Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

571. Has Kaido Been Cut Before?

"What happened? Why do I feel that Kaido is stronger than before? (O_O)?"

"It's not just a feeling, it's just that he made holes in the ground. I wonder if you will die if you fall from there..."

"No wonder Curry Admiral calls him an animal, he is so strong..."

Teacher Kaido's wave of explosions made the Marine uncles in the distance go numb. Just now, they had already exploded into the sky with their mouths. Now Kaido is even more terrifying. The aura emanating from his body makes their scalps numb. This is so fucking scary. Do all the top pirates hold it in their mouths like this?

"Do you think Kaido might have been cut by Rayleigh before, which is why he exploded so horribly?

Stowe Berry looked at Mr. Kaido who was doing crazy output like a demon, as if he had found his true wish, he touched his chin and said. "Eight Eight Seven"

Although his hands-on ability is a bit weak, it was still taught by Mr. Zephyr, and his knowledge and theory are unmatched by anyone in his class. In the history of Marine Academy, the only person with better grades than him is Kizaru Admiral. , Akainu Admiral and Gion Vice Admiral are just the same as him, and he also has some knowledge in psychology.

After all, if most people encounter Rayleigh's style of fighting, they will be so scared that they can't even pick up a knife. However, Teacher Kaido is not only not scared to the point of peeing, but also becomes more violent than before. Generally, there are only two possibilities for such a situation to occur. The first is Kaido, a big monster, is not afraid of being cut at all. Maybe he can grow back after being cut like Admiral Curry.

But this is completely impossible. Although Mr. Kaido's recovery ability is amazing, it is just recovery ability, and it is not as good as breaking a broken limb to regenerate it. The X on his chest is proof of that.

But Curry Admiral's recovery ability is given by super powerful vitality. Curry Admiral's Sensen Fruit ability gives him super strong vitality, which also causes him to be split in half and still be able to resurrect with full health. Teacher Kaido imagined Beast-type fruits can't do this yet, otherwise you let him give Rayleigh the first try...

So the reason why Mr. Kaido can still be so violent when facing Rayleigh in this game is hatred. The so-called hatred can make people crazy. Mr. Kaido hates Rayleigh to the ultimate extent, even when facing Rayleigh so vicious and cruel, If Xiazuo's playing style is still ignored, there is only one possibility. It is that Rayleigh's playing style reminds him of some painful experiences in the past. Such painful experiences will make Mr. Kaido explode to this intensity.

"Well, well, what you said is completely possible. (O_O)"

Uncle Marine around him completely agreed with Thomas Berry's statement. After all, if it were them, they would not have any grievances against Rayleigh, even if they had a grudge against Rayleigh for killing his father or taking away his wife, they would face Rayleigh's style of play. They don't have the courage to hold a knife anymore. This is not a problem of poor mental quality. They are still young. They have not yet finished saving so many poor girls who have stumbled on the 5th. They really don't want to convert to me so early.

Only when you have experienced this kind of tragedy can you still remember it so vividly that you can burst out with such terrifying fighting power.


"Boom boom boom...!"

e=('0`*))) Sigh...this animal is difficult to handle. "

In the transition between offense and defense, Rayleigh, who was originally on the offensive side, also changed from active offense to passive defense under the explosion of Teacher Kaido. , but every time he felt the power under Mr. Kaido's big black stick getting stronger every time, he was also very strenuous. After all, he was still older. Although the little tail was still at its peak, his strength and physical strength were not as good as when he was young. D, unlike the old boy Whitebeard or Garp, who has natural power and a name named Monkey. D, he is still able to compete with Mr. Kaido for five to five years because he did not suffer any major injuries when he was young. In addition, he retreated from the rapids during his peak period and his body is well maintained. Not a bad reason.

So when he felt that Teacher Kaido's attacks were getting stronger each time, Rayleigh's head hurt, and seeing Teacher Kaido's hatred for his wife, Rayleigh not only pondered, could it be that...this stupid guy discovered something? ?

But he himself had no memory at all. He really wanted to seduce the fat lady Charlotte back then, but didn't the Battle of the Valley of the Gods happen before he even took action?

Later, when he saw the fat lady Charlotte, she turned into a big sow, and he didn't take action anymore. He was a man of courage and courage. The fact that this stupid guy broke up with the fat lady Charlotte had nothing to do with him at all... ………………


I recall the last time I saw this stupid big guy. At that time, Roger and Jabba were the main attackers, and he was roaming and playing support. He would just go in and give this stupid big guy a kick from time to time. Although the place where he kicked was relatively private, but with this The stupid big guy's defense and recovery power shouldn't cause any hidden diseases, but so many years have passed. If he hadn't recalled it himself, he would have forgotten it. This stupid big guy's brain is full of muscles, how could he still remember it? Even if he could remember this incident, he wouldn't know it was him after being beaten by so many people!

But looking at this stupid guy, he seems to really know that he is the murderer. Could it be that those kicks really kicked him out of his hidden illness? (O_O)?

"The old guy dares to fight against labor and management and still have the courage to split up [let labor and management die]"

Rayleigh was just meditating on the meeting for a moment, but in the eyes of Teacher Kaido, this old bastard looked down on him. His stubbornness made Teacher Kaido furious. He had never been so angry as he was today in his life, even when he knew about Charlotte back then. The fat woman put a hat on him, and his "silly son" idolized Wanokuni, the rich Second Generation, and would rather go out to start a business than inherit his family business. He has never been so angry. 3.0

The angrier Mr. Kaido gets, the more his fighting power increases. Uncle Marine's scalp feels numb when he looks at him in the distance.

"You brat, why don't you come over and help! (~x)

Seeing that Mr. Kaido's momentum was so high, Rayleigh also held it in. He didn't expect this stupid guy to hold a grudge so much. He just kicked him a few times.

Not far away, Leon was so angry that he was holding a girl with one hand and eating melon seeds with the other and watching a show.

I really want to give myself a slap in the face. I promised this little bastard to come to Sky Island with him and have sex with him. It would be great to eat soft food comfortably in Sabaody.

He has made up his mind that when he goes back this time, he will not come out even if he is beaten to death, and he will just stay in Sabaody and eat soft food!

Hmm... At most, I would go to the Daughter Country and The Fish Men Island......

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