Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

690. Godfather Wants To Make Him The Richest Man In Marine?

In Sengoku's opinion, the Five Elders are trying to make their "own" son the richest man in Marine.

The local branch of Sabaody itself has already affected three major international cities, the Sabaody Archipelago, the City of Water and the City of Queens. These three major tax-paying cities are all crowded by everyone, and now there is Carnival City, which is so fucking awesome. He probably doesn't treat his own son that well either.


Crane Vice Admiral also looked at Sengoku with a question mark on his face. You are so good at understanding the leader's intentions and you don't even know what Five Elders is doing. Where can I find out what the hell Five Elders means?

However, Vice Admiral also had a toothache when talking about this crane. Just like in the past, it seemed to her that the Five Elders really loved little Curry.

In the past, when you talked about commending Xiao Kuli, there was always a reason for establishing the Sabaody local branch and dividing the three major international cities into the Sabaody local branch. That was because Xiao Kuli was promoted to Marine Admiral, and Marine also established an additional Admiral. , it is a normal division of duties. Although it is excessive for one Marine branch to occupy three important cities, it cannot be justified in view of Curry's record and popularity.

Later, he was given a whole ship of heavenly gold, which was a reward for Curry's "outstanding performance" in the Mariejois slave uprising incident. This was no problem.

But now she would throw Carnival City to Little Curry for no reason. This was a bit embarrassing. After all, it was the decision of the Five Elders, and the person who reaped the benefits was her sister's man, her own precious Lucy Jiu. Dad, it’s hard for her to say anything.

It can only be said that Five Elders absolutely loves little Curry.


"This...was given to me by the Five Elders?"

A month later, after Leonardo, Kizaru, and Kuzan threw Mr. Kaido to the New World, they did not return to the Sabaody branch, but followed Kizaru back to the headquarters to make soy sauce. It was rare that nothing major happened. Dominic and the others in Sabaody It's enough, and Sabaody is not far from the headquarters. If you drive at full speed to rush the red light, it's only two hours away.

Leonardo had just returned to Marineford and before anyone even got off the ship, he was informed by his younger brother that there was a batch of his goods waiting for him to sign for at the port. When he saw a familiar giant ship, there were several Marine Vice Admirals and several different ones on the big ship. When the masked man who knew the CP was guarding, he almost knew what kind of goods were on the ship.

But thinking back on the recent period... I don't seem to have done live broadcasts, let alone licked the five-year-old dad. It has been almost two years since the last time. With the pride of the five-year-old dad, I have to give him "pocket money" It's not like it's two years late, right?

It's just that this gift of a heavenly gold ship to him for no reason really made him a little confused. He looked at the masked man's leading brother across from him with confusion.

"Yes, since you, Admiral the Green Fox, have arrived, we are leaving."

The masked man who didn't know his CP said emotionally, then waved to his friends around him, boarded a small warship and swayed out of the port.

"I'm so envious. The Five Elders treat you so..."

Kizaru was holding his exclusive thermos cup and looking at the sky ship slowly approaching in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

But he was not jealous. After all, anyone who had seen Leonardo kneel down and lick Five Elders couldn't be jealous. He happened to have seen it once with his own eyes, and the guy's face was all wet in order to kneel down and lick Five Elders. The unnecessary kind, even if he watched it over and over again, his scalp would be numb.

He even felt that since his little brother was so serious about licking him, it was appropriate to give him another ship of heavenly gold...

Kuzan on the other hand also nodded and fully agreed with Kizaru's words. He has been used to this guy's shameless operations since he was in school, and now he is just getting bigger and stronger.

...Brother Mickey, we Marine don’t do much, right? These aren’t my appearance fees, are they?”

At this time, Leonardo happened to see Mickey, the general secretary of Naval Headquarters, walking in the distance. He asked curiously, what is the so-called no reward for no merit, if he had just licked five godfathers, and then the five were on the father's side. He felt at ease with the gift of such a ship of heavenly gold [after all, it costs money to waste so much saliva.

But this gift of gold to him for no reason made him feel really uneasy!

"...Except for the Five Elders asking Marshal Sengoku to order Akainu Admiral to take people to the New World to fight the Beasts Pirates two weeks ago, there has been no action."

"This is the post-war pension plan made by Marshal Sengoku. Take a look and sign it if there is no problem..."

……Please give me flowers…………

Mickey came over, shook his head and handed a document in his hand to Leonardo.

Then he kept looking at the heavenly gold in front of him in awe. After hanging out with the boss for so many years, he had seen a lot of heavenly gold, but this was the first time he saw it at such a close distance.

Although the Agulu Kingdom is only a small kingdom in South Blue, half of a country's total annual income is no joke.

He has been in the army for decades and has seen almost all kinds of people. The Vice Admiral Garp is certainly awesome, but he thinks that the little guy who can take advantage of the Five Elders seems to be pretty awesome too. Before the little guy, there was no one in Marine. Those who can get things from Five Elders...

......... Marshal Sengoku's movements are so fast. -_-||”


After Leonardo read this so-called post-war pension plan, his head was full of black lines, and the customers below stopped him and signed their names.

This is not a post-war pension plan. This is just combing his hair. Sengoku’s meaning is very simple. These are “ill-gotten gains” anyway. He can use the Devil Fruit on this ship, famous swords and guns, etc. He kept it for himself, since he wouldn't be able to use that much money alone. There was also the golden mountain of Gion behind him, so he simply used the money from it to build a building for Marine and benefit those Marine uncles who were disabled after the war.

Generally speaking, those who are short-handed and short-handed after the war, Uncle Marine, will receive a post-war pension allocated by the World government, but this money is a one-time payment, and it is gone once it is given. It would be okay if the officer is Rear Admiral or above, so disabled After retiring, they had made a lot of money before. In addition to the pension, as long as they did not go to No. 69 Xingfu Road every night, they would only go there once in a while, which was enough for them to be cool. But those Marine uncles below Rear Admiral Not so cool. His position is not high, and he has no chance to make money. In addition, he had to retire after his hands and feet were broken in the World War. Basically, he is a low-income earner in Marine. Although Marine’s funds are The number is increasing every year, but there are too many people to support and there is simply not enough.

He didn't say anything about Sengoku's plan to help him "spend money". Who asked him to be born in Marine? I just felt that Sengoku was acting too quickly. He hadn't even revealed what was in the gold in the sky, but he had already helped him. Arrangements have been made for my next home...

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