Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

693. Rayleigh: This Guy Is Much More Handsome Than That Idiot

Moreover, this kid came out of a small place like East Blue not long ago. He still saw too little of the world. This is because he has the bonus of being the captain of Whitebeard's second team. Even if prices have completely taken off in this era, Bei Li's purchasing power is getting less and less, and his ability still cannot reach the level of a net worth of 500 million.

But to be honest, in three years without plug-ins and with the bonus of the halo, he has grown to the level he was in when he appeared in the original work. In fact, it is quite impressive. It may not be comparable to his brother's level. After all, his brother is The kind of Straw Hat Third Generation who cheated all the way and became the Pirate King in just a few years, is even more awesome than his own father, but compared to other normal people, he is definitely a super rookie, and he has not insulted his biological father, Roger. As for the name, Whitebeard is quite generous in terms of vision.

"By the way, does your boss Vice Admiral Garp know?"

Only then did Leonardo react. He remembered that the old boy Garp had always wanted to train this child to become a Marine warrior. Speaking of which, the old boy Garp was also a great wretch. He originally wanted his son to come to the Marine and become a Marine hero Second. Generation project, but the son became the terrorist First Generation project. He wanted to train his grandson to be the strongest Marine, but both grandsons ended up going to be pirates.

In other words, the old boy Garp has a good attitude, but if it had been anyone else, he would have collapsed a long time ago.

"...This is today's newspaper. Vice Admiral Garp doesn't usually read this stuff. Maybe he doesn't know it yet, but it's a matter of time."

Kuzan looked at this guy's face and felt that he was taking pleasure in his misfortune, but he had no evidence.

Newspapers from all over the world basically have no influence on the Grand Line. After all, people in the Grand Line only pay attention to those big pirates worth tens of millions or more than 100 million. To be honest, there is no one like Roger and his son who now only have 4 million. Look, Grand Line alone has countless newcomers debuting every day these days, and there are even more newcomers like East Blue, who are worth just four million, not to mention East Blue, which is recognized as the weakest in the world.

Ever since One Piece Roger, East Blue has not produced any decent talent for many years. If it weren't for the fact that it was the birthplace of Marine Heroes and Pirate King, this sea area would have been forgotten long ago.

Even people from all over the world will only take a glance at it, and then say lightly, "Oh, there is another new person debuting." "I won't pay attention to it after that. There are so many new people debuting every day, and they would be too busy to pay attention to it.

But working in a factory?

That is to say, one day this newcomer will break out of the world and go to the Grand Line, and his net worth will skyrocket, and he will show off his surprise. If he really wants to get attention, he will have to make at least a few news headlines.

"This kid looks so familiar..."

However, an old drunkard in Sabaody didn't see it that way. In his bar, Rayleigh, half drunk and half awake, stared at the photo with a bounty of four million, and then inexplicably appeared in his mind. That somewhat silly figure slightly overlaps with the kid in the mugshot...

Hmm... they don't look alike at all. This kid is much stronger than that idiot.

But looking at the smile and temperament of this kid in the photo... He has been hanging out with that idiot for decades, and he still clearly remembers how many hairs there are on that guy. This almost identical smile, this He would never mistake this temperament.

"Haha, don't you think they are similar?"

Shakky on the side looked at Rayleigh staring at the bounty she had just posted on the wall and smiled.

Generally speaking, the worth of a pirate who can be put on her wall must start with at least several small goals. After all, in Sabaody, the world economic center, an international metropolis close to the entrance of New World, the net worth is less than a few small goals. Posting it on the wall will only affect the quality of her bar. The reason why she posted the child's bounty on the wall today was for her man to see.

"This kid can't be..."

Rayleigh looked at Shakky's expression, the choice in her mind suddenly twitched, and she looked at her with wide eyes.

"If you have any questions in your mind, just go and have a look..."

Seeing that the old guy stared at him for a long time and couldn't say anything, Shakky said speechlessly.

.....Forget it, I have retired, now it is the world of young people. "

Rayleigh was silent for a while and then shook her head and continued drinking.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, a wretched figure quietly left the bar, ran to the port, jumped into the sea, and swam towards East Blue...


"Garp, you old bastard, get out of here! (▼Van▼#)"

Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku blasted open the door of Garp's old boy's office with an angry fist. There was no one inside. A rotting smell came from the pavement and filled the entire office. The entire office was covered with a layer of ash that was ten centimeters high.

At first glance, you can tell that this office has been empty for some years. (^0^*)/

"."War...Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp has not been in the office for several years..."

A passing Rear Admiral boy saw Brother Yi being so angry and cautiously stepped forward to explain.

Originally, it was common for their first brother and their idol, two good friends, to fall in love and kill each other in their headquarters. If only the former Rear Admiral brother wouldn't be afraid.

But today, their first brother is obviously over the top. At least he has never seen him come and smash the door of Vice Admiral Garp in these years. In the past, it was Vice Admiral Garp who came to smash the door of first brother. First brother never I have never been to Vice Admiral Garp’s office. Now it’s more like Vice Admiral Garp has done something to offend Brother Yi. Brother Yi came to ask Mao personally.

Could it be that Vice Admiral Garp seduced Crane Vice Admiral?

"This damn old bastard...(▼ dishes ▼#)"

When Sengoku heard his younger brother say that his gay friend hadn't been to his office for several years, the oversized well on his forehead was about to pop out.

In other words, this old guy has been absent from duty for several years?

And he, the first Marine brother, doesn’t know about this damn thing?

Didn't this old guy hang around in his office every day last month and gnawed on several boxes of Baileys?

This old guy earns a higher salary than him every month and lives a more elegant life than him. Sengoku's anger suddenly shot out to the sky.

Although last time the old guy accidentally exposed his annual salary, he also raised his annual salary slightly, but he still didn't get as much as this old bastard. After all, a marshal is born every twenty years and a hero is born every hundred years.

But I work overtime till two or three in the middle of the night every day, while this bastard wanders around every day, and has not even been in his own office for several years. "Girlfriend Zhan is really upset when she thinks about it...

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