Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

640. Crane Vice Admiral Supports The Celestial Dragons Star

But the key point is that all this is based on the complete lineup of their Marine before. Now the Marine hospital can't accommodate them, and a lot of people have entered the cemetery. He really doesn't want to see Marine sacrificed again, and Whether it's Whitebeard, Kaido or even fat lady Charlotte, it's not that easy to deal with. No matter who among these three people gets angry, it's not their little Marine brother who gets hurt?

Therefore, the eldest nephew's method simply won't work now. It may work in the future, but not now.

If he had known that these four were unreliable, Sengoku then looked at his friends...

"This plan is very feasible, but the number cannot be too much, and it cannot be too little. If there are too many, it is difficult for us to control it. If it is too few, it will only be the first half of the pirates after all. If the deterrent effect is not enough, it will be difficult to weaken the New World Four Emperors." In the first half of Grand Line, there were actually not many people like him. Mihawk was a good candidate. Although he was a lone swordsman, his reputation and strength were enough to deter those pirates. However, Mihawk was a sword fanatic and wanted him to Agreeing to join was not easy."

After receiving the look from his friend and looking at the other four people, Crane Vice Admiral also knew that she was going to speak. Although she was mentally resistant to this plan, considering their Marine side, they had to say that this plan was indeed good for them.

The authority of Vice Admiral He was enough for Marine. After she finished speaking, Leonardo and the four of them nodded, especially the candidate proposed by Vice Admiral He, the handsome guy with eagle eyes, they couldn't fault him at all. After coming out, even Akainu didn't want to treat Hawkeye like other pirates. After all, Hawkeye is a sword-crazy person. In this kind of person's mentality, the only thing he has is the big sword, and he dares to break into the "Battle between Good and Evil" I went just to fence with Leonardo. This kind of person doesn't have much distinction between good and evil in his psychology. The most important thing is that the eagle-eyed handsome guy has never done anything crazy, and he is not an officially certified professional pirate. Needless to say about strength and reputation, being able to compete with red hair and the world's greatest swordsman is proof that both strength and reputation, as well as good and evil values, meet the standards in their minds.

The only difficult thing was how to get this dedicated swordsman to agree to join their plan. That was the key point.

Then everyone, including Sengoku and Crane Vice Admiral, all looked at Leonardo. There were not many people in the world who could say a few words to the eagle-eyed handsome boy. Apart from the red-haired dragon-riding warrior, they were the only ones. This person in front of me can fool the handsome guy with eagle eyes into helping him find the Supreme Knife. It shouldn’t be difficult to trick the handsome guy with eagle eyes into joining this plan.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you looking at me for? I really wish that this guy wouldn't come to me, and I should take the initiative to find him? Brother Kizaru, isn't he also a master of swordsmanship? How about you go, brother Kizaru?"

When Leonardo saw everyone's eyes, he waved his hands repeatedly and joked, saying that the person he least wanted to see was the stinky woman from Gion, who could only be ranked second, and this handsome guy with eagle eyes was the first, right?

Then he passed the blame to Kizaru.

"Well, my swordsmanship is just basic skills. I can chop down small soldiers, but it's far behind compared to a great swordsman like Hawkeye. Xiao Curry, you are also a great swordsman after all. I'll leave it to you the most. It’s appropriate. Kuzan is also fine. When I fought with Auntie last time, Kuzan’s swordsmanship was as good as Auntie’s.”

Kizaru also waved his hand and threw the pot to Kuzan.

Just kidding, the redhead avoided Hawkeye like a mouse seeing a cat. Not to mention how annoying Hawkeye was, he knew his swordsmanship well, and he could chop down the minions compared to a great swordsman like Hawkeye. , I really can’t watch it. If I go there and don’t agree or say goodbye, I might be embarrassed.

"(⊙_⊙)! Wow! Kuzan, can't you tell? Your swordsmanship is about as good as that fat woman's. When did you practice it secretly? I think you can do it!"

Leonardo looked at Kuzan with wide eyes as he shouted loudly, with a slightly exaggerated expression.

......How can you tell that I know how to use a sword? I'm just like Kizaru, it's all in vain if I go there, -_-||

Kuzan glared at Leonardo angrily and then spread his hands and said.

"...Okay, little Curry will give you the task of lobbying the handsome guy with eagle eyes. Are there any other candidates?"

Sengoku was too lazy to keep talking to them, and finally looked at his eldest nephew to make a decision. Among them, the eldest nephew was the only one who could fool the eagle eye with a sword. If he didn't, who would go?

Leonardo pursed his lips and stopped talking. Who is the boss?

"The sand crocodile Sand Crocodile who challenged Whitebeard before and had one of his hands cut off by Whitebeard, and Moonlight who recently failed to challenge Kaido. Moria can actually do it too. Although they all failed, at least they can come back from the New World alive. Although it is inferior to the store in terms of strength, Crocodile is natural after all, and Moonlight Moria can even survive from Kaido, so it should be no problem to scare these pirates in the first half."

"The key is that these two people are easy to control and can be replaced at any time if they fail."

Now that the boss has spoken, Kizaru is too embarrassed to keep talking and at least express some opinions, so Kizaru changes his mind and turns to the two teachers who recently ran to challenge Whitebeard and Kaido, two of the more famous people in the first half of the Grand Line. Needless to say, Sand Crocodile's Logia Sand-Sand Fruit. Although he was almost beaten by Kuzan when he was chased by Zhan Yi Shiba, he is still Logia after all. I don't know that his weakness is with Haki's rare first half. This Sand Crocodile is actually It's still OK.

That moonlight. Moria is purely because he is the only new pirate who has not only survived to challenge Kaido in recent years, but he is also the first person to challenge Kaido after Kaido became the New World Four Emperors. So even though he failed, his reputation is still relatively high. A person who can challenge the New World Four Emperors and come back alive mainly scares most pirates.

"Actually... I also have a candidate, Doflamingo, but given his status, the Five Elders may not agree. However, this guy has cooperated with Curry for a period of time before, and he has more experience than anyone else. Experience, and this guy is very smart, his methods are very measured, and his reputation in the first half is better than anyone else except Hawkeye."

Crane Vice Admiral continued, and she spoke highly of this "Celestial Dragons star", which made Kizaru and others look at her with some suspicion.

You must know that Vice Admiral Crane is their Marine's chief adviser. He has multiple doctorates and a postdoctoral degree. He has a very high vision. You will know that Sengoku has been chasing him for so many years but he can't catch him.

They didn't expect to value this "Celestial Dragons Star" so much, which really surprised them. .

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