No two people who have worn this straw hat have already made a lot of money. The fact is already in front of him. This will inevitably make him a little nervous. Blue lost a jumping arm for no reason.

There must be a story on the "057" side here...


"Moses Moses, I'm Sengoku....."

"Sengoku, help me find out where the red-haired stinky bastard is, this old man is going to tear him to pieces!!?(〃'Dish`)q"

"(⊙_⊙)? What's wrong with you, Garp? Could it be that her niece is..."

As soon as Sengoku picked up the phone bug, he was sprayed with saliva by the phone bug, and looked at the phone bug with a question mark, imitating the angry look of his good friend. Did this old guy eat gunpowder?

Or was the daughter-in-law teased by the red hair?

Thinking that the red-haired girl even dares to ride Celestial Dragons... well, it's really possible.

This Dorag is not at home. Although the dragon riding warrior has three bars on his face, he is not as handsome as he used to be, but his personality is still charming. In this regard, he also has to admit that Roger is a bastard. it is good....

"Don't talk too much, quickly help me find out where that little bastard with red hair is, I'll set off right away!

"toot toot"

"Let's go! Pursue the red hair! (`▼_▼)"

After Garp finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for his good friend to say anything, and immediately set off.

During this period of time, he had already exploded with anger, and his rage value had remained at full level, and an explosion could occur at any time.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup the red-haired stinky brat poured into his baby's grandson. During this time, he almost slapped the baby's own grandson, but the baby's own grandson is still so special that he wants to die as the pirate king. It looks like this makes his aunt angry.

If the old village chief hadn't stopped him and didn't educate him again, he would have summoned that stinky boy Dorag to let him put his son back into the furnace and rebuild it.

Now that the old village chief is covering the baby's grandson, he can't educate him any more, but the anger in his heart is really uncomfortable, and he blames the red-haired little bastard. If he doesn't hammer him out, he will No Monkey+D!


On the other side of the phone bug, Sengoku put down the phone with a blank look on his face. He didn't know what the hell his good friend was doing. It was like he had taken gunpowder. Back then, his own son, Drago, had never seen him and still went after Roger. Now Why so much anger.

But...the good base friend is so angry this time, and it is also aimed at the dragon-riding warriors, it is not easy to handle!

After all, the Dragon Riders are covered by the old man of Celestial Dragons. If Garp really makes the Dragon Riders stupid, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the Celestial Dragons sisters can use them, but if the Dragon Riders are hammered Hemiplegia, then it's not easy to handle.

All their colleagues in Marine still need money from the big boss to support them!

But if you don't help your friends, you've been in a relationship for so many years, and that's definitely not enough, but you have to find someone to ask what happened. Your son won't be so angry when he wears a hat with red hair, right?

This is definitely not easy.

Sengoku picked up the phone bug and hung up the eldest nephew to ask clearly, what the hell did the dragon rider do in Windmill Town to be sorry for his good friend...

"Actually, it's nothing, just when riding a dragon warrior in Windmill Town, I met Garp Vice Admiral's little grandson, and they chatted very well. When the redhead left, he gave his straw hat to Garp Vice Admiral's little grandson. , Later, when Garp Vice Admiral arrived, he saw his little grandson clamoring to be One Piece, I think it should be this, what happened to Garp Vice Admiral?"

On the Grand Line Admiral, Leonardo was laying on the deck with his daughter in his arms and basking in the sun. The two-year vacation was coming soon, and he was about to go back and take the heaven-defying son of Duncan Vice Admiral to gain experience Now, after not planning to have a second child, he cherished every time he spent with his precious children, and finally received a call from Sengoku asking what wicked things the dragon-riding warrior did in Windmill Town to make the old Garp boy so irritable...

"Hey... okay, you don't need to worry about this, bring me more Tos Berry after your vacation is over..."

After listening to Sengoku, he hung up the phone with a toothache. The whole person was not feeling well. No wonder the good friend was so irritable and went straight to Dorag to leave the Marine. He didn't know when to go, and the good friend suppressed all his hopes. It's on the grandson, and now the baby grandson was fooled by the red hair. The key is that he wondered where the red-haired straw hat went before the special mother's, and the feelings were given to the baby grandson of a good friend... .

"...Mitch, notify the Marine bases, pay close attention to the news of Red Hair Pirates, and report them in time..."

After thinking for a while, Sengoku instructed Mickey next door.

Although doing this may make the old man of Celestial Dragons on the Dragon Riding Warriors unhappy, but the good friend is getting older, he is really worried that if the good friend is so irritable, he will get angry and let the good friend vent. It's okay to vent, it's Roger's successor after all, and it's not so easy to be hammered out by good friends. 4.7...

And Red Hair Pirates is not just a dragon riding warrior, that group of superb 3D, the world's most flexible fat man Laki. Road; East Blue, a gun, Yasopp, etc. The little giant Beckman, who has a lot of weak riders and dragon warriors, is about as difficult as chasing Roger when a good friend wants to chase them.

It's really frustrating to say that their Marine has a high salary and good benefits, and their salary is raised almost every year. Five insurances and one housing fund with a car and a house are so bad for a girl, but look at their current main members of Marine, from From top to bottom, he cultivated it himself. When the world was conscripted, all the conscripts were small Galami, and there was not a single decent talent.

And these top folk 3Ds that made him drool are all running to dry pirates, it's really uncomfortable for the mother......

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