Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

661. Kaido Is So Picky

The long-haired elephant's map cannon completely offended all the retired Marine cadres present.

Originally, the wealth gap between Marine and pirates was indeed very large. After all, Uncle Marine relied on those wages to live. Even if he used his position to make some money, he still dared to make too much. The accumulated wealth is not as good as those The lawless pirates are incomparable. After all, there has always been only one big pirate's treasure, but I have never heard of Uncle Marine's treasure.

Their Uncle Marine himself worked hard for the peace and stability of the world. In the end, he managed to make a little profit and was trashed by a pirate. Not to mention these retired cadres, he was in the private room on the fourth floor with Leonardo's cousins. The Marine boss Kong who was chatting almost went crazy when he heard this, and instantly crushed the thing in his hand to pieces.

However, because the "243" cafe with the woolly elephant cafe is too small, if Mr. Kaido were here, Kong would have taken action already.

However, although Kong did not take action, those retired Marine cadres could not hold on. They were all smart people. They were able to get into the Marine Vice Admiral under Kong's banner back then, and who could survive to retire without being a well-rounded and Grandmaster official? If you hear the sound of broken things coming from the boss's private room, you will know that the boss is angry. Although they have retired, they still have to rely on the boss to protect them, so after hearing the noise coming from the boss's private room, they will not push. , a group of Marine retired old men headed by Bobby rushed forward and did it.

At the beginning, this was just a matter between Marine's old man and the Beasts Pirates. But as more and more people entered the scene in Marine, the scene became out of control. In addition, some pirates were paving the way for their future development in the New World. In the Battle of Beasts Pirates, more and more people participated in the battle, and it eventually turned into a glorious battle between Uncle Marine and the Pirates.

"Hiss... Beasts Pirates, these bastards, let the labor and management hack them to death! (▼ plate ▼ #) *

After waving back and forth, Kent and the others couldn't stand it any longer. Damn Jack the Drough, this bastard dared to criticize him for being a poor man? Daxing wasn't watching from above.

As Uncle Marine continued to enter, a glorious battle between Marine and pirates ended at 2:30 in the morning.

The battle could have been ended earlier. After all, except for the Beasts Pirates, the other pirate groups were just cats and dogs who had never seen the world. How could they be the opponents of these retired Marine cadres who had seen the world? Coupled with the addition of Marine from Sabaody, these retired Marine veteran cadres are simply amazing. If it weren't for the quality of Beasts Pirates, even though the strength of the long-haired elephant is not that good, its durability is really strong, and it has rough skin and thick flesh. He was beaten by a group of old Marine men for several hours before he lay on the ground like a dead dog.

The next day, Beasts Pirates Jack the Drough went shopping with retired Marine cadres for a giant girl in District 5 of Sabaody. In the end, the fight failed and he resorted to violence. The news spread that he was turned into a dead dog by a group of retired Marine cadres. Go, spread throughout the sea causing an uproar.

Beasts Pirates' drought appears in Sabaody land?

He also competed with retired Marine cadres for the top spot, but in the end they couldn't compete.

It’s okay if you can’t fight, but the key is that you used force in the end, and you lost the battle even though you used force, and you were beaten by a bunch of retired Marine cadres!

Anyone who has been to District 5 of Sabaody knows that District 5 of Sabaody can be said to be the most harmonious place in the world. Although there are all kinds of people there, the purpose of everyone going there is basically to be chic. , so the stability and harmony of District 5 in Sabaody has always been the best in the world, even more harmonious than Naval Headquarters, and everyone knows this way of shopping to gain rankings. If you lose in the shopping, you can only blame yourself. If you don't have enough money, don't blame God.

But things like Jack the Drough are really a bit embarrassing. When you come out to mess around, you have to admit defeat, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten. You just lost because you fought so hard, but you still want to take action. This is a bit too much.

However, the pirates in the New World didn't find it strange what the Big Hairy Elephant did, and even gloated a little. This weakling was used to being arrogant in the New World by focusing on Mr. Kaido's name, so he could do such a shameful thing. Things are normal.

Marine Admiral Green Fox said: Kaido is so stupid. My little brother works so hard for him and doesn’t get much pay. The great Marshal of Beasts Pirates is actually a poor guy.

Marine Marshal Sengoku hereby appeals to young people to follow the right boss when they come out to hang out!


"What the hell is Jack doing! (~X)"

New World Onigashima, Mr. Kaido’s lungs almost exploded when he heard the news.…………

Originally, he wanted Jack to cause trouble in the first half of the game and give them a reputation as the evil Beasts Pirates. Then he jumped out and ran to do Impel down in the name of rescuing his little brother. In this way, he Kaido The reputation and influence of the leader of the Four Emperors has reached a higher level. The "Shichibukai" of the World Government is useless if he is not in front of Kaido.

But now, this guy has not even started to gain fame, and he has already been embarrassed. If this guy wasn't his love, Mr. Kaido would want to go to Sabaody and give him a fuck right now.

Now the whole world knows that Kaido’s little brother likes little kids to drive big cars. The whole world knows that Kaido is so poor. The dignified Beasts Pirates third-line military commander can’t even compete with a small man in his family. Marine Vice Admiral!

Especially after hearing the comments made by that bastard Green Fox and bastard Sengoku, I felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

When did his Kaido start digging? Anyone who hangs out with his Kaido doesn’t make a lot of money▼^x)

....Boss, although this process has some twists and turns, the result is 3.9, and Marine has already sent Jack and the others into Impel down....-_-||”

Seeing that the boss was so angry, Huo Yan had to help his younger brother to persuade him.

But he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this third brother actually liked driving big cars. This was something he never expected...

"Mad, no, you go and pack the warehouse for labor, I want to take it away! (^▼X)"

Teacher Kaido became more and more irritated as he thought about it, and said to Huo Jin angrily.

"Pack up? Boss, are you going to.........O_O)?"

Huo Jin looked at his boss in confusion. He didn't know what his boss wanted to do. Those things in the warehouse were the capital of their Beasts Pirates.

If everything goes bad, they will have to sell it on August 15th. .

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