Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

601. Teacher Kaido Knows His Shame And Then Becomes Brave

"Gu la la la la la, don't worry, labor and management are still here, that guy Sengoku comes and goes the same way, and there are people who are more anxious than us.

Whitebeard held the wine jar in his hand and took a sip. After seeing his eldest son frowning, he laughed boldly and comforted him.

He has been fighting with Sengoku for decades, and he knows all about Sengoku's tricks. This time Marine has caused such a big battle, it is nothing more than Marine starting to enter the New World again, but he knows that he is too lazy to pay attention, as long as Marine If you don't come to hinder his life with his sons, he will cause chaos outside.

He was very pleased that his eldest son could perform like this, and at the same time, he felt a bit disappointed. He had raised his eldest son single-handedly, and he was his most satisfactory heir in terms of character and personality. However, because he stayed with him for too long, , too comfortable, and lost the energy to reach the top of "103". It's okay to be the second boss and support, but it's too reluctant to let him be the leader. Now he can still cover it, even though he is half a giant. Although he is not a giant, after all, he is not a giant. The upper age limit is there. He is now sixty-one or twelve years old, and the side effects of Shock Fruit are too great. After all, there will be a day when he can't hit it anymore. Waiting for the time when he can't hit it anymore. I don’t know if the eldest son can protect these kids...

"Boss, Marine is launching another big operation, and this time it will most likely target us."

New World Onigashima, Huo Jin said in a solemn tone to Mr. Kaido who was lifting the iron again.

That’s right!

Ever since he had been with that Marine bastard brat on Sky Island until he actually fell down first and was thrown down, this was simply the biggest stain on Kaido’s glorious career. It was even worse than when he was beaten by Roger and a bunch of old gangsters. Even though he was beaten, he was dirty. I thought that Kaido, the majestic king of singles, with a muscular and muscular body, actually lost to a naked bastard kid in a protracted battle. I always think of the scene in Sky Island where he fell first. , Kaido-sensei is more disgusting than Devil Fruit, which looks like shit.

However, Teacher Kaido did not give up on himself because of this. Instead, he realized his shame and became brave. After waking up, he came back to Onigashima and started a new round of crazy masturbation without saying a word. He even sat down with his favorite little brother, the big hairy elephant, causing trouble outside. He was fucked again and came to him to complain. He just let Huo Jin go and avenge his third brother. He silently soaked in the magma and said, "One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four..." He was beating the iron like crazy, not My body is in great shape and my endurance has reached a whole new level. I vow not to leave the mountain. The first thing I do when I come out is to find that bastard brat to wash away his shame...

Different from Whitebeard's side, the atmosphere here at Beasts Pirates is indeed a bit solemn. Teacher Kaido is soaking in the lava and playing hard, but his younger brother doesn't have such a good attitude. For no other reason than they think Marine The uncle may have created this unipolarity against them, because during this period of time in the New World, they, the Beasts Pirates, were the most active. The woolly elephants went out to fight everywhere during this period, expanding their territory crazily. Now in the New World, They Beasts Pirates are like fireflies in the dark night, so bright and outstanding, they can't get it right if they don't have a high Marine level.

"Huh... Huh! They're just a bunch of useless snacks. They're coming, can they still kill the laborers?"

Teacher Kaido, who was masturbating while playing iron, heard the word "Marine" and the voice of that cheap bastard brat popped into his mind. His eyes were filled with anger, and his teeth were almost chewed out. He said angrily, "For my little brother, Worries don't matter at all. Now Mr. Kaido only wants to pick up iron and go find that bastard kid to avenge his shame. He doesn't care about Marine or anything. Anyway, Marine can't kill him, so what else can he do?

As long as he is still alive, it doesn't matter if his younger brother is killed by the gang. In the New World, there are more younger brothers than anything else. Wherever he is, there are Beasts Pirates.

It can be said that Kaido-sensei has gone crazy now and is too lazy to maintain the character of a good boss who values ​​love and justice for many years. He just wants to kill that bastard brat, and nothing else matters!

"Boss, I received news that Marine has sent Akainu and Green Fox as forwards, and now the two are preparing to enter the New World.

At this moment, the little fat man from Epidemic came jumping up and down with his short legs that were splayed out. When he said the green fox, he couldn't help but hear the poke of the soul from back then, and he couldn't help but shrink his neck. , not because he was afraid, but the soul stabbing of that bastard Marine Admiral back then was too cruel. Thinking about it now, he still felt chills in his heart. He secretly swore that next time he fights Marine, he will definitely stay the same as that bastard Marine. The same distance as kilometers………………

Tai Te's despicable and shameless behavior has followed suit!


"Nani?! The copycat guy will go with the employer! (^▼X)"

Teacher Kaido, who was still focused on hammering iron crazily, heard the words of the little fat man in the epidemic, and immediately jumped up from the lava. His eyes were full of bloody anger, and he stretched out his right hand and said "stick, come", the exclusive super-large black stick With his hand in hand, he waved his hand and made his younger brother walk out of the cave with devilish steps. His raging anger had made him forget all about his previous oath. Now he only wanted to kill that bastard brat. Hammer the shit out of you!

"Mom, I guess Marine is from Beasts Pirates."

BIGMOM Pirates, Cake Island, even Huo Jin, who is not very educated, suspects that Marine wants to touch the Beasts Pirates. Charlotte, the fat lady, is either a top student or a postdoctoral fellow, but they are so unexpected. All this is because The Beasts Pirates have been too arrogant during this time, their territory has expanded too quickly, and they have too many underlings.

With such a method of selling stolen goods, it is difficult not to think that Uncle Marine is here for the Beasts Pirates this time. However, the more mature sons and daughters all know that Mr. Kaido is their ex-father. Although he is not their biological father, 3.0 is The seniority is there, and my mother and Teacher Kaido are still in love. Although the Beasts Pirates have always been their competitors, Teacher Kaido would ask their mother to play friendly games from time to time.

So after guessing Uncle Marine's goal this time, the eldest son, second son, master son and others looked at my mother who was having cream desserts early in the morning.

It means our father Qian is going to be fucked by Uncle Marine. With Uncle Marine’s strength, Dad Qian’s Beasts Pirates can’t beat him. Do we want to help?

...Hmph! Why are you so anxious? Let’s take a look at Marine’s movements. That bastard Kaido won’t be killed so easily!”

Fat woman Charlotte grabbed a piece of cream dessert and rarely put it into her mouth. She paused for a long time before continuing to stuff the cream dessert into her mouth and said. .

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