Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

783. Golden Lion Is A Bit Durable

Once upon a time, who dared to despise his great flying admiral Golden Lion? The time Uncle Marine wanted to fuck him, it was not a full-scale attack, but today he was continuously humiliated to death by Kaido and Kaido.

His Golden Lion is not old yet, his Golden Lion can still fight!

The left hand holds Orchid Finger, which is even more girly than Doflamingo.


The surrounding air and the sand and dust below seemed to be controlled by a powerful force and compressed crazily, then combined into huge lion heads that roared towards Teacher Kaido as if they were alive.

If ordinary people encountered Golden Lion's furious move, the cliff would be over. The powerful impact and pressure seemed to smash the space into pieces, and they would collide with Mr. Kaido who turned into a giant dragon.


Immune to Death: Immune to Death's Kaido-sensei faces the Golden Lion move.

For a person who can fall from a height of tens of thousands of meters without any problem, this impact is nothing more than a drop of rain to Mr. Kaido.

A group of huge lion heads with powerful special effects hit Teacher Kaido hard and scattered immediately. Although the powerful impact knocked Teacher Kaido away, the damage caused was equivalent to giving Teacher Kaido an acupoint massage.

"Made, you're an outdated old thing."

Although it didn't cause any harm, being blasted away by a washed-up old guy made Kaido teacher quite unhappy. All the results he had gained from getting up at three o'clock in the morning to play iron all these years were in vain.

Another wave of accelerated sprints followed by the dragon turning over, and its thick dragon tail swung towards the Golden Lion with streaks of thunder and lightning effects.


Facing Mr. Kaido's tail flick with its own thunder and lightning effects, Golden Lion was actually very aware and had already thought about how to avoid Mr. Kaido's dragon tail flick. However, his old body could no longer keep up with his powerful intentions. Unable to avoid it, he was swatted away like a fly swatter and spit out a mouthful of 1982-year-old blood.

After spitting out a mouthful of 1982-year-old blood, the Golden Lion hated heaven and earth for being so ruthless. If he had been thirty years younger, he would have beaten the shit out of Kaido!

But time makes people grow old!

He has finally reached this point. His old body can no longer keep up with his top-notch consciousness, and he cannot even dodge such a simple and crude attack from Kaido.

"Old guy, let labor and management die!"

"Boom boom boom...!"

Kaido-sensei, who was caught in the ruined situation, got a little carried away. He didn't care about the Golden Lion's lament about life. Killing him while he was sick was what a great pirate should do. After shooting the Golden Lion away, he flew to Golden Lion instantly transformed back into the form of a dragon, grabbed the blond hair on Golden Lion's forehead, and unleashed a set of the most powerful three-hit combo.

"Oh my's so scary!"

"Well... Golden Lion must be dead..."

"After being beaten like this... he should be dead..."

"No! Damn it! This won't even kill you!!"

twenty one

A group of various people suddenly appeared in the ruins below. They were probably the players who were in the casino before and were watching the battle in the sky blankly. They were the ones who were in the Golden Lion with Huo Jin and Little Fatty Quinn. When fighting, he would never hide secretly without showing up. It wasn't until Mr. Kaido arrived that he dared to come out and watch the battle openly.

Watching Teacher Kaido switching back and forth between human and animal forms, he was bombarding a small black dot with various dazzling outputs. This scene was simply not ordinary cruel. At this time, they all knew that they had come to cause trouble before, and were now being attacked. The identity of the little black dot that Mr. Kaido was hammering like crazy. Although he was beaten badly, he couldn't hide his outstanding black boss temperament. He was hammered like this with a victory cigar in his mouth. Isn’t he the legendary pirate Golden Lion who is quite popular recently?

It's not surprising that Golden Lion can't beat Mr. Kaido. After all, Golden Lion is already old. Whitebeard is the only one in the world who can still give Mr. Kaido a meal at the age of seventy.

Although Golden Lion is a legendary pirate, it has been more than 20 years since he last sailed across the sea. Not everyone wants to be like Marine hero Garp, who is still at the top even after his grandson debuted. Golden Lion is old and disabled. , although he is quite capable of fighting, but it would be a bit bragging for him to be like Whitebeard and be able to give Mr. Kaido a slap in the face.

What really surprised them was how durable the Golden Lion was. Seeing Kaido's crazy three-hit combo after another, punching to the flesh, the last person who could withstand Kaido's crazy output was Marine's undead Admiral green fox. !

Although this Golden Lion is not as handsome as the green fox Admiral, but apart from being a bit miserable, it seems that nothing is really wrong. His voice is still so sonorous and powerful, and he does not look like an old man who was hammered half to death, especially in his mouth. That victory cigar is still in Golden Lion's mouth.

It was so true that they were amazed again and again. He was indeed a legendary pirate who was showing off with his life!

"."......Is the Golden Lion's vitality so strong? (O_O)?"

"Maybe it's a reflection of the past..."

Leonardo and Kizaru, who had seen Golden Lion being fucked so badly by Mr. Kaido and were ready to go for the head, had to hold back and look at each other. They also saw the question mark in each other's eyes.

You must know that this Golden Lion itself is not a special race. It is a normal person with no D in his name. To be reasonable, he is so old. Let alone the Golden Lion, it is the Whitebeard who has been tricked by Teacher Kaido so much. Even a strong third company might not be able to handle it.

But now listen to the sonorous and powerful voice of Golden Lion.

Good guy, Golden Lion is much more durable than they expected!

"What's going on with this Golden Lion? Isn't it too durable (good Li)?"

Leonardo touched his chin and looked at the furious figure of Mr. Kaido in the air and the crazy talking Golden Lion, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Not to brag, but if they don’t cheat, only Charlotte and Garp, who are born emperors, can withstand Mr. Kaido’s crazy three consecutive streaks for so long. Others really can’t withstand it, even at their peak. Neither does Whitebeard.

Whitebeard at his peak is certainly sharp, but his strength is not in defense. Although Shock Fruit is both offensive and defensive, what is outstanding is its attack power. In terms of defense, Whitebeard is still a little behind. To really talk about the person with the highest defense, Definitely the fat lady Charlotte's Iron Body and the old boy Garp who played the Iron Body in Marine Six Styles to the only level. The others are really not good.

Although Charlotte is a female figure, among all the great pirates, Charlotte is the one with the highest talent and the most talent. .

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