Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

767. The Golden Lion Ran Out To Visit The Night Market!

Why did Mr. Kaido ask Doflamingo to trade the Zoan Devil Fruit? Just think about it and you'll know. Isn't it his army of iron-blooded animals? It was mentioned in the original book. As Mr. Kaido who developed the Zoan Fruit to Ultimate, he can naturally understand the Zoan Devil Fruit. Powerful, just like Charlotte's fat lady's group of Paramecia children, there is nothing wrong with Kaido's teacher establishing the iron-blooded Zoan army.

But as the saying goes, the butt determines the head, so it has nothing to do with Kaido-sensei what big thing he wants to do. It still gives Sengoku, the first Marine brother, a headache.

Recently, there have been rumors from the headquarters that Sengoku, Zephyr and others don't seem to want to see Akainu, the fifth Marine Admiral promoted by his father, take the top position, so they plan to find one of the other three Marine Admirals to challenge Akainu.

Although he has some secrets in his heart, he is really worried that Sengoku wants to support him in a competition with Akainu.

And to be honest, he seems to be the best candidate for Kizaru and Aokiji. Unfortunately, he has no idea about the three evil positions of Marine's first brother, so now he is able to deal with people like Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane Vice Admiral. He avoided it and stayed away from it, working from nine to five in his Sabaody branch, occasionally running to see Rayleigh to brag.

But Leonardo doesn't care, but his group of younger brothers headed by Dominic are different. They are quite motivated in doing things. If their boss takes over Marine's first brother, they will become the ministers of the dragon. !

His status in the world is half higher than others.

Therefore, Dominic and others have been quite active during this period.

"Admiral Curry, there is news from the Water Capital that they seem to have found traces of the Golden Lion, but they are not sure if it is the Golden Lion.

After Dominic nodded, he suddenly reported another thing, his expression was quite solemn when he spoke.

That was Golden Lion, a generation of heroes more than ten years ago. If it hadn't been for that super storm, there might not have been Roger the Pirate King. Anyone who has experienced the great era of Golden Lion will feel numb when hearing this name. .

Back when the Golden Lion roamed the sea, he was just a small Marine fighting pirates in the New World. Knowing how terrifying the Golden Lion was, he was a man who couldn't even control Impel Down...

"Hmm?? Tell me what's going on? (O_O)?"

Leonardo also jumped up in an instant and sat up straight, asking with curiosity on his face. A former great pirate with a weak body and a strong will is harmless.

But if he remembers correctly, the Golden Lion should be doing his little scientific experiments somewhere in the sky now. It has to be said that the Golden Lion is a man with a weird mind and plans to conquer the world with a group of small animals. This Much more thorough than Mr. Kaido's Iron-Blooded Animal Legion.

But what the hell is this old boy doing if he doesn't just stay in heaven and come out to show his face?

Do you really think their Uncle Marine is a parallel import?

"The people in the Water City discovered a creature suspected to be the Golden Lion visiting the night market last night... However, due to the age, the Golden Lion's reward has turned yellow, and they can't be sure if it is it, nor do they. If you dare to get too close, you are afraid of being discovered, so you should report the situation to us first..."

Dominic organized his words and said.

"WHT? It's a creature that is suspected to be Golden Lion? Visiting the night market? Golden Lion is full and has nothing to do, right? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo said confused.

Are you kidding me?

After the Golden Lion was blasted away by Mr. Kaido, their Marines searched the entire sea but could not find the whereabouts of the Golden Lion. Now you tell me that the Golden Lion is visiting the night market in the Water City?

"Ahem... It seems, that's right. Vice Admiral Ridbos is actually not sure if it's the Golden Lion. After all, it's been too long..."

Dominic spread his hands in embarrassment.

At the beginning of the period, when he heard the report from the people in the Water City, he was also confused. He was a big pirate. The Golden Lion had to think, "Will Golden Lion, the tenth generation hero, go to the Water City to visit the night market?"

This is as incredible as Pluton Rayleigh's love.

But it’s better to believe that this thing exists than to believe that it doesn’t exist. What if this creature that is suspected to be a Golden Lion is really a Golden Lion?

..... Let the people in the Water City find out whether it is the Golden Lion, but be careful not to find out... Forget it, prepare the boat, I will go there myself. "

Leonardo touched his chin and said, he had to go and see if the creature suspected to be a Golden Lion was a Golden Lion. If it was really a Golden Lion, those guys in the Water City were not enough to brush it up. Don't worry. It looks like Golden Lion is a lot older.

You are still an uncle. Whitebeard is seventy years old and can still have multiple teachers in solo queue...

In fact, Golden Lion is really just for visiting the night market in the water city.

It is said that when the Golden Lion flew down from the sky, it happened to arrive at the Water City. After spending more than ten years in the sky, it suddenly ran out and was immediately confused by the colorful world outside.

More than ten years have passed in a hurry, and once again he came to the famous water city, which made him feel like he was in another world. More than ten years ago, the city was famous all over the world just because of its world-famous shipbuilder. Now it is full of high-rise buildings and gorgeous stars. Top-class hotels, colorful nightlife, even a bottle of beer that cost only two hundred berriles more than ten years ago costs tens of thousands of berriers here. At that time, the whole world was attached to his huge bounty. See His people are not afraid of anything.

But now he walked upright to the entrance of the Marine Base in the Water City with a Victory cigar in his mouth. Even the two Marine boys who were guarding the gate didn't know who he was, and they didn't even know the iconic golden hair and rudder on his head. .

This hurts Golden Lion to some extent. It has only been more than ten years, and the outside world has already become like this. 260

The super celebrity who pioneered the jailbreak blockbuster and led an era is now so outdated that no one cares about Marine Base. This huge gap makes Golden Lion feel very uncomfortable.

But it was uncomfortable, and he was not going to cause trouble in the Water City. After all, the most important thing for him now was to make money. Before he got more than two billion beli, he still needed to keep a low profile. After his scientific research project was successful, he still needed to keep a low profile. When he surprised everyone, he probably had been away from modern society for too long. Golden Lion was not in a hurry to leave, but planned to take a stroll in the water city to adapt to the current life.

In fact, it is not that everyone does not know the Golden Lion. At least Uncle Marine from the Water City took another look in the crowd when he took his female companion to the night market. Because of this glance, he remembered that he was a Golden Lion more than ten years ago. The night when the newly debuted little Marine was on duty at the headquarters, a sky-shattering figure descended from the sky with pirate ships one after another.

That figure is still unforgettable to him, and it was precisely because that night became a turning point in his life. He was the first to discover that the enemy sounded the alarm, and the big guys rushed there immediately, saving the lives of countless companions and thus being killed by a group of people. Brother favorably recommended him to Marine College and he has been on the rise ever since.

Although it has been many years and his memory has become a little blurry, he has not forgotten the figure who changed his life.

This looks like a Golden Lion!

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