Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

643. New World Changes

Now that handsome guy in Hawkeye should be on his way to help him find the Supreme Knife, but how could it be so easy to find the Supreme Knife? Without that fate, it would be more difficult than finding an awesome Devil Fruit, the strongest The dream chaser Blackbeard Teach has been waiting for decades for a Dark Fruit, and the Devil Fruit will randomly appear immediately after the previous generation is dead. The Supreme Sharp Knife can't do it. God knows how many there are. The supreme sword was buried in the sea with its master. Everyone knows that there are twelve supreme swords in total. Not to mention Roger's original sword, there are only three known supreme swords in the world now, and they are said to be The Supreme Knife, but each one has a different shape. The Supreme Knife is just a general term. A grandpa gun that beats Klass also belongs to the list of Supreme Knives, and it also has the temperament of Whitebeard. His super machete doesn't match at all, so there are only one or two supreme machetes left that fit his image. Finding one or two of these in the vast sea shows how difficult it is.

This was also his main purpose in deceiving the handsome boy with eagle eyes. The dragon-riding warrior had lost his arm. In order to avoid the handsome boy with eagle eyes who had no goal to pester him in the future, Leonardo hoped that this guy would never be found. Anyway, he had already seen He opened it, and the ancestral kindness knife had been with him for more than ten years. He was really reluctant to let him change it, so he decided not to meet the handsome guy with eagle eyes in his life.

Who would have thought that now he would take the initiative to find that handsome guy named Eagle Eye? Things have really turned around. Thirty years have passed since Hedong, and thirty years have passed since Hexi!

"I received the news that Hawkeye appeared in North Blue last month. Calculating the time, he should still be in North Blue now. Admiral Curry, why should we go to Hawkeye? Have you figured it out and plan to go swordfighting with him? "

Thomas Berry said with some excitement.

When he was in New World, when the famous world's greatest swordsman came to meet their boss for a sword duel, the boss didn't agree and tricked Hawkeye away. This inevitably made him a little disappointed, even though the boss was following Kaido. It's exciting, but they want to see the peak showdown between the two great swordsmen.

Although they don't play with swords, the status of swordsmen in their hearts has always been relatively high.

Now the boss actually takes the initiative to find Hawkeye. In his opinion, the boss has become enlightened and plans to have a sword duel with Hawkeye.

"...How many times have I said that the sea is not only about killing, but also about human nature. How can I do it if I think about killing all day long? Look at that Akainu, he is just fighting and killing all day long. , I have too many enemies, I flirted with so many girls, and I am still single now. I went to Hawkeye this time just to make him owe me a contract.

Leonardo gave Toss Berry a curious look. Duncan, the old Vice Admiral, really trained his son as a cannon fodder. It’s hard for a god to save him!

Leonardo took Toss Berry to wander around looking for Hawkeye. A few months after the establishment of New World Four Emperors, the sea gradually calmed down again. New World also entered the era of Four Emperors, with a new look. Weather, although there are fights and killings every day, the pattern of New World has changed. In the past few months, after a series of recruitments, Teacher Kaido's Beasts Pirates has officially reached a full staff strength that is even stronger than before. Even more powerful. After all, when Whitebeard did not accept his godson and the Red Hair Pirates transformed, the Beasts Pirates were more popular than the BIGMOM Pirates. After all, there are not many restrictions on the Beasts Pirates' promotion, regardless of character, origin, or family background. Depending on your bloodline, as long as you are brave enough you can join, and as long as you can fight you can rise to the top.

In addition to the living examples of those pillars, Mr. Kaido's Beasts Pirates became popular in the New World for a while, and immediately became the pirate group with the most followers in the New World after the recruitment.

Now that you have collected your younger brothers, you will naturally start to expand your territory. Those younger brothers join you in order to rise to the top in the future, and they are not just waiting to die. In addition, the fire-haired elephants of the Beasts Pirates are themselves militant members. Now that he has taken in so many younger brothers, he still has no time to spare, so he can take those younger brothers all over the world to grab territory.

To be honest, the strength of the Fire Woolly Mammoth is only average in the New World, because his brain is not very good. Even though the ancient giant mammoth fruit was developed for him well, in the New World, it is always a link between the past and the next, and it is not as good as the previous one. He has enough ranks, barely a little platinum, but this guy is so lucky that he followed Mr. Kaido before he made a fortune. In addition, this guy is loyal and loyal, and he is very popular with Mr. Kaido. The teacher's favorite, so even if the big hairy elephant is a bit of a pick, many pirate groups in the New World don't want to fight him when they meet him. If the attack is harder and this guy is crippled, then Mr. Kaido But it's coming.

So even though the woolly elephant is full of food and addicted to food, in the past few months, the base of Beasts Pirates has been expanded by almost half. If Whitebeard, the first person in the New World, was not still alive, Teacher Kaido would challenge Whitebeard every time. If he had sunk into the sea first, in the past few months, the Beasts Pirates would have become the largest pirate group in the New World without any justice.

It has a big territory, many younger brothers, and more money. Unfortunately, the boss is not the number one in the New World.

With the strong rise of Beasts Pirates, the BIGMOM pirates may as well give in. Charlotte seems to be having trouble with Teacher Kaido. Over the years, she has always been fighting at the end of the bed and at the end of the bed. Seeing that the territory of Beasts Pirates is growing hairy Under the leadership of Big Stupid Elephant, the numbers are getting bigger and bigger. Naturally, Charlotte’s sons and daughters can’t sit still anymore. Under the leadership of Charlotte’s sons, they also start a new round of competition with the Beasts Pirates. Competition, as mentioned before, the operating model of BIGMOM Pirates has too many disadvantages. Although it is also called Four Emperors, if (Li Qian's) were not desperate, basically no one would join the BIGMOM Pirates. However, these are very important to Charlotte. It’s not a big problem for the fat woman. After years of hard work, Charlotte’s children have almost reached hundreds. There are dozens of them who can hold big positions in adulthood. The cadre lineup is better than the Whitebeard Pirates. It’s better to give way later. There are dozens of substitutes, and the depth is far more terrifying than that of the Whitebeard Pirates. Although Whitebeard has many godsons, there are only dozens of internal godsons, and those peripheral cannon fodder godsons do not count.

Therefore, the most indispensable thing for the BIGMOM Pirates is cadres. As for the cannon fodder, the BIGMOM Pirates have not had one for a long time since Charlotte Cracker, the tenth son of fat lady Charlotte, grew up and could summon unlimited number of cookie people. I have accepted my younger brother. One Charlotte Cracker can equal several armies...

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