Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

778. Fatty Quinn Was Fucked By Golden Lion

"Lord Jhin! Oh no, Lord Quinn is having sex with the Golden Lion... No! It's Lord Quinn who is being fucked by the Golden Lion!"

Just when Huo Jin was thinking about the mastermind behind the Beasts Pirates who had offended them and still lived on the sea and had the courage to touch them, a younger brother ran in panting.


"What's going on? Golden Lion came to New World?"

Huo Jin, who was under the mask, turned to look at his younger brother with a question mark on his face. When the Golden Lion appeared before, he was actually a little worried. After all, the Golden Lion was blasted out of the New World by their boss. As for the Golden Lion, Growing chicken intestines was too much of a grudge. He was worried that the Golden Lion would come to the Beasts Pirates' territory while their boss was away and play tricks on them. Although the Golden Lion was old and frail, physically disabled and strong-willed, he was not as strong as him. A few decades ago, they were blown away by their boss with a stick.

But the counterpart is their boss. He was also the king of the top ranks back then. Who knows if he can handle it? Even at the age of 70, Hu Hu can still suppress their Tutian.

But then Golden Lion spent a month in the first half of the period, and he was completely relieved. When he thought about it, Golden Lion's strength must have declined seriously after so many years, even those who were worth less than 200 million. The pirates who arrive are all about to take action. They probably know that their strength is not enough, so they don't dare to come to the New World and can only gain a sense of presence in the first half.

So I didn't bother to read the news about Golden Lion after that. The boss said there was nothing wrong with a washed-up old guy and there was nothing worthy of attention. If he dared to hit him with a stick, he would be blown away.

But now that he heard that Golden Lion had come to New World and was having sex with his second brother, Huo Jin's heart skipped a beat. Things seemed to be different from what he had guessed at the beginning.

Although the second brother is a little fatter and a bit funny, his strength is definitely good. Unlike the third brother, who is a parallel importer, the second brother is a real disaster. Although he is not his opponent, he is still better than the third brother. Jack is so powerful.

But now according to what the younger brother said, the second younger brother was fucked by Golden Lion. This is the first day he asked the second younger brother to investigate the casino, right?

"I'm not sure. The phone caller didn't give very detailed information. They just said that Mr. Quinn met the Golden Lion just after he arrived at the casino, and then the two of them started to have sex... Mr. Jin, please hurry up. Let's go and have a look. I'm worried that Mr. Quinn won't be able to bear it for a long time."

The younger brother wiped his sweat while saying that he admired Mr. Quinn across from him to death.

Well, this is the Golden Lion who has become very popular recently. He is on the same level as their boss Kaido, so he dares to do something like this.

What a fierce thing. -_-||

"Shaoren, let's go over and take a look..."

Huo Jin couldn't sit still anymore. The second brother had been too close to the third brother recently, and his IQ had been infected. Even if he faced the current Golden Lion, he didn't dare to mess around. What the hell is this second brother doing? He even did it. Shouldn't this be something that usually only happens to the third brother?

But he really didn't expect that the Golden Lion actually came to the Beasts Pirates to cause trouble. If it was the Golden Lion, then it would make sense that the previous arsenal and casino things were done by the Golden Lion.

"Boom boom...!"

A hall of Beasts Pirates.

The Golden Lion, holding a big victory cigar in his mouth, floated in the air, using his feet instead of his hands to continuously shoot sword rays downwards. He also kept pinching his orchid fingers with both hands. From time to time, after the sword rays, several giant monsters made of soil from the ground appeared. The lion roared wildly.

This is a special effect that although not gorgeous, Leonardo will still give full marks to.

"Come on Master Quinn!!"

"Master Quinn, hold on, Master Jhin will be here soon!!"

"Daddy! Mr. Quinn, damn this old guy!!!"

"Master Quinn, kill him and we will take credit for you..."

The casino was already surrounded by people from Beasts Pirates. A disabled but powerful old guy who looked exactly like Black Boss was PKing with one of their Beasts Pirates' signature three disasters, Mr. Quinn. This kind of scene was rare.

Although this old guy looks quite fierce, suppressing their Lord Quinn all the way, these guys are people who are used to seeing big scenes. They are born with big hearts and don't panic at all.

You know, Mr. Quinn is an extremely excellent pirate with extremely rich combat experience. It is common for Jedi to fight back. Moreover, starting from the boss Kaido, which one of the Beasts Pirates started a battle without first bombing the opponent for half a year? Judging from the hour, this is the fighting style of their Beasts Pirates. The game is not over yet, and the outcome is uncertain.

"."A bunch of bastards......"

The little fat guy Quinn, who was being bombarded by the Golden Lion on the ground, listened to the cheering sounds of the younger brothers around him in the distance. He was moved and gritted his teeth. He was so moved that he was clearly bombarded by the old guy Golden Lion and had no power to fight back. Mainly because This old guy is cheating and flying in the sky, he can't reach him at all. The younger brothers are still full of confidence in him, gritting their teeth. These bastards have time to be cheerleaders there, why the hell don't they come to help?

The other party is my special Golden Lion!

Two days ago, he led people to track down the casinos that had been hacked. It turned out that the opponent was so powerful that even the surveillance video could not see who did it. Their casino was destroyed by the opponent with one move, and he immediately took the distribution of their casino. Picture, after careful analysis, he suspected that this casino might be the opponent's next target, and immediately led people to rush over. As a result, his excellent big head was really speechless. When he came with people At that time, we finally saw who the murderer was.

(Hao Zhao) But his smart big brain guessed the beginning but not the ending.

The murderer turned out to be the Golden Lion who suddenly came out and appeared in the news some time ago.

His view of Golden Lion is the same as that of his elder brother Huo Jin. This old guy is old and disabled. Although he has strength, it is definitely not much, otherwise he would have come to seek revenge on their boss Kaido all these years ago.

And now they are still showing their presence in the first half of the New World. The big pirates in their New World have never looked down on places like the first half. After all, being able to get ahead in the New World is the real skill. If they are famous in the first half, they are just weaklings. .

Just because he had the illusion that the Golden Lion was weak, and saw that the Golden Lion was about to take action, the little fat Quinn didn't force himself to transform into the ultimate orc form and roared at the Golden Lion with the roar of a little fat dragon.

As a result, he is still your uncle when he gets old, and the little fat boy Quinn was abused so much. .

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