Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

664. He, Kaido, Never Picks Up On His Little Brother.

"Boss, the money in the warehouse is all here. Isn't it... too much? You can't buy a giant girl for that much...-_-||

On Ghost Island, Huo Jin came to Teacher Kaido carrying a mountain-like baggage filled with gold and silver jewelry from their Beasts Pirates warehouse, his tone a little delayed.

Although this giant race is precious, it is the wealth that the Beasts Pirates have built up over decades. It's crazy that they are all in a hurry just to buy a giant race girl for the third brother. It's really... buying Whitebeard. The second son "Big Diamond" Jozi can buy several of them!

"It's not a matter of money or not, labor and management should let those bastards see if I, Kaido, am a dick! (^▼ㄨ)"

Teacher Kaido said very unhappily. He didn't go out for a few days, but he also knew that there were rumors that Kaido was a bitch. Although those guys came forward to explain it, and even published it in the newspaper, it was useless. Those bastards The news had to be passed on, which made him very angry. He was so angry that he couldn't quench the fat lady Charlotte.

Seeing that the boss is still on fire, Huo Jin doesn't dare to speak. Anyway, you, boss, have the final say...010

"Wow! Mom, there is a dragon in the sky!"

"No, hurry up and report Admiral in the library, Kaido is here..."

In order to get rid of that damn rumor, Mr. Kaido transformed into a dragon and carried a large bag containing all the gold and silver treasures of the Beasts Pirates. He no longer kept a low profile and spoke openly from the New World Onigashima Island and rushed to Sabaody Land in a few days. He just wants everyone to know that he, Kaido of the Beasts, is never naughty to his little brother. The little kid who was playing in Sabaody suddenly saw a dragon flying from the sky, and called his mother with his eyes shining.

When Uncle Marine saw this dragon flying from the sky, he almost peeed in fear!

Who in the world doesn't know that Teacher Kaido, who has been directly attacked so far, is such an evil dragon, and immediately ran towards the base.

New World Four Emperors Kaido-sensei!

During this period of time, Mr. Kaido and his Beasts Pirates were the most powerful in New World. If the incident in Area 5 with the Big Hairy Elephant hadn't happened, the moral character of the Beasts Pirates would have been damaged.

Teacher Do and his Beasts Pirates stole the show.

"Admiral and Kaido came to us in bibg."

In Marine Base, Area 66, Leonardo was clasping his fingers in boredom. Because of his arrival in Sabaody these days, the pirates have indeed become quieter. After Dominic sent someone to send a message to those old guys, , their old guys didn’t come to him to spit on him, and he could rest peacefully for several days without the stinky bitch from Tiyuan.

I have been thinking about coming to Sabaody for a few days, and I don’t know how the repair work of the smashed club in District 5 is going. I plan to go to District 5 with Kong after work in the evening to inspect the construction progress. After all, Dominica needs to pay compensation. He has already given it, so he can't let those officials line their pockets. He still attaches great importance to a place like District 5 that can significantly reduce the crime rate in Sabaody.

At this time Dominic hurried in and said.

"(O_O)?....Why are those two idiots here instead of going to rob the prison?"

Leonardo had a question mark on his face. Sengoku had guessed that Mr. Kaido was going to do something big before. Although he didn't know what big thing Mr. Kaido was going to do. After all, Mr. Kaido's relatively superficial brain circuit was not something that normal people could be sure of, but there was one thing. He knew that Teacher Kaido would definitely go to prison to fish out the Big Hairy Elephant's younger brothers, so he estimated that Teacher Kaido's next step would definitely be to Impel Down, and he was ready to wait for Sengoku's call.

Although Impel Down's defensive strength is not bad, with a powerful Diarrhea Poison Dragon Man plus Aokiji, and located in the Calm Belt, the defensive strength is almost comparable to Naval Headquarters. With such a defensive lineup, Whitebeard's powerful offensive power can Apart from breaking, everyone has to be hateful, but that does not include Kaido-sensei. Although Kaido-sensei has a record of running out of Impel Down, it is impossible for Impel Down to stop Kaido-sensei. Who makes Kaido-sensei not only capable of physical attacks, but also of damage output? They can fly. Neither Poison Dragon Man nor Aokiji are sharp-tongued people. It is almost impossible to knock Mr. Kaido down like him.

As a result, Sengoku didn't call, but Kaido-sensei was waiting for him. However, he didn't understand why Kaido-sensei came to Sabaody when his younger brother was already in Impel Down.

Could it be that they want to kidnap the Celestial Dragons in exchange for hostages?

Hmm... Mr. Kaido has learned to use his brain, and this is really possible...

"Could they want to kidnap the Celestial Dragons and trade them hostages with us?"

Dominica and Leonardo thought of going together. He felt that this was the only reliable reason why Kaido came to Sabaody now. Not everyone can break through Impel Down.

"Well, it's possible. Let's go see what that hanging hair is doing here..."

Leonardo nodded, stood up and walked outside with Dominic.



"Wow! It's so big! Is this Kaido of the Beasts? It's so scary..."

"It's so scary...I can't stand just this momentum..."

"Mom, there is a big monster, why hasn't Aotuman come to beat him..."

"It's so noisy. (^x)

"Bang bang bang"

"So... so scary..."

In Area 10 of Sabaody, Teacher Kaido carried a large package and landed it firmly on the ground, making a huge pit in the ground. Then he walked out of the pit and stood there, waiting for someone who could talk to him.

He came to Sabaody so openly, and he didn't believe that Marine and World Government's losers couldn't see it.

However, there were a lot of people watching around him, and there were also a bunch of ant-like trash commenting on him, which made him very unhappy. Especially what the little kid over there said to his mother made him a little annoyed. How dare you dare to let Aotuman fuck him? If Uncle Kaido hadn't spanked the kid, labor and management would have smashed your ass today..

Then just three words were gradually spoken, and the terrifying aura was slightly relieved. The people around him fell down and sat on the ground, looking at the nine-meter-tall man in front of them with horrified expressions.

A big monster with two horns on its head, a body of terrifying tendons, and an X-shaped scar on its chest.

Although they had seen Kaido of the Beasts live several times before, the feeling of seeing it in person was very different now. They couldn't stand the arrogant momentum alone, and their little hearts almost stopped.

He truly deserves to be the super pirate Kaido of the Beasts...

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