Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

683.Quinn: Garp Is Still So Good At His Age.

It's just that the Impel Down was flying higher in the sky than the bird without news. The birdman was carrying a little fat man on his paws. From the two short legs that were hanging in the air and could not be closed tightly, it could be seen that the little fat man was a nanny. eight.

"Jack's situation is not good. Should we go now?"

The little fat man looked at the battle below, holding a big cigar in his mouth, stroking his mustache and asking his elder brother.

Although he was panicked when he saw Marine, the big-mouthed Marine who had hurt him the most, was there, but for the sake of brotherly loyalty, he would go to the big-mouthed Marine even if he was hurt again!

Their younger brothers were killed by the jailers.


These are not the important points. The important point is that they have burned incense and chopped off the chicken heads. The third brother was almost chopped into a dog by three Marines. If this was not the case, he was really worried that the third brother would be hacked to death. They were originally The curse of dying together in the same year and month...

...Wait a minute, the boss hasn't come out yet, and the three Marine Admirals are watching. If we go down now, not only will we not be able to save people, but we will probably be surrounded by them. We only have one chance..."

After Huo Jin, who turned into a birdman, thought for a few seconds, he still shook his head cruelly.

Although he was very sad and sad to see his third brother being hacked, they were not here to fight this time, but to save people.

Ever since the boss set off, he had an ominous premonition. If the boss went out to cause trouble alone like before, he wouldn't worry. After all, Marine really couldn't do anything to their boss. The most they could do was beat their boss until his feet went limp and he fell asleep. Then send back to New World.

Anyway, among the New World Four Emperors, the one Marine least wants to catch is probably their boss.

But this time is different. Their boss not only wants to cause trouble, but also wants to save people. It is very easy to cause trouble. Marine's lineup is very powerful, but everything is in vain for their boss, but if he wants to save people , this is very difficult.

Jack is their third sworn brother. We have been together for almost 20 years. He has watched Jack grow up and knows the level of this third brother. To put it mildly, he has no merit other than loyalty, courage and courage. He is not as good as a warrior. No, a top ancient species will always only be able to play the savage charge move. With the Marine lineup, just shoot one or two Marine Admirals to trap the boss, and the third brother will not be able to escape at all.

After thinking about it, he still felt that the boss was being trusted this time, so as soon as the boss left New World and arranged the affairs of the pirate group, he took his second brother non-stop and followed the taillights of the boss's car to the first half of the section.

Sure enough, the current situation was exactly as he expected.

The old mad dog of Marine hero Garp challenged their boss to a duel. Their boss had no time to save Jack. The three Marine Admirals at the scene had not yet taken action. There were only two Marine Vice Admirals plus one Garp, the knife-wielding adjutant. , the third brother can't hold on any longer. If they don't come, the third brother is probably going to die here.

He was also very anxious when he saw his third brother being hacked, but this time only he and his second brother came out to rescue the third brother. There was only one chance. Marine had three Admirals plus a super poisonous man. Kizaru also knew how to do it. Fei, if they didn't find a good opportunity, the three brothers would probably have to rush here today.

His plan is to wait for his boss to break out of the Impel Down. It is best to make things bigger and dismantle the Impel Down. In this case, Marine Admiral will definitely go up to stop their boss, and wait until Marine Admiral's attention is drawn. When their boss was there, it was the best time for him and his second brother to step in and save people.

But now...the third brother has been chopped into such a bad shape, and the boss hasn't come out yet. He is really worried that the boss will challenge Garp again and forget about Jack...--2- ---11

.....What do you think of Garp, this old mad dog? He doesn't want to be like Whitebeard, who has giant blood and can still fight so well at his age. At the time of Golden Lion, North Garp was beaten by the boss even though he was a few years younger now. Fly.

Although the little fat man in the epidemic also agreed with his elder brother's plan, looking at his third brother who had been stabbed several times below, he was extremely anxious. The Zoan Devil Fruit does give the eater a powerful vitality, but that's not it. It's unlimited, and it's not as pervert as that big-mouthed Marine or their boss.

I mean, it's all the fault of that old mad dog Garp. You're so old and you're still so capable. Are you so poisonous?!


Huo Jingmask opened his mouth, and then he didn't know how to answer this question.

Because he can't figure out what is going on with Garp. When other people reach Garp's age, if they don't have any fighting ethnic origins, they are basically no longer at their peak. No matter how well maintained the little tail is, it is still at its peak. The condition is definitely It's incomparable to before.

But look at this Garp, he's almost sixty or seventy, and he's still so aggressive. He was chasing the redhead all over the map, and now he's fighting with their boss for several days. Science can't explain this at all!

"."Hey! Big woolly elephant, your little brother is lying down, don't hold on anymore, surrender obediently. Leniency for confession, severity for refusal. You have done a lot of immoral things in recent years, so don't resist. "

"It's better to die than live. Your boss, Ma Daha, dares to hold on to his life. If he can hold on, your life is not hard..."

Impel down below, the teacher under Leonardo's mask smiled and said to the big elephant that had been chopped off from head to tail.

I have to say that although this Tiehanhan is not very bright, he is really tough.

The boys of Beasts Pirates were overthrown by the guards with an overwhelming advantage in less than half an hour. Only this tough guy was still holding on for the glory of Beasts Pirates.

Leonardo wanted to call him "Jibba" (the best one), because of his toughness, even he was moved.

"Puff! Puff"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"There are always only souls of those who died in battle among the beasts, and no one who surrendered!!"


The big hairy elephant is so stubborn. After hearing what this big-mouthed Marine said, he resisted the three knives of the three flying squirrels, showing his stubbornness with firm eyes and an unchanging face.

Then, dragging his bloody body, he attacked the three Flying Squirrels with another brutal attack, and then the three Flying Squirrels moved flexibly to avoid his impact.

The fight has not lasted long, but the three flying squirrels have already figured out that apart from being rough-skinned and thick-bodied and strong in strength, Fire seems to have nothing to do with it. It is either a brutal attack or an elephant. Use your nose...

(PS: Thank you dads for your monthly votes!!!).

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