Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

582. Dolag: If You Buy This Thing, Why Not Become The Top Brother On The List?

"(C_C)....I really didn't see it. You are so treacherous. But...that's not okay. I'm not that guy from Akainu. This routine doesn't fit with my character setting. The so-called thief It is also said that some things cannot be taken too far, not to mention that we are still Marine, and catching pirates must be fair and aboveboard. Let's forget about such despicable things.

Leonardo looked at this guy waving his hands repeatedly, and said in his heart, good guy, aren't you afraid of being beaten by the tyrant Xiong Hai? You can think of such a sinister plan.

Sure enough, few of these brain-eaters are good things...

"But if we don't do this, it will be difficult for us to catch him. This guy's abilities are too troublesome, and his whereabouts are erratic. Judging from the several times this guy has taken action before, his movements have no trace at all... ….”

Kent spread his hands helplessly and said, Bartholemew Kuma's previous actions were all about shooting here and there, completely running around the map, and he was very fast. Maybe by the time they went to New World, that guy would be gone. We have reached the first half of the game, and we are still fighting alone with 18 people. If we want to find this Bartholemew Kuma, we are basically looking for a needle in a haystack.

"So I said we don't need to target this guy. Think about it, how much is this guy worth? It's just over 100 million. There are a lot of pirates in New World worth more than this guy. Why bother to fight for a big guy?" What if the tree abandons the entire forest? Marshal Sengoku is just really angry right now. Let's go to New World and take a walk and get more. Once Marshal Sengoku's anger dissipates, it will be OK to realize the trouble of this tyrant bear."

Leonardo said indifferently.

He also roughly understood what the hell Sengoku ordered from New World. When the time came, he would just go to which doll company to order one for Sengoku. However, he was not sure what style Sengoku liked, whether it was a European or American route, or It's more troublesome to go for the loli kawaii style. He seemed to remember that the ones exposed from Sengoku's office last time were European and American...

New World.

On an uninhabited island, there are dense jungles, and big monsters are rampant in the depths of the jungle. In the words of Teacher Kaido, you don't even want dogs in this kind of place.

However, it is this uninhabited and jungle-covered island. It is true that Garp's son spent several years to find a Feng Shui treasure land carefully selected by dozens of Feng Shui masters. Garp's son's organization headquarters was set up by him. it's here.

In a seemingly simple base deep in the island, Garp's son looked at the doll in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Because he has a group of capable people around him and the help of many people, and everyone has the money and strength to contribute, his organization has developed fairly smoothly in the early years of his business. However, there is no economics in Marine, so he doesn't quite understand how to do it. Leading everyone to get rich, but with the operation of Xiong Yiqian and others, the initial capital for starting a business is enough for now, but because their goal is not... Bah! Overthrow the evil rule of the Celestial Dragons, and bring peace to the world. There are so many things needed, funds, food, weapons and equipment are three essential things, so even if the funds are sufficient now, he can still save money, because he knows that there are too many places where they will need to spend money in the future. .

As the saying goes, people are like rice and steel. It doesn't matter whether they have money or not. At least they should make sure that they can eat enough and the nutrition should be reasonably matched, right?

But this is the New World, and the sea is full of jungle pirates. If you buy supplies normally, it will be completely different, and you may even be exposed to risks. The most important thing is that you can save money in this aspect, and use steel. On the blade, use the money to buy weapons and equipment [Devil Fruit, isn't he? No matter how good you buy supplies and eat, the best thing is to become Yixiang?

But there are a bunch of little brothers waiting for him with mouths behind him. He can't let the little brothers chew the bark, right?

After thinking about it, we still follow the old routine of robbing the rich and giving to the poor when it comes to supplies. He was also a top student at Marine Academy and is very familiar with the smooth operation of Marine. Sengoku, the current first brother of Marine, even raised him as his own son, so this Regarding supply issues, he still plans to start with Marine. Over the years, Marine's supply cargo ships have been attacked a lot, because they are just vegetables, fruits, and food, so even if they are attacked, Marine will not be too concerned about it. After all, there are funds. If not, you can still apply with World Government.

So he set his target on Marine's supply ship in New World. New World is where Marine's strength is weakest. Marine would not be too concerned about the supply ship in the first half, let alone New World. After making a decision After that, he immediately contacted Xiong and asked him to bring back Marine's supply cargo ship.

Xiong's work efficiency is extremely high. In just a few days, he brought back three Marine supply cargo ships, and even brought a lot of extra treasures. The supply problem was solved and he received an extra amount of funds. Originally, He should be very happy, but when the younger brother found the doll in front of him while unloading the goods, he felt that the matter was far from over.

Dolls are the favorites of those nobles and Celestial Dragons. The success of the New World doll company depends entirely on the support of these nobles. It is not surprising that this kind of thing appears on the Marine cargo ship, but there is only one 030 of this thing. , and it is packed in a beautifully packaged wooden box, and looking at the unit price posted on the wooden box, this thing is not cheap. The average noble gentleman really does not have the strength to buy it, and it is still transported by Marine cargo ships, so This thing should have something to do with Marine. It is impossible for Celestial Dragons. Celestial Dragons wants to save face. It is absolutely impossible for Celestial Dragons to let their things be put together with those fruits and vegetables. In their words, it will be reduced in price. After a series of elimination methods, After that, he felt that this thing should belong to a certain Marine, and the price of this thing was so expensive.

He doesn't know exactly what Marine's salary cap is now, but based on his salary back then when he was Marine Rear Admiral, if he wants to buy such a boring "handicraft" that doesn't eat or drink, but also gets bonuses every quarter, You need to work for at least ten years. Although Marine's salary cap has increased a lot now, it will not increase too much. Even an ordinary Marine Vice Admiral cannot afford this thing, so he can afford it. Only the elite Vice Admiral and above.

But...according to his understanding of the people in the current elite Vice Admiral, no one has any hobbies in this area. Those guys are quite decent. If you buy this thing, you might as well go to No. 69 Xingfu Road to work as a couple. The eldest brother on the second list. .

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