Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

606. Teion: This Guy Is The Culprit

".......=('o`*))) Alas, when will retribution come? This incident tells us that in the future we will either not do anything or do it to the extreme. Look, retribution has come now. Bar?"

Leonardo looked at the information in his hand and said to everyone around him.

Akainu was beaten into a group again. Marine quickly investigated the origins of the pirates. After all, Akainu was much more low-key this time than he had been along the way. The information he found was quite detailed, but when he saw that it was actually from that year When the remnants of the "Anti-Marine Guild" are causing trouble, they can't help but lament that Akainu is really unlucky.

To be honest, there is no fight on the sea. If everyone wants to avenge their brothers, the world will be in chaos, not to mention that Marine and pirates are in hostile camps. Marine will fight against pirates, and pirates will kill." "One hundred seventy-seven" Marine, this is really normal. Revenge for brothers rarely happens. I can only say that Akainu didn't look at the almanac when he went out recently, and he happened to meet this "turkey man" with a bad personality. Those who don’t know how to turn around.

..... Just make sarcastic remarks here. "

Gion rolled his eyes at him angrily.

If she remembered correctly, this guy seemed to be one of the culprits. If this guy hadn't gone to the New World to make money, he wouldn't have killed Alvin and the others. If this guy hadn't killed Alvin, If Tutu didn't fight with Fat Charlotte and Kaido, they wouldn't be able to escape. There would be no so-called "anti-Marine Guild". Without the "anti-Marine Guild", there would be no such thing as Kizaru and Akainu coming to destroy them. .

After all, this guy is also one of the culprits.

However, this "turkey man" seems to have a low IQ. He didn't think about this. He just thought that his dog brothers were killed by Akainu and went to seek revenge on Akainu. He never thought about the fact that this guy's sins are worse than Akainu's. Even bigger...

"Ahem...what do you call sarcastic remarks? I'm warning myself not to do things too harshly. You see, I always keep a tightrope in everything I do. I've offended enough people in New World, and I don't Seeing others come to block me and seek revenge from me? In short, this guy Akainu is too ruthless and doesn’t know how human beings are in the world. There are so many pirates in the world, how can they kill them all? Are you right?"

Leonardo touched his nose awkwardly and explained.

"Hmm... Curry Admiral is right."

JR. Notan and the other bastards nodded in agreement with this statement. This is the difference between them and the Iron-blooded faction. Although they also fight pirates, they are not as extreme as the Iron-blooded faction and kill every one they see. There are so many pirates in the world. , where can you kill them all? If you kill a big pirate, someone will still rise to the top. When the time comes, the big pirate who rises to the top will be more ferocious and commit greater crimes than the previous ones, so aren't they committing crimes?

Even if this is not the case, look at Akainu Admiral and the others now. They have just come to New World, and they are blocked by people who want to avenge their brothers. The pirates want to be eliminated, but that depends on the situation. There is no need to take things too seriously. Absolutely, veterans like Kent and Bob, who are about to retire, have the most experience in this regard.

Now you are great and noble. When you were at your peak, those pirates might not be able to touch you, but when you are old, if you encounter one or two vengeful people like "Turkey Man", your retirement life will be very difficult. It’s a hard life. It’s hard to think about the days when I’m always being remembered.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, what should we do now? What if things get bigger over there? Kaido is coming towards us.

Gion said angrily, giving him a Tenseigan.

The quality of Rafi Gill's gang is not very high, mainly because there are too many people and Akainu is blocked. She is not worried. What she is worried about is that the plot seems to be the same as the last New World war between soldiers and thieves. , if Kizaru gets to have a round with Akainu, the pirates will definitely not be able to escape. She is worried that Akainu will go crazy again and make people angry. Teacher Kaido will take the opportunity to stand up and wave the flag with a cloud-piercing arrow to kill the pirates in New World. All unite, and then the Marine and Pirates’ decisive battle will really start. Although their Marine side has already made preparations for the decisive battle, they can only fight as little as possible and restore the Marine power of New World with minimal losses. It's the right path.

However, Mr. Kaido has already set off towards them. The pirates in the New World also know that Akainu is blocked. Many people's attention has also shifted from them to that side. When the time comes, the pirates in the New World will discover their Marine. In terms of intention, others may not have this appeal, but as one of the super pirates of New World, Mr. Kaido’s appeal is definitely impressive...

"What else can we do? If things develop to that point, this fight will definitely happen. Although the pirates in New World have not read any books, they are not fools.

After knowing our Marine's plan, it is estimated that Kaido will not need to stand up and wave the flag, and others will come to join the war on their own. Don't look at the pirates in New World who seem to be in disarray. Once it is discovered that our Marine plans to re-station in New World, then They are definitely more united than us at Marine. The New World has always been their territory since ancient times. "

Leonardo spread his hands and said indifferently.

Sengoku's original plan was for them to fight Kaido-sensei to attract attention, so that Akainu and Kizaru could do their work. After Akainu and Kizaru took back their two original branches of Marine, the pirates would have to kill Marine in the new century. It's not easy anymore. Even if there is a decisive battle between soldiers and thieves, Marine can hold it. But now he found that compared to the PK between him and Mr. Kaido, people's enthusiasm was not very high. It was probably because of the fight between him and Mr. Kaido. Too many times, aesthetic fatigue has appeared, but Akainu's reaction of showing off his 2.9 presence from time to time makes people more interested.

Now that Kizaru has not arrived, Akainu has already attracted much attention, which means that both of their power forwards have been noticed. If their intention to take back the two Marine bases in New World is known to the pirates in New World, The other pirates in New World must not be able to bear it. How can they not tolerate others snoring and sleeping on the bed next to them? They still know that you, Marine, go to squat in front of someone's house, but no one can bear it, let alone those pirates.

Without taking back the two bases, the situation would not be very good for Marine if there was a decisive battle between soldiers and thieves.

However, he is just a high-level thug, and Sengoku is the one who talks the talk. Moreover, Sengoku has already made up his mind to come to New World to cause trouble. He sent Akainu to New World to play forward. I think he must have been mentally prepared, right?

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