Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

716. The Rise Is Too Fast, Young People Are Drifting Away

"What are you afraid of? I'm here, just leave it to me when the time comes!"

I have to say that because he rose so quickly, it has been smooth sailing since his debut, and the enemies he encountered could not even withstand a punch from him. This is different from what the titular grandfather and the bandit king aunt at home said about the dangerous sea. The world was far away, which made him really drifting.

"Captain, don't be careless. This Marine Vice Admiral is very strong."

An older brother who seemed to have stories to tell said that he had followed several bosses before joining this captain. Although the previous bosses did not end well, the last boss had entered the Grand Line. Then they met a Marine Rear Admiral, who was arrested within half an hour. He was not sent to Impel Down and was able to escape back to East Blue because he had diarrhea and ran to the "470" toilet during the war. A bullet dodged.

In his opinion, although his last boss was not as sharp as the current boss, he was still a tough guy. As a result, when he met Marine Rear Admiral, he could not last for half an hour. This Marine Vice Admiral was one rank higher than Marine Rear Admiral. Definitely more intense.

"How to force the law, please tell me?"

Ace rubbed his chin and looked at this young man. He had been in Windmill Town for so many years, but he had not really seen many Marines. After going to sea, the most he met was Colonel Marine. Marine Vice Admiral, he was there from beginning to end. I have only seen an old Marine like my grandfather in name only...

"Well... Speaking of Marine Vice Admiral, we have to say that the Marine hero Garp, who was said to have pushed Roger to the edge dozens of times and finally captured Roger, is not just a Vice Admiral, then It was because this Vice Admiral Garp refused to be promoted to Admiral several times that year, so he stayed in the position of Marine Vice Admiral. However, this Vice Admiral Garp is the spiritual leader of Marine, and he is also one of the top people in the sea. A few years ago, Vice Admiral had a battle with Four Emperors Kaido at Impel Down, and half a year ago he had a battle with Four Emperors Red Hair. It would be terrible if we ran into him!"

The young man with a story said with a serious expression.

In fact, he knows what a bird is. This is only the second time he has entered the Grand Line. It is the first time he has come so far away. The last boss who dared to enter the Grand Line was kicked out, but in order to dispel the captain's idea of ​​​​running away, , told some news about the most famous Marine Vice Admiral Garp he knew.

"Wow! I didn't expect that the old man is still a Marine hero... I don't know who is better between him and the world's strongest Whitebeard..."

Ace rubbed his chin and murmured to himself. He really didn't expect that the grandfather who always knelt around would actually hold it in his mouth like this, and he also had the title of Marine Hero.

But he didn't care that much. Hearing his little brother boast about the titular grandpa so much, he didn't know that the titular grandpa is the strongest with Whitebeard, who is known as the world's No. 1.

He has lived in Windmill Town, which is under the care of Uncle Marine, since he was a child. The information blockade is quite serious, and he lives in the mountains all day long, so the information is even more lacking. He has heard of New World Four Emperors, but not I know him well, but he is famous for the strongest Whitebeard in the world. This is the name he has heard most since his debut.

"This...should...maybe...maybe...Whitebeard. -_-||"

The boy with the story wiped the sweat from his forehead and said uncertainly, he knows what the hell, he had just watched the Marine Heroes vs. Four Emperors red-haired guy half a year ago before he got involved with the captain. He was almost frightened to death by the scene of two people fighting each other on the screen. Anyway, in his opinion, these monsters were very strong.

But Whitebeard is said to be the strongest in the world, so it should be Whitebeard...

"Gah! If you put it this way, this Marine Vice Admiral is nothing! And there are so many Marine Vice Admirals, it's impossible for us to meet that old guy, okay, okay! Why don't we come to such a big city for a stroll? , you can’t come here in vain!”

After hearing the younger brother's explanation, Ace nodded clearly. The younger brother spoke of the old man so sharply, but in his mind, the old man seemed to have nothing great except for the pain of hitting people. He was not as powerful as the world's strongest Whitebeard. Definitely not comparable.

And the person I am today is no longer the person I was yesterday, that bird!\(^?^)?

"Hahahaha! What a coincidence. Ace, please go back with me."

Just when Ace and the young man were about to dock, a bold and somewhat exaggerated laughter came from behind...

"Which bastard dares to call our captain's name? You don't want to mess around anymore?"

"Fuck! Hai...Hai Hai Marine hero, Kaka Kaka Kaka Garp!! (?A?)/"

Hearing this voice, before Ace could say anything, the boy next to him turned around and started spraying out of habit. As a result, he was almost frightened to the point of out-of-body stage at this sight.

I don't know when a brand-new dog-headed warship appeared behind them and was following them. Less than five meters from their stern, there was a strong and tall old man wearing a dog-headed hat, with a thumb on one hand. The dog's head standing majestically in front of the warship with her nose clasped, isn't this girl the Marine hero card in their story just now?


This dog-headed warship, the iconic dog-headed hat, and the iconic thumb-picking nose action are almost the same as those in the newspaper!

All the boys turned their heads and glared at the storyteller who just told the story. Have you ever talked so much? You haven't told everyone, what should you do now? T^T


This little brother with a story is crying, how the hell do I know what to do? Why is his mouth so accurate today? I have never won a lottery ticket before.

Marine hero Garp!

That's the legendary Marine who chases the Pirate King all over the streets!

"(0.1_⊙)? Ah? Grandpa, why are you here?"

Just when the boys were preparing to face the fate of picking up soap, Ace looked at the old man who was picking his nose with his thumb in bewilderment. It was better that he didn't say anything. This opening scared all the boys to the sky.



A group of boys stared at their second boss in stunned silence, then turned to look at the Marine hero who was picking his nose.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, they wouldn't have believed that their boss had such a relationship with the Marine hero.

The grandson of the Marine hero decided to become a pirate, or what the hell is a super rookie king?!

Am I really dreaming?

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