Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

695. Whitebeard: It’S Entirely Possible For That Bastard Roger To Do Such A Thing

"Hey, hey, hey! Bastard! What's that look in your eyes? I have a very strict mouth. I haven't said anything about Zephyr teasing Xiaohe back then... Well! (⊙_⊙"

The two have been together for so many years, but just by looking at each other, the old boy Garp knew what his good friend was thinking. He slapped the senbei in his hand on the coffee table and jumped up, shouting righteously.

After he finished speaking, he seemed to have discovered something, and immediately covered his mouth and stopped talking.

Although he is usually a bit loud-mouthed and a bit unreliable, he still knows something about such an important matter, just like when he found out that Zephyr was also flirting with Xiao He, in order not to affect the relationship between the friends He had endured his feelings until now and accidentally let it slip.

He wanted to get Ace into the Marine. Although he and Ace were not related by blood, he sincerely regarded Ace as his grandson. Naturally, he didn't want him to follow the same path as his father, Roger. He had never been a big pirate in so many years. I've seen them before, but which one has a good ending?

Even though Rayleigh retreated bravely from the rapids, isn't he still in Sabaody looking at his horse's face and eating soft food?

Could it be...that little bastard with red hair again? (^▼X)

Not only did Garp think about it, but the red-haired little bastard was the only one who had been to Windmill Town in so many years. The red-haired bastard liked to wander around all day long. Could it be that when he was in Windmill Town, the red-haired bastard not only deceived Luffy, but also discovered that Ace?

The red-haired little bastard has been following Roger since he was a child. After being with Roger for so many years, it seems not surprising that he recognizes Ace's identity. It's a pity that Luffy didn't bite a pirate king to make him angry at that time. He never expected that this would happen now. Looking back, it's really possible.

At this moment, Garp suddenly felt very lost and felt like a failure.

Originally, he thought he could infect Ace so that he would not be affected by Roger and become an upright Marine warrior. Then he would find a wife, have a few children, and live a peaceful life. But who knew, in the end, this child would still be Follow the same path as him.

There is also his little grandson who keeps shouting "One Piece" all day long. He chases after the Pirate King and beats the Marine hero. If you don't want to run a good car, you have to go and eat tree bark...

"This kid has just debuted. Before he attracts too much attention, you should bring him back immediately, otherwise the world government will pay attention to him..."

It turned out that Sengoku, who was about to explode when he heard that old boy Zephyr once wanted to flirt with him, saw his good friend's disappointed look and couldn't bear to blame him. After all, this kind of thing would be uncomfortable for anyone. , my good gay friend has gone through it twice, and it is very likely that he will go through it a third time in a few years...

But he can only help so far. If the kid is still stubborn and pursues the dream of the sea like his dead father, he will really be targeted by the Five Elders. It is too easy to trace the details of a kid with the ability of the CPO.

When the time comes, he won't be able to help even if he wants to.

The son of Roger, the Pirate King, debuted as a pirate, and he, the first brother of Marine, can’t be found. To a certain extent, Roger’s son is just as dangerous as Dorag, and his influence is much greater than the current Dorag. !

The son of Roger, the Pirate King, as long as he reveals his identity and stands up to wave the flag, God knows whether those retired old guys and the pirates who regard Roger as their spiritual mentor will gather together, and then follow the Roger Pirates Will the history that disappeared together come back again?

These are what the Five Elders are worried about. Once his identity is found, the direct government will never let him go. Even if he knows some history, he cannot remain indifferent. Who will rule this has nothing to do with him, but if the world is in chaos Indeed the last thing he wanted to see.

Now, while this child hasn't grown up yet, it's still too late to stop in time and add his help.

"I'll go right away..."

As soon as Sengoku finished speaking, the old boy Garp disappeared. Although he didn't know how serious the situation was, good friends have said so now. In other words, if Ace can turn back now, in order to treat Ace's mother in the first place, He promised to bring this brat back no matter what.

He has watched Ace grow up since he was a child. He knows better than anyone how much stuff this brat has in his belly. Roger debuted at full level back then, so he could wander around. The World Government has nothing to do with them. Ace is still in his development stage, but East Blue's level is too low to trouble him at all, but when this kid breaks into the Grand Line and becomes famous, it will be troublesome.

…Please give me flowers…

Not to mention world government, even Roger had many enemies back then. If he met any big master, that kid would be wary.

at the same time.

On New World Whitebeard's Moby Dick, Whitebeard, who never pays attention to the newcomers, is holding a newly issued bounty in his hand and staring at it, showing a bit of doubt from time to time.

I don't know why, but when he saw this kid among a bunch of bounties, he couldn't move his eyes away as if there was some divine will. When he looked at the kid in the photo, he felt special. Eye rim.

The figure in the photo overlaps with the person in my mind... Although the expression and shadow overlap 100%, the appearance is completely different!

This kid is much prettier than that idiot Roger!

Roger: cndy, are you waiting for me to come down to work? I’ll kill you! (▼ plate ▼#)

When Roger came to see Raftel after finding him, he made a joke with him. Roger took away the captain of his second division and made his son the captain of the second division to make up for him. Listen to this joke. It sounds ridiculous. After all, Roger was already in his forties at the time, and he was still known as a poor guy. He was not as good at showing off as Rayleigh. How could a girl fall in love with him and have a son with him?

He didn't pay much attention at the time, and even joked that if Roger really had a son, it wouldn't hurt if he gave him all his wealth.

This was just a small memory fragment in his decades of life. He had almost forgotten it after Roger burped, but now that he saw the kid's photo, that memory resurfaced in his mind, and It was still a 1080 ultra-high-definition picture, and he clearly remembered every word they said when they spoke.

All the signs in the dark made him suspect that this kid was probably the descendant of Roger's dead ghost.

The world always thinks too positively of Roger's bastard, but based on his understanding of Roger's character, it is really possible for that bastard to do such a thing in order to seize his wealth.

After Whitebeard pondered for a long time, he took a sip of wine and looked at his eldest son beside him.

"Marco, go to East Blue and see this kid. Let me know when he gets to New World."

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