Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

735. It’S Not Easy To Lead A Single-Core Team These Days

"Shut up you bastard! (♥~♥)

Sengoku suppressed his anger and rubbed his forehead, his head hurt a lot. He hadn't noticed anyone since he received the news last night until now.

"Fire Fist" Ace, if you put aside his identity, is actually just a new pirate with better talent. It's not a big deal. He is a dignified Marine brother and can still accommodate a pirate who will become a super giant in the future. .

It's not important to be Whitebeard's son. Whitebeard is a man with a strong family concept but not too ambitious, so it doesn't really matter to be his son.


This "Fire Fist" Ace happens to be Roger's son. When Roger arrived at Raftel and became king at the last stop, he went to find Whitebeard. No one knows what the story is. Now Roger's son He also became Whitebeard's godson. He was sure that Whitebeard must have known the true identity of this "Fire Fist" Ace. "It is impossible for him to become the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates for decades."

What status does the position of Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates hold in Whitebeard's mind? Those who have experienced it all know that this kid can take this position just by calling him daddy. Whitebeard has made it clear that he wants to regard this kid as his heir.

This is what worries him the most. Judging from the various deeds of this kid since his debut, this kid is not like Roger and Whitebeard. If this kid has a few small goals in mind, in the sunset of Whitebeard It will be very troublesome in the future when the huge Whitebeard pirate group inherits the huge Whitebeard pirate group and thrives under the light of inheriting Whitebeard.

"Fire Fist" Ace was beaten by Whitebeard until he called him daddy, and became the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates that had been vacant for decades. After the news spread on the sea, it instantly detonated the entire sea like a depth bomb~.

Such a change is so fast. A while ago, they were still lamenting that this "Fire Fist" Ace is brave, courageous, and unyielding. But now he can't beat him and is called daddy?

It’s not that this kind of thing has never happened. On the contrary, it’s normal to join the sea if you can’t beat them. Many large pirate groups in the New World have developed in this way step by step.

Half of the pillars of Beasts Pirates were Mr. Guy-do's younger brothers who first challenged Mr. Kaido and were deeply "conquered" by Mr. Kaido.

Some of the pirate groups under Whitebeard usually challenged Whitebeard and were beaten to the point of being called daddy by Whitebeard. Several of Charlotte's sons-in-law were also beaten out in this way.

But... this "Fire Fist" Ace is different. First of all, in terms of fame, "Fire Fist" Ace is much higher than those people back then. He just uses his fame to do it without having to hug his thighs and scream. Dad, as long as you keep a low profile and grow steadily through the novice stage, you will be the next redhead.

Besides, you are still so young and a perfect little puppy. If you start over again, everyone will still support you, and the future will definitely be yours.

But what the hell is going on when Whitebeard beats you up and calls you daddy?

Of course, public opinion is divided from both sides. Some people are dissatisfied and others are supportive. Some people think that "Fire Fist" Ace's choice is very wise. After all, today is different from the past. The environment of New World today is very close to the environment of Red Haired New World back then. It's completely different. The period when the red hair approached the New World was the era when the heroes of the New World were competing for hegemony. In addition, the World government increased its investment in funds. Anyone who participated in two wars and survived could be promoted.

But today's New World is completely different. The era of competition among heroes has ended with the accession of Four Emperors. In today's era where Four Emperors rule the world, it is not that easy to get the upper hand in New World. These four companies The strength of the super wealthy family has left the strength of other pirate groups far behind. The four monsters of Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, and Red Hair are so powerful that many people have tried to challenge them over the years, but all of them failed.

These days, a single core with a group of water-cooler guys is destined to not go far alone. Once they are teamed up to defend, they will not be able to advance to the first round of the playoffs.

On the contrary, with the talent of "Fire Fist" Ace, it is too difficult to always be a lone hero and rise to the top. Only by joining these super wealthy families can he exert his greatest value. These same super wealthy families will help him even more in reaching the super wealthy families.

Look at today's four giants, which one doesn't have a few starting players? The Red Hair Pirates' group of top players, the Beasts Pirates' three disasters and a few pillars, Whitebeard's dozen biological sons, Charlotte's fat lady's Those dragons and phoenixes.

…Please give me flowers…

And the most important thing is that Whitebeard is older. With the ability and potential currently shown by "Fire Fist" Ace, it is very likely that he will be cultivated as the core of the future leader. Think about the family of Whitebeard, the king of two great eras. ...

This special girl will have to struggle for decades less than marrying the fat lady Charlotte and becoming a harem!

Just thinking about it makes me drool...

In short, after "Fire Fist" Ace became Whitebeard's disciple and called him daddy, there were all kinds of noises, and it was very exciting.

The Kingdom of Dresaros is the first medium-to-large New World kingdom not far from the entrance to New World in the first half of the Grand Line. In the past, such a kingdom would never have been in the top ten in terms of overall strength.

But since the king of the Kingdom of Dresaros was changed a few years ago, the black and white in the first half were all in charge, Seven Warlords of the Sea, the world's largest arms broker, the star of Celestial Dragons

After Doflamingo became the king of this country, in just a few years, Dresaros' comprehensive strength increased by leaps and bounds, reaching the top three among all the kingdoms in the New World. Its economic strength even ranked first, even among the top five in the World Government. They were all shocked by Doflamingo's ability.

Back then, Doflamingo violated the Shichibukai Convention. When they were not paying attention, he ousted the original crown prince of Dresaros and took back his ancestral land. Afterwards, they said they could take back their ancestral land, but they had no choice. After all, Germany It is true that Rezaros belonged to others hundreds of years ago, and the only remaining Donquixote family now is Doflamingo. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the Mao family going back to inherit the inheritance of their ancestors.

And although Dresaros is a member of the World Government, because it is located in the New World, it is not the kind of country that is indispensable. The heavenly gold provided in those years was barely at the passing level. One more is not more, and one less is less. Quite a lot. As long as the heavenly gold is paid on time, it doesn't matter who becomes the king. Moreover, Doflamingo has also promised to increase the amount of heavenly gold in the future. In this case, Wu Zai's father can just turn a blind eye. , After all, that is also the family’s ancestral land, and the five old people are not unreasonable people. .

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