Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

686. Sengoku: Did Garp, The One Who Took The Blame, Run Away?

Leonardo rolled his eyes and looked at Kizaru. This time it was too big, and someone would always take the blame. Teacher Kaido alone would definitely not be enough. The old boy Garp is a good friend of the first brother, Marine The hero, Marine's spiritual totem has to run back to his hometown, and they probably won't be able to withstand this!

...The monk can run away, but he can't run away from the temple. Let's throw this guy back to the New World first. "

Kizaru helplessly pointed to Mr. Kaido who was sleeping sweetly on the ice and said, Vice Admiral Garp is protected by a good gay friend, so it doesn’t matter if he runs away, Marshal Sengoku is not a good gay friend of theirs, so running away is useless, it’s a bit excessive. You have to carry it when you should carry it.

"Huh...go back."

Kuzan said with a long breath of cold air.

After the Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider took Marine's little brother to dig Mr. Kaido out of the ice, the owner left with Mr. Kaido who was frozen into an "eight-step" ice block.

In the middle, the flying squirrel mentioned that the woolly elephant disappeared when Kizaru opened the first wave, but the three of them all forgot about him in a tacit understanding.

The Big Hairy Elephant is just a minor character, but his weight is a bit too big for Mr. Kaido. Even if he disappears, it would be a disaster if he continues to be imprisoned in Impel Down.

On the second day of the Impel Down battle, Leonardo and the other three were still transporting Teacher Kaido to the New World, and the entire sea was not calm again.

The younger brother was captured, and Kaido of the Beasts went to Impel Down to rob the prison alone. In the end, they fought with Marine and almost razed Impel Down to the ground. The news appeared on the newspaper headlines. Looking at the ice-covered sea, there was only one meter left in ruins. The unbearable Impel down, all the surrounding defensive buildings were destroyed. Although no one saw the final result, and it was not mentioned in the newspapers, the scene of the bombardment between Mr. Kaido and Marine Admiral and the destructive power caused made everyone fascinated. A breath of air conditioning.

Even now, everyone is still shocked by that doomsday-like scene. It turns out that Impel Down was a super-large island in the Calm Belt, with defense facilities all around it. But now, the original super-large island has disappeared. , the rest is only a small piece like Impel down, which is really amazing.

Although Mr. Kaido had fallen asleep and was thrown back to the New World by Leonardo, this wave of influence was far from over.

First of all, people have seen how powerful Mr. Kaido is. He has incredible resilience. Not only can he recover from a broken egg, but Mr. Kaido can still remain calm even when the egg is broken. This calmness is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is enough to explain to the world the horror of the New World Four Emperors.

After all, no man can remain calm when the egg is broken.

The world has also seen the invincible fighting style of Marine heroes. Under that invincible fighting style that is almost Taoist, it is estimated that there are only one or two non-human beings in the entire sea who can survive. The rogues are not scary, but they are afraid that the rogues will not want them. He has a cultured face.

This sentence is vividly displayed by the Marine hero Garp this time. It is difficult for you to imagine that when a dignified Marine hero fights, it will be such a brutal scene.

The final scene between Mr. Kaido and Marine San Admiral was even more terrifying. Although I only saw it in general, the photos on the newspaper headlines were the same as what I saw at that time. Now when I think about it, I can still feel numb. .

However, Teacher Kaido's goal was achieved this time. His double-edged behavior for his younger brother greatly inspired a wave of young people who were confused because of the establishment of Shichibukai. After reading the newspaper headlines that day, After that, young people all over the world who had lost their way in the three forked roads of life once found the way forward.

This time they are no longer confused, and are more determined than before to believe that going overseas is the only way out for today's uneducated young people...

On the third day, many electronics factories closed down around the world, and the news that the boss ran away with his sister-in-law reached the ears of Marine's first brother, Sengoku.

"Hey! The Seven Warlords of the Sea plan is in vain..."

"Where are the Garp people?"

Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

After hearing Mickey's report, Sengoku grabbed his increasingly loose fluffy hair and sighed helplessly when he saw another handful of hair pulled from his head and asked.

Although they don't want to admit it, this time they were indeed tricked by Kaido's idiot again.

Kaido’s idea from the beginning to the present is probably not just to make headlines.

The situation that had been stable for more than half a year since the establishment of Seven Warlords of the Sea has become extremely violent this time. Fortunately, after more than a year of relaxation, their Marine has also temporarily recovered from the New World War that year. This is a blessing among misfortunes. .........

But this is not the biggest headache for him. After all, their Marines have recovered. Although there is some trouble in Shanghai, as long as the Marines in the various bases and fortresses work harder, it is actually not bad. When Roger climbed to the top of the Pirate King, he survived the storms. Now, it’s just a small fuss, it’s nothing.

The information he got was much more detailed than those from the news media. The defense facilities around Impel Down had been blown away. A super-large island was now only as small as Impel Down. It was actually not bad. Ever since he guessed that Kaido was going to Impel Down After the incident in Impel Down, he had already prepared for the worst. Even if the prisoners in Impel Down escaped, as long as they were not those on the sixth floor, it would not matter if the prisoners on the upper floors escaped.

It doesn't matter even if the prisoners on the fifth floor escape. Many of the prisoners there were harvested by the eldest nephew in the New World over the years. At most, a trip to the eldest nephew will be enough, and it doesn't take much effort.

What really gave him a headache was that not only the surrounding area of ​​Impel Down was destroyed, but even the inside of Impel Down was torn apart by that bastard Kaido and that bastard Garp. It can be said that Impel Down is actually an empty shell now. Moreover, almost half of the gang of prisoners on the fifth floor became 5.3 idiots in this disaster. From the look of those bastards, none of them had a big bag on their head, Sengoku knew it with his butt. It was the work of his good friend.

You either have to kill these bastards and beat them into idiots. What's going on? Now, they have to raise so many idiots for nothing.

At this time, someone needs to stand up and take the blame. The eldest nephew, Kizaru, and Aokiji are all young people. Although they are Marine Admiral, they are still junior. The best person to take the blame is naturally his good friend Garp. This guy is senior. It's their Marine's spiritual totem, and the Five Elders can't do anything about this bastard, so they are definitely excellent candidates to take the blame.

Moreover, this is not the first time that a good gay friend has done something like taking the blame. "Yuanye..."

(PS: Thanks again dads for your monthly votes!!!).

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