Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

688. Let Your Godson Go To New World To Do Something Again?

"... Impel down The first to fifth floors were torn apart, and the sixth floor was also affected to some extent. Fortunately, only one Jack the Drough escaped on the sixth floor, and no one else escaped. But the sixth floor was completely torn apart. More than half of the people on the fifth floor have become idiots..."

On the top floor of the World Government office building, the godfather with the birthmark on his forehead read the message sent back by the CPO in his hand.


"Damn it, this bastard Kaido has gone too far this time, and he can't just let it go! (~x)

Before the godfather with the birthmark on his forehead finished reading, the golden-haired godfather couldn't stand his bad temper anymore and slapped the tea table in front of him, ending his short and glorious life.

"That's right, the Seven Warlords of the Sea project has just made some progress, but now that bastard Kaido has messed it up, the New World Four Emperors' limelight has completely overshadowed the Seven Warlords of the Sea and Marine, even if the Green Fox and the others were in Impel down There's no point in fighting Kaido."

The godfather with a scar on his face looked at the tea spilled on the ground with distress, crying in his heart. These were special tribute teas from special mothers. They only weighed two or three kilograms in a year, and they were all gone in one fell swoop. .

"We must find a way to further weaken the influence of Four Emperors. So far, dozens of manufacturers have closed down. Those guys have complained to me, and we have suffered a lot of losses."

The godfather of Xianfeng Taoist said while stroking his beard, his hand shaking with anger, but he was very good at nourishing qi, and he did not show any signs of regeneration, and he still looked calm and calm.

No one knows how big their losses are this time. The Celestial Dragons are the bosses behind large electronics factories all over the world. Of course, the five of them also have a share, and they are still the big ones. After all, how can a small piece of heavenly gold support them? There are so many Celestial Dragons, if they don't find some way, they will die in poverty.

This time, dozens of electronics factories were closed down in just a few days. This kind of loss was the biggest loss they had suffered in so many years after Roger spent his life pretending to be cool. In addition, the Shichibukai plan made them think a lot. What they came up with all night long will be implemented by Marine. Now Kaido slaps them hard on their old faces. If they can still bear it, they will become Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"Some anti-government guys have appeared one after another in some world franchise countries across the Four Seas. Although they are only a small group at the moment, they have spread to several countries throughout the Four Seas. Those people are also a top priority and must be guarded against... "1

Godfather, who had been silent for a long time and was holding a broken knife, now said with a serious face.

The other four godfathers, who were still angry at first, suddenly became serious.

They found out that these guys who were anti-government and fighting for freedom were actually very few. However, the number was still very small at first, so they didn't pay much attention to it. They just regarded it as a group of people who had high ideals but didn't dare to become pirates and only knew how to talk. They are just young men with moles. They are just casually picked up by the military of those countries and thrown into a hard kiln for two years to learn more. After they have experienced the pain of picking up soap, they will be fine. They are just a bunch of talkative but silent wastes. Become a climate.

After all, if you want to achieve great things in this world, you must not only use your words, but also have the ability to use your hands. They do...ah! Why can the beloved Green Fox become the top of MarineF4? Is it so popular? Isn’t it just that the ability to use your words is as good as the ability to use your words? They have both hands-on skills, so they didn't pay too much attention to this bunch of losers from the beginning.

But in the past few years, those losers have picked up a lot of soap that they should have picked up. However, this team has not decreased, but has become more and more special. It has spread from a small country to several countries all over the world, and They are all countries that have joined the World Government, which makes them very miserable.

The most important thing is that the ideas of these useless youths are too dangerous for their world government, much more dangerous than those big pirates. Even if those pirates can cause trouble, at most they will only destroy the peaceful development under their rule. But this bunch of losers is different. It has seriously affected their Celestial Dragons' rule of the world. This is to drain the firepower.

"Where did this bunch of bastards come from? They have grown to this scale in just a few years. They are definitely an organized Sanhe... Bah! It was premeditated. It would not have been able to develop so quickly without someone to lead it. "

When it comes to these losers, Kaido and Shichibukai are not important. Kaido and Shichibukai are just playing house. These losers are really sucking the blood of their Celestial Dragons.

......There is no point in continuing to target these people. We should remain calm for the time being until we find out the leader of this gang of bastards. "

The golden-haired godfather suggested after thinking for a while.

After all, the group of people who appeared now should be just cats and dogs of this mysterious organization. He continued not to target them as before, and there was no point in sending them in to pick up soap. He found that the brainwashing level of this group of people was too sharp, and he wanted to catch them. One group will be followed by another. The best way is to solve the problem at the source, find out who the leading brother is, and kill the leading brother at once. When the time comes, this bunch of useless people will be leaderless, and it will be much easier to solve.


The immortal godfather touched his beard and nodded, agreeing with his friend.


"Me too..."

"+1. So how to solve the Kaido issue? The New World franchise countries have started jumping around again and again. This is not the answer..."

The godfather with the scar on his face nodded in agreement with his friend's suggestion and then continued to ask about it.

After all, they are also the Five Elders, Seven Warlords of the Sea plan. They stayed up several nights to come up with the plan. As soon as it had some effect, it was ruined by Kaido, a brainless idiot. This is a slap on their face. face, if this slap is not returned, how will those World Government member countries think of them, and how will they bring the little money?



"How dare those bastards! Inform Sengoku and send people to New World during this period to keep an eye on the Beasts Pirates and beat them. It's best to cripple the Beasts Pirates for me! (^

It was okay if the godfather with the scar on his face didn't mention it. As soon as he mentioned this, the other four godfathers became so angry that even a bottle of iced Wong Laoji and physical extinguishers couldn't extinguish the fire.

Among them, the most murderous godfather with a knife slapped his thigh again and said through gritted teeth.

The people next door had a headache hearing this sound.

"Why don't we do what we did last time and let Qian'er...cough! Green Fox take people to New World to cause trouble?"

The godfather of Xianfeng Daogu touched his chin and said, this kind of thing can't be too big. After all, it can easily provoke a war between the New World pirates and Marine. Those useless youths are their biggest concern. They don't know who they are. Before the big brother took the lead, they didn't want to cause trouble. .

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