Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

672. The Woolly Elephant Insists On Staying On The Sixth Floor

Hannyabal, shut up you bastard!-_-||

The super-admiral Magellan, who was watching the old boy Garp fighting hand-to-hand with Teacher Kaido, turned pale when he heard the fat-bellied fool. He didn't care about what this guy said behind him, but mainly because of the cruel hand-to-hand fight between Vice Admiral Garp and Teacher Kaido. Fa, he was sweating coldly just looking at it. If this guy got involved, it wouldn't be a big deal. Since the first day he became a Marine soldier, he had been prepared to sacrifice for justice. He had been preparing for this for more than ten years. .

I'm just afraid that I won't be sacrificed but will be destroyed instead. But whether it's Vice Admiral Garp or the big monster Kaido's cruel play style, only an Immune to Death monster like Admiral Curry can match it. Looking at Vice Admiral Garp and the big monster The monster Kaido punched and kicked each other. To be honest, he didn't have the courage to enter the scene.

It's so cruel. Both of them are targeting useless people...


The big-bellied Hannyabal may have accidentally exposed his ambition. He was embarrassed to continue and returned to his original position tightly. He would be immune to the poisonous gas of this super poisonous man for a few dozen seconds, but it would not be effective for any longer. , after all, everyone has to breathe... 18 "Director Hannyabal, do we need help? The fight looks so fierce."

There are always some wise warriors in this world who are not afraid of sacrifice.

The big-bellied Hannyabal had just returned to his position. A promising-looking jailer walked up to the big-bellied Hannyabal with a knife and a gun. He said righteously, if this guy's legs weren't shaking, he would still be there. He really looks like a warrior.

His mother has taught him since he was a child that if he wants to rise to the top, he must seize the opportunity. If there is a chance, he must rise to the top. Now... isn't it just an opportunity?

"Help? How to help? Just stay here honestly. That's Kaido, one of the most powerful pirates on the sea. Even Magellan doesn't dare to do it. What the hell are we going to do?"

The big-bellied Hannyabal glared at the jailer angrily.

It was because this guy didn't add a subtitle when addressing him that he would say so much to such a low-level jailer. If it had been anyone else, he would have slapped him in the face.

Help? Are you kidding me?

If the ranks are about the same, it's no problem to help, but why don't you look at the person in front of you?

The facade of Marine, the strongest combat power of the World government, the strongest Marine in history, the spiritual totem of Marine, the hero of Marine Vice Admiral Garp, just look at the many words in the title and you will know how embarrassing it is, even though he has a deep heart He doesn't have much, but he has served Marine for many years and still has a very keen eye.

On one side is the spiritual totem of the strongest Marine.

On one side is Kaido, one of the most powerful pirates on the sea, the famous one-on-one king, and the strongest creature on land, sea, and air. The units on both sides are not comparable to their little Kalami, and they were killed before they even got to them. The aftermath of the fight between the two was wiped out.

The best thing to do at this time is to wait quietly aside, and then come out to sweep the floor after the two of them are done.

He has confidence in Vice Admiral Garp. Despite his age, Vice Admiral Garp is said to still have a strong heart. Last time he chased the red hair all over the map.

In the deep pit, the old boy Garp was still suppressing Mr. Kaido and beating him all the way. Although he was suppressing, the difference was not big. It was almost like the old boy Garp punched Mr. Kaido twice, and even more teachers could use their hands to grab one punch. ratio of one.

Teacher Kaido's heaven-defying recovery ability was fully demonstrated at this time, allowing him to hit Garp Old Boy regardless of the injury. However, Garp Old Boy, who is also a monster, does not have Kaido Teacher's heaven-defying recovery ability. Power, but the Garp old boy's Iron Body of Marine Six Styles is the only existence of Marine. Coupled with the overlap of Armament Haki, even the Dragon Riding Warrior's slash can't hurt him at all, not to mention Kaido-sensei's big fist. The old Garp boy also used Kaido-sensei's big fist on his opponent's hands and feet just like Kaido-sensei.

The two sides fought so selflessly that Mr. Kaido himself could not even remember the reason why he came to Impel Down. His beloved little brother, the big hairy elephant pirate, was eagerly waiting for his big hero to step on the colorful auspicious sign in Impel Down. Save him from dire straits.

At this moment, Teacher Kaido had only one thing on his mind, and that was to beat up this old bastard who caused his "wife and son to be separated" and ruined his originally beautiful life.

Where is the sixth floor of Impel Down?

There are several presidential suites with unparalleled sea views that only super celebrities can stay in. The facilities inside are all complete, except that they are not equipped with a private cook and maid. Compared with the five floors above, especially the first floor There are hundreds of people sharing a suite, and even sleeping is a crowded environment. It is said that it is simply a day and a place.

Originally, according to the card slot of the woolly elephant, it was one of the three disasters that New World Four Emperors sat on. Although the strength was a little inferior, in terms of status, there was no problem in staying on the sixth floor. After all, With Whitebeard living and working in peace, the red-haired man transforming into a homeless man, and the fat lady Charlotte breeding offspring at home, the name of New World Four Emperors is entirely supported by Kaido-sensei. As Kaido-sensei's military commander, even Sengoku They all felt that this woolly elephant was qualified to live on the sixth floor.

But look at the current customers on the sixth floor. Almost all of them are super celebrities from the past era. Even the "Destroyer of Worlds" Byrnndi who was frozen into an ice sculpture by Kuzan. Waldo, a stupid dick, has a celebrity position in this 187. It’s low, but at least it was a character who could compete with Mr. Kaido for supremacy back then. As Mr. Kaido’s younger brother, Big Hairy Elephant is simply a younger brother here. If it weren’t for living in a single room, this guy wouldn’t even know how to pick it up. So many times.

But even if you live in a single room, thinking about the big brother-level terrorists living next door, this makes the long-haired elephant feel scared for the first time in his life. He sleeps in fear at night, in case any big brother has any bad habits. Just like that guy from Golden Lion, he played with self-mutilation and took off his handcuffs and shackles, and then I had a night attack on him while I was trying to support him to sleep...

The big hairy elephant can't wait to give himself a face. Why did he have to pretend to be cool when he had nothing to do? Isn't it good to be the big brother on the fifth floor? He has to show off to the sixth floor...

When he was fucked, he knew that he was only arranged to live on the fifth floor by Sengoku, and he was instantly unhappy. He was also one of the three disasters under Kaido of the Beasts. How could the famous leader of the fifth floor be worthy of him? I have to make a fuss and come to the sixth floor.

Sengoku was right to think about it when he found out. Kaido's status is different now. It took him so many years to reach the top of the super giant. He is no longer a small giant under the four legends. Although the big hairy elephant is no good , but after all, he is still his top horse, and his status is still there, so there is nothing wrong with letting him live on the sixth floor.

Anyway, he wasn’t the one picking up the soap.

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