Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

771. They Are All People With Great Ambitions

The shout of this old shipbuilder also brought back the youthful memories of some older people.

The iconic golden retriever and the wood on the forehead, holding a victory cigar in his mouth and looking like a black boss. Isn't this the same Flying Admiral Golden Lion who held a lot in his mouth?

The young people around him also widened their eyes, looking in disbelief at the old man who was confronting Uncle Marine. It was unimaginable that the Golden Lion who created the prison break blockbuster, once had a lot of food in his mouth, and was as famous as Roger the Pirate King and the strongest Whitebeard in the world. Right before their eyes.

This is not living in a dream, is it?

The era of Golden Lion is already very far away from them, and they really haven't heard too many legends about Golden Lion. After all, history textbooks only record those who are successful, but the poop produced by successful people is fragrant. , no one records the losers of the previous era like Golden Lion "667".

However, as the legendary pirate who almost defeated Roger the Pirate King in the last era, there are still only a few records in elementary school history textbooks. Forget about the previous "Pluton" Rayleigh, which was the preferred hand of Roger the Pirate King, but now Lian Te's mother The legendary pirate who almost defeated Roger, the pirate king, appears, it’s so incredible!

And some old guys who have lived for a few years are very excited when they look at the Golden Lion who is still Haki. Although the Golden Lion is not their idol, it represents their youth at that time!

Each generation has representative figures of their respective eras. Whether these people are Marines or pirates, they were famous and powerful men who were active on the sea when they were young. Just like the generation who are now parents, Marine "Immortal Admiral", red-haired, and Hawkeye are their youth. No matter whose fans they are, they have to admit that these three people were the most popular when they were young. Now these three have become one of MarineF4's most popular people. First, one became the New World Four Emperors, and the other became the world's greatest swordsman. They both got married and became parents, just like growing up with him.

As for these little old men who are a little older, their youth is naturally dominated by the legendary pirates and veteran Marine giants of the previous generation. The "Aloof Red" Baloric Redfield dragon never comes to an end, and occasionally appears. Not counting those who come here to get some traffic, the other three legendary pirates are the real protagonists. Looking at the Golden Lion who doesn’t even have a younger brother around him and whose clothes are still so tattered and ragged, their youth seems to be back!

"Si Guoyi! I didn't expect that the Golden Lion who had been hiding for so many years would also appear. I always thought he was dead.

"Who said it wasn't the case? It just popped up for a short while and then disappeared..."

After confirming that this weird old man from Haki was the former Flying Admiral Golden Lion, the pirates around him were filled with emotion, completely unaware that if Golden Lion and Uncle Marine started fighting here, all of them would be in trouble.

"Jie Jie Jie... I just admire your unruly face. Your bad temper has not changed at all after so many years. It just so happens that I have reserved a presidential suite for you in Impel Down. You can go in there peacefully." Retirement.”

Leonardo did not ignore the Golden Lion with full aura. After all, the Golden Lion now only had this little aura left.

This old guy's physical condition is much worse than Whitebeard. Whitebeard can still treat Teacher Kaido to eat elbows at the age of seventy. That's because Whitebeard has half the blood of the giants. Although he does not inherit the lifespan of the giants, as long as he takes good care of himself, Well, in addition, I did not suffer any major injuries when I was young. Although my condition has declined now, I am still the invincible little giant. Golden Lion does not have the conditions of Whitebeard. After a piece of rotten wood was inserted into his forehead, Not only did it affect Conqueror's Haki, but he also had two broken legs. It didn't seem to have a great impact on him because of Lion Fruit, but in fact it still seriously affected his strength. Even Mr. Kaido hit a home run. I can't even bear it, let alone now.

Golden Lion doesn't have a surname of Monkey plus D. As he grows older, Golden Lion will only get older and older, and he can only bully Garp's grandson, and even get cheated by Garp's grandson.

Just as the atmosphere at the scene became more and more intense, Leonardo was holding the hilt of the sword, Kizaru's body was glowing with golden light, and the people around him looked scared, thinking that the two sides were about to start a fight.

..... You bastard kid, labor and management still have business to do, so I’ll tear your mouth apart next time!”

His attitude can be arrogant, but Golden Lion is not a brainless person. Not to mention that he is no longer at his peak. Even at his peak, he cannot kill this meanest brat. He still has a great plan to complete, and his younger brother is still I'm waiting for him to raise funds. It's not the right time to start working with Marine...

The Golden Lion slowly rose into the sky, and after flying to the highest point, he gave the people below him a look of contempt. Following the tradition of the sea, he could not lose face even if he ran away.

Haven't you seen how surprised those young people were when they heard his name as Golden Lion?

"Tch! The older you get, the less you have..."

"Kill! Don't run away, old guy. You don't have the guts to fight with labor and management for 300 rounds! Come together! Come together!"

Leonardo glanced at the Golden Lion in the sky with disdain, rolled up his sleeves and pointed at the sky with contempt. The microphone suddenly appeared next to his mouth and turned the volume to his mouth. The sound echoed over the water city for a long time.

"Well... that's about it. Don't piss off this old monster. It wouldn't be a good idea to start a fight here. Follow us and see what this old monster is going to do.

Kizaru saw that the little brother was still addicted to squirting and was about to shoot, so he quickly waved his hand to interrupt him.

The reason why he didn't stop little brother 1.1 just now was because he wanted him to stimulate Golden Lion. With Golden Lion's character and if he was going to do something big, he would definitely not start fighting with them right away. Now it has been proven that his suspicion was right. Yes, Golden Lion was stimulated by his little brother until he had bruises on his forehead and did not take action. This shows that this old guy does not want to confront their Marine until what he wants to do is completed. This is terrible for Marine and the World Government. Not a good news.

Their Marines are okay. The World Government itself is already struggling with the terrorist organization of Vice Admiral Garp's son. Now there is a Golden Lion who is brewing big troubles. Seriously speaking, the ambitions of the Golden Lion are similar to that of Garp's son. , and even worse. One wants to overthrow the world government's rule of the world, and the other wants to conquer the whole world more thoroughly. They are both people with great ambitions!

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