Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

573. At First Glance, The Curry Award Is Not For Endurance.

tenth day,


"Speaking of which, these two are really monsters. They have been fighting for ten days and haven't stopped yet. Are they not tired...?"

The Marine uncles took a breath and looked at the battle ahead, one large and one small. They were all listless. Although the battle ahead was large, fierce, and passionate, they couldn't muster any energy now.

Ten days!

Admiral and Kaido, the two monsters in Curry, just stabbed each other in the waist and I swung the stick once, and they went back and forth for ten days. They were quite passionate at first. I don’t think they would have used such a brutal style of play to find someone else. The ashes have been scattered, but watching this scene for about ten minutes is okay. Watching it for a long time will inevitably cause visual fatigue, let alone a full ten days.

Apart from calling them monsters, I really don't know what to say.

"Ha... It should be soon. Look at the monsters Admiral and Kaido in Curry. They are already out of breath. It will be soon..."

“But to be honest, Curry Admiral is really good, he was able to fight against a muscular man like Kaido for ten days.

An uncle Marine wearing a Rear Admiral cloak also breathed out and pointed to the distant fighting battlefield and said with a little surprise.

He is a veteran of the Sabaody local branch. He has been with Admiral Curry for only seven or eight years. Basically, every time Admiral Curry went out to New World, he was a member of it. Because of this, he was not confused. I also got the Marine Rear Admiral from a big-headed soldier.

Here he is very glad that he did not listen to his parents and enter the electronics factory with his talent.

However, he has been with Admiral Curry for so many years, and he has been present in almost every battle with Admiral Curry. In his impression, Admiral Curry is not an endurance type at first glance, otherwise he would not have been Gion Vice Admiral after all these years. He was so eaten that he had no strength to resist at all.

Look at Kaido, this big beast. Over the years, whether it was a fight with fat lady Charlotte or a one-on-one fight with Whitebeard, there was no fight that didn't last ten days and a half. Coupled with that majestic muscle group, it gave people a The first impression is that it can fight and last a long time.

On the other hand, their past record of Curry Admiral has never played for two days at a time, and Curry Admiral is not a muscular man. Although he is strong, in his opinion, Curry Admiral should be the kind of short... cough, explosive type. , the endurance aspect should not be very outstanding.

But now Curry, Admiral, has been fighting with this big beast like Kaido for ten days, and his endurance seems to be evenly matched with that of a muscular man like Kaido.


Some Uncle Marine around him who had also been with Curry Admiral for several years also nodded and praised his friend's statement.

Because Admiral Curry is just like an ordinary person, he is 1.78 meters tall, looks thin when dressed, and has eight-pack abs when undressed. There is a huge gap between him and Kaido, a man who is nine meters tall and has a muscular body as strong as iron. , Although Admiral Curry is very strong and can stand up to the one-on-one king Kaido, they also know that, but to say that Admiral Curry can fight a protracted battle with Mr. Kaido, to be honest, they really couldn't believe it before.

Curry Admiral and Gion Vice Admiral have never faced each other in a duel without Curry and Admiral taking the lead and raising the white flag...

"This stinky guy has been perfunctory all these years..."

Gion in front touched her chin with one hand and looked at the battle ahead, but she only had her man in her sight. If you want to ask who knows Leonardo best, it is her. She is sixteen or seventeen years old. She was flirted with by this stinky guy right after graduation. To put it bluntly, she knew exactly how many hairs this stinky guy had on his body.

But every time they have contacted each other for post-ups over the years, this stinky guy has surrendered first, so she knows better than anyone else how strong this stinky guy is. This guy has been playing with Kaido for ten days now, but he is practicing with her on the back. She was definitely not so tired when she was playing singles, and she surrendered within two days. She used to think that this guy's physical strength was just like this, but now it seems that this stinky guy has been playing fake matches with him all these years...

This time Gion's little temper also showed up.

Damn it, I was tired after two days of fighting with me, but now I can fight with Kaido for ten days. Next time I will let you know the consequences of match-fixing! (^∇X)

"Huhu......that stinking little brat, will you die for your labor!? (*`Dan'*)??"

On the battlefield, Mr. Kaido's feet were obviously weak, he was breathing heavily and was not very fluent when he spoke, and he could not use his skills when swinging the bat, so he was a flat A.

Teacher Kaido is a tall man with an altitude of eight or nine meters. Although his muscles are as strong as iron, the physical exertion of exercising with a body like his is much higher than that of ordinary people. In addition, his waist is constantly being poked to recover. Poking and recovering again also consumes a lot of energy. Now he looks at the figure rushing in front of him and has a double image, and he no longer has the energy to support the half-orc state.

The reason why he hasn't fallen down is entirely because of his strong perseverance. As long as he still has breath, he can't get there before the bastard opposite him. This is the last stubbornness of his duel king Kaido!


"Hu․․Ma․․De...Huh, labor and capital can't kill you..."


Leonardo held the big black stick on his head and struck Teacher Kaido on the waist with his sword again, and said intermittently.

To be honest, he was really exhausted. If Kaido wasn't here at this time, he was guaranteed to fall asleep in the next second.

He has never fought in such a ten-day protracted battle since his debut. Even with the help of a systematic father, he is really exhausted. This is much more tiring than practicing post-up singles with Gion. The key is It's because Teacher Kaido's skin is too thick. He has to use all his strength every time to break through the defense. After ten consecutive days, he really can't bear it anymore. After all, his recovery ability also requires physical strength. Although the recovery speed is still very fast, the rapid loss of physical strength is a fact.

However, seeing that Mr. Kaido's feet were as weak as his, and his recovery speed was greatly reduced, he gritted his teeth and resisted falling down. At this time, it was up to him to hold first. If he came down, Mr. Kaido would also come down the next second. If you really lie down, you will suffer a huge loss.

Persistence! Victory!!!

"Huhu...Made, you bastard!?(〃')q"

The waist was stabbed again, and Teacher Kaido was so painful that he almost burst into tears. Now his recovery ability has been greatly reduced. It takes a long time to recover after being stabbed, so the pain is really painful.

The key is that this bastard's basic swordsmanship skills are quite sharp, and he can stick to one point all the time.

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