Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

756.Bigmom Pirates Are So Awesome

"You fat bitch, get out of here! (Dan▼#)"


"You bastard, go to hell! (#A')?"


"Gu la la la la..."



The fourth day of the big fight.

The battle between the three top pirates does not have many gorgeous moves, but the special effects of the three are extremely shocking. Charlotte, Teacher Kaido and Whitebeard are all standard powerful players. In the melee between the three, The elbows that Whitebeard used when he singled out Mr. Kaido can no longer be used. Such melee skills are useless. He can only fight honestly. Shock Fruit's ability is constantly stimulated. You give me a shot of the three of you, and I give it to him. , the competition is not about technology, the competition is about who is stronger. "860" The sky seemed to be shattered by Teacher Kaido and Charlotte, the sea seemed to be blown over by Whitebeard, huge waves kept rolling, and lightning and thunder in the sky "just like the end of the world."

"It's so... so scary...(COO)"

"How about...or we can just be spectators and stop interfering...II"

The people across the big screen were naturally not as shocked as experiencing it in person. They had the same idea as Leonardo. The big pirates, who were full of enthusiasm at the beginning and fought fiercely, have now regained their cool heads after the fighting in the past few days. , seeing that less than half of the younger brothers originally brought are now left, feeling the extreme brawl between the three Four Emperors, I feel distressed and scared at the same time.

The battle between the three big monsters in front of them can be described as devastating, both tearing the sky and breaking the sea. It is really exaggerated. They are not at the same level as them. Unless they can fight to the death. They are Four Emperors, otherwise they would not see the slightest chance from these three people.

But it is not easy to kill one Four Emperors. Look at the power that these three people burst out. Whitebeard leads the attack with defense, and Shock Fruit combines offense and defense. Until now, only a circle has been drawn under his feet, and his position has not even moved.

Teacher Kaido’s terrifying momentum and pervert’s recovery are simply inhuman. He’s been elbowed so many times by Whitebeard and stabbed so many times by fat lady Charlotte, but he’s still strong now.

Charlotte, the fat lady, was born with a body of steel, with sparks in her left hand and electricity in the right. She looked even scarier than Mr. Kaido, how could she beat this bitch?

"Idiot, we're not fighting the three of them. We can go over there... Now is a good opportunity to make a name for yourself. The whole world is watching. If you don't get involved, just go home and sell salted duck eggs. !"

Of course, not everyone can calm down. There are also some people who have been in the New World for many years. They don't see the opportunity to rise to the top at all. They are just waiting for this opportunity to become famous. Naturally, they don't want to let it go, otherwise they will be allowed to go. It is absolutely impossible to fight with three big guys in a melee. They are not idiots, and idiots can't survive now, so these people have set their sights on other battlefields where they are fighting together.

On other battlefields, everyone on the other battlefields performed quite well, except for the BIGMOM pirates. Those dragons and phoenixes of Charlotte's fat lady may have been prepared for too long. This performance is really a special show, especially Although the fighting power of those children who have just debuted is not as good as those of their already famous brothers and sisters, they have also demonstrated their fruitful abilities to the fullest. All kinds of weird Paramecia skills emerge in endlessly, and the picture is beautiful. To be honest, to be able to develop Devil Fruit, the most difficult to develop Paramecia food series, to this extent really shows off the faces of people in front of the big screen.

The Devil Fruits of Charlotte's children are almost all Paramecia, and they are a food series that looks and sounds like they are not very powerful. To be honest, if these Devil Fruits were given to others, they would really be useless. But in these children of fat lady Charlotte, people saw a lot of new ways to play, which was really amazing. Even Sengoku in Naval Headquarters was jealous when he saw it.

We all know that the development of Paramecia Devil Fruit is very difficult, especially for these creation systems. Talent alone is not enough, it also requires considerable imagination and rich professional knowledge. Doflamingo’s previous String-String Fruit was a workshop director, stuck. The Nuo Nuo Fruit before was only one that sold three-color meatballs. There were also ice cream fruits, cheese fruits, biscuit fruits, etc. I had never seen anyone selling them before.

Paramecia fruits are no less common than Zoan fruits, but why do most of their Marine fruit-powered users also have Zoan fruits?

Isn’t it because Zoan fruit is easy to develop and does not require so much professional knowledge and imagination?

Look at fat lady Charlotte, these children are so talented!

Fat lady Charlotte has no great intelligence, how could she give birth to such a bunch of children...

Among the entire BIGMOM pirates, the only one who has not eaten Devil Fruit so far is Charlotte. Owen is watching his brothers and sisters showing off various skills, but he is fighting hand-to-hand, and his psychology is a little bit... I regret it a little. His mother also gave him a Devil Fruit back then, but he didn't like the high damage and high explosion, so he gave the opportunity to others...

But as a BIGMOM person, how could he not eat a Paramecia Devil Fruit? His mother had a habit of collecting food-based Devil Fruit, but in so many years, he had not come across a Devil Fruit that he liked.

Now those brothers and sisters have shown off their talents one by one, but he is still punching and kicking hard, with no special effects at all, and even the camera is not willing to give him more shots, which inevitably makes him a little bit Snack flavor.

However, although this Charlotte Irving is not a demon fruit power, his basic skills have been very solidly practiced by him. Grandmaster Two-Color Haki, his boxing and kicking skills are quite sharp. He can go in and out seven times in a group of little Karamies. He can be regarded as one of the technical elites in BIGMOM. A strange flower.

The people of BIGMOM let a hundred flowers bloom 5.9, and they showed off all kinds of Paramecia fruits, but what really caught people’s attention were those “Three Dessert Stars”

, what kind of veteran cadres and ministers are these children who have been famous for a long time?

Those young girls are really good at showing off, but they debuted late, and their basic skills are not solid enough. Their skills are pretty, but their lethality is not very strong. Most of the time, they rely on finishing kills. Those who have some strength already have their own opponents. The three of them have their own opponents. Kaji, the leader of the generals, and the image spokesperson of the BIGMOM pirates, is currently PVP-ing with two fire-breathing birdmen, and fat lady Charlotte is also fighting with Kaido-sensei and Whitebeard.

These young people who show off their skills crazily have naturally become the targets of these ambitious people who want to rise to the top. Who will let them show off...

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