Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

658. In The World, I Am The Only King Of Beasts And Sticks!

However, seeing the boss's confident and high-spirited appearance, he did not dare to disturb the boss's "elegance" at this time. He was not worried about the boss himself. After all, the boss had bravely entered the Naval Headquarters N years ago. What he is worried about is his third brother. Although this third brother is a little stupid, he is still the third brother who burned yellow paper and chopped off chicken heads with him. If he is beaten to death by the boss...

Back then, they said they died on the same day, same month, same year.

"You go and get ready. I'm not here during this period. Don't go and grab the territory. First, guard our base. If that damn fat woman knows that the labor and management are not here, she will definitely come and cause trouble. I have to be careful about the subsequent plans. Think about it..."

After Mr. Kaido finished speaking to Huo Jin, he waved his hand to let him leave, and then began to write and draw on the oversized table in front of him, which was already a little bit like a beast.

One month later, the first half of the Sabaody Archipelago is on.

"Dig! Look, isn't that the drought of Beasts Pirates! (O_O)"

"That's true! Why is that guy here here if he's not trying to grab territory in New World?"

"I think it's definitely not good..."

"No matter what he has to do, this is Sabaody land, the territory of Marine green fox Admiral. The red-haired man has to be honest when he comes to Sabaody land. Can he still cause trouble here?"

"makes sense..……………"

When Drought and several of his younger brothers landed at the port, the people around him who recognized him were surprised at first, and then started talking about him.

Although it is said that the most indispensable thing in Sabaody is the big pirate, a handsome big pirate who ran out of the New World, Sabaody's District 5 will always be their battleground, but it is rare to see a pirate group like the Beasts Pirates. Yes, but the woolly elephant is still hard to see. After all, BIGMOM Pirates and Beasts Pirates, the two most active pirate groups in the New World, basically have little time to escape from the New World.

So when the woolly elephant and his little brother came to Sabaody, they caused quite a stir.

"Reporting that Dominic Vice Admiral, Beasts Pirates, and Jack the Drough, one of the three plagues, appeared at the port of District 15`"!"

In the eyes of New World's tough guys, the big hairy elephant is the mascot of the Beasts Pirates, but with that identity, even though he is a weakling, he was still a big shot in the first half, so not long after the big hairy elephant landed in Sabaody, Uncle Marine has already reported to Dominic, the commander of the Sabaody base.

"....Keep an eye on them first to see what they are doing. If they go to Area 5, leave them alone..."

Dominic is looking at the financial reports of the gym. Since his wife knelt down to admit his mistake and transferred all the gyms in Sabaody to his name, he has another task every day to check the financial reports of these gyms from the previous day. , after all, these are his hard-earned money. The boss is right to say that no matter how much he loves his wife, it is more secure to hold some things in his own hands.

After hearing the report from my younger brother, I thought about it for a while and said it to my younger brother without taking it seriously. After all, this is Sabaody land, the largest city at the entrance to the New World. There are also many big pirates in the New World who come here to have fun. Although this long It's quite new for Mao Dabenxiang to come here, but it's not a big deal. He Dominic has also seen a lot of things in the world. He has seen the Pirate King Roger. A small one of the three disasters is just a bird. Is it possible? Do you still dare to cause trouble in Sabaody?

Besides, when the Big Hairy Elephant and his group arrived at a bar in District No. 15, the Big Hairy Elephant was not the owner of the money. He took over the whole bar with a wave of his hand and there was still a Big Hairy Elephant at the door. The handwritten inscription "Garbage and dogs are not allowed", Captain Jack has always been so Haki, and his tough aura from years of abuse and abuse made those Haikalami who were kicked out of the bar dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

"Captain Jack, Marine should know about our arrival. What should we do next? I heard that Sabaody's District 5 is famous, so we're not in a hurry anyway. How about we go take a look?"

In the bar, the vice-captain of the Big Hairy Elephant drank a small drink and rolled his eyes twice. Then he came to the Big Hairy Elephant and said "whispering" in a low voice, which could only be heard by the boys in the entire bar.


When the younger brothers around heard this, their eyes also shot out with dazzling green light. They looked at their boss with high spirits and fighting spirit. As long as the boss said a word, they would immediately go into battle with air rifles and swords, looking for enemies and killing them in all directions. His posture and astonishing fighting spirit nearly scared the bar owner, who was hiding in the corner, to the point of peeing.

At the same time, he was filled with envy as he looked at the money in his hand. If he had wanted to join the Beasts Pirates when he was twenty or thirty years younger, he might even be able to have sex for free...

...I have heard about the name of District 5 in Sabaody. We will go and have a look tonight. "

Feeling the monstrous fighting power of his younger brothers, the long-haired elephant felt hot in his heart, and then nodded.

The boss asked him to come out to do big things, but along the way he couldn't think of what big things he was going to do. Although it was easy for Marine to get him into Impel Down, he just needed to find a random Marine uncle to give him a hard time, but this kind of thing was too much. It's low-end. After all, he is the boss and sat down at the famous Jack the Drough. The matter was too small to live up to the boss's expectations, so after much thought, he couldn't figure out what to do. So he simply went to have a night of fun first. Anyway, the time was not short of this. Evening minister.

Moreover, District 5 of Sabaody is the world-famous city that never sleeps. It is said that even the cousin of that bastard Green Fox works there. Since I can’t kill that bastard, I will take this opportunity to kill his cousin. It would be good for the three brothers to take revenge, especially his second brother. Every time he thought of his second brother who was now walking around, he felt heartbroken.

If the second brother hadn't saved him, he wouldn't have been raped by that bastard Marine...

That night, the largest, most luxurious and most famous nightclub in District 5 of Sabaody. It was also the favorite nightclub of Kong, many noble lords, and Celestial Dragons. Now it was full of customers.

When the big woolly elephant and his little brothers walked into this nightclub with their heads held high and their chests high, and with neat steps, they were instantly stunned. They were like country bumpkin entering the city. The beautiful scenery of all races in front of them They were overwhelmed, even the rarest giants. They had never seen such a spectacle in the New World, and it also inspired their overwhelming fighting spirit.

Tonight they are destined to shoot out like dragons, ferocious and bold. The muscles are growing and the veins are distended. Snow waves are spitting out from the mouth, and the contraction is crazy. Steel can break through walls and is as soft as a coiled intestine. Silent as a virgin, active as a madman. I'm eager to try, but it's hard to be a heroine. Sweeping the world, I am the only king of beasts and sticks!

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