Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

763. The Scenery At Four O'clock In The Morning In Front Of The Grand Line

"Hmph! Whitebeard, you old man is just waiting for me. I'll fuck you next time! Let's go! (^▼X)"

This damn brat is talking about this. If he continues to work with Whitebeard, his situation will really be worse than that damn fat lady Charlotte. What's more, he still has his century-old plan to implement, and things can't be done. It was too big of a fuss. If people knew that he had traded Zoan Devil Fruit with Doflamingo, he wanted to create the strongest animal army in history, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

And the assurance from his younger brother Jack made him quite happy.

Although for so many years, he didn't care whether Jack was strong or not, it was not as good as Kaido anyway, but to be honest, over the years, Jack was always beaten up by others and then came to him to cry, which made him feel a little bit. Losing face was one of the three disasters he sat down for. Both Jhin and Quinn were so good. Only Jack was able to gain a little bit. The younger brother was not strong enough, and he, the boss, had no face at all.

Now that Jack can work hard, he is quite happy...

The battle ended with people's confused expressions. Although there was a fierce brawl as imagined, the time was too short and everyone hadn't had enough to watch it. The red hair and the Marine handsome guy appeared on the stage, which made people feel a little bit. disappointment.

After all, there hasn't been such a big scene for many years. It took a lot of time to wait for a big scene, but it ended in an anticlimactic manner.

But after many years, the world-class collision of New World Four Emperors has indeed stimulated a large number of young people who dream of the sea.

Young people yearn for powerful power. After seeing the top power in the world, how can they endure it? Following Pluton Rayleigh's appearance, the New World station has also greatly stimulated those who have ideals, ambitions, and big minds. A young man with a mole.

One after another, while their father and mother were sleeping, they boarded the Yangfan, a small broken boat that came from nowhere, and went to sea with their friends who were equally full of ambition and passion.

Of course, because of the emergence of Leonardo, the Marine "Immortal Admiral", the impact of this New World War has not been magnified, especially since Leonardo was carrying Teacher Kaido's big stick while fooling Teacher Kaido and the other three to end this. The operation of this war also showed Uncle Marine's style of maintaining world peace. Although there are many young people who go to sea to become pirates, they have justice in mind, and there are also many young people who apply for starfish.

This can be considered a relatively good result.

Moreover, Marine's first brother Sengoku also expected that after the New World War, there would be a wave of young people going to sea. Facing the new pirates emerging from all over the world, he was a calm group, and even let Marine Admiral named Red Dog go to New World. Camping at the junction of the first half of the World and the Grand Line forced this year's pirate newcomers to increase their rejection rate by 50% compared to previous years.

And none of this new generation of pirates really has the status of a superstar, and there is no one with a strong background in Marine like Fire Fist Ace. As long as Akainu encounters him, it doesn't matter what you do, with the help of With the newly developed flying skills, these pirates couldn't run away even if they encountered Akainu.

With the cooperation of the five World Government fathers, the news media spread the word. During this time, Marine, the Marine Admiral named Red Dog, was extremely popular.

As long as the pirates he encountered were always mortal, raising the white flag was useless. Originally, because Teacher Kaido bravely advanced a few years ago, most of the first three floors of Impel Down were cleared, and he thought that there would be a wave of attacks. Unlucky man, as a result, for several months, those rooms were all covered with spider webs, and the occupancy rate only reached 20%. This made the first three floors, which were originally full of talents, now have more space than the sixth city with an invincible sea view. The room was still empty, and some of the unlucky ones who had been sent there by other Marine uncles suddenly discovered that it was actually pretty good. The room was big, and food and accommodation were included.

Impel down is indeed the only way out for modern young people. (^▽^)

"This guy Akainu is really hardworking, he doesn't even let go of the trumpet..."

At the Sabaody branch, Leonardo looked at the morning news. The headlines were filled with various news boasting about Akainu. Although some exaggeration was not ruled out, this performance should not have too much moisture. Three In just one month, Akainu has defeated almost a thousand pirate groups. This record is really mind-numbing. If a pirate group has an average of ten people, Akainu has defeated thousands of pirates in three months. Ten thousand kills, this data is more powerful than their other three Admirals combined.

He admired Akainu's professionalism quite a lot. Among the four Marine Admirals, Akainu was probably the only one who had seen the scene at four o'clock in the morning in the first half of the Grand Line.

Neither he, nor Aokiji, nor Kizaru really have this motivation. Some time ago, he got tired of playing in Sabaody land twice. After all, these pirates were going to New World to chew tree bark, so he had no reason to stop them.

The New World is a paradise for pirates, a paradise for adventurers, and a land of storms, yes, but it is also a Tomb of Heroes. Without complete preparations and the aura of the protagonist, rushing to the New World rashly will only end in giving away people. According to different According to complete statistics, the ratio of pirates on the sea dying at the hands of their peers to those at the hands of Uncle Marine is as high as eight to one, and 80% of them are pirates from the New World.

So under normal circumstances, he would not stop those pirates with ideals and ambitions from pursuing their dreams in the New World.

What young person doesn’t have dreams?

And he can also see that Gozai's father is really laying the foundation for Akainu to become the next Marine brother. After all, Sengoku's twenty-year term is almost up. If he remembers correctly, in the original book, it seems that after the Summit War ends, Akainu It’s Sea Circle Calendar 1518 now. Roger’s son has been at sea for a year, and it should only be two years since Garp’s grandson went to sea. Being a Marine brother requires not only qualifications, but also qualifications. Persuasiveness, Sengoku's generation is nothing, Zephyr retreats to the background

Garp doesn't get promoted, so only one Marine Admiral like Sengoku is left. After Kong's term expires, there will be no one left unless Sengoku takes over.

But this time they are different. There are four Marine Admirals. Whether it is Kizaru or Aokiji, his reputation in the Marines is not less than that of Akainu. This is not to brag, his reputation is even greater than that of Akainu. It's much bigger, so there are four candidates for the next Marine's first brother. If Akainu doesn't brush up his performance in advance, it will be really difficult for him to get the position.

Regardless of the fact that Aokiji and Akainu had a fight in the original book, this made him a little strange. Looking at Aokiji's current behavior, it seemed that he didn't have the ambitions of the superior Marine brother. How could he compete with Akainu for a seat in the championship? .

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