Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

797. Ace Went To Hunt Down Dream Chaser.

But things went against his wishes. During a big fight that year, he took advantage of the crowd and accidentally left three stripes on Shanks' handsome face, which made him frightened for a while, fearing that the Red Hair Pirates would come after they knew that the murderer was him. When he came to settle accounts with him, he was not sure whether the red-haired man saw clearly that he was the murderer at that time, but just in case, he also completely eliminated the idea of ​​becoming the captain of the second division. After all, if he really became the captain of the second division, It also reminded the red-haired man that his handsome face was shaved by him. When the time comes, the Red Hair Pirates will attack him, and his father can't protect him all the time.

In addition, his father's health has been deteriorating over the years, and his dominance is not as good as before. As much as he admired his father in his prime, he now feels sad for his aging and disease-ridden father, but this is not the end of him. The straw that made him leave the Whitebeard Pirates was actually just an accident. He never thought about killing Thatch. Killing Thatch was really just an accident.

"Hahaha! New World, I, Marshall · D · Teach, will come back!!!"

"Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach clenched his fists tightly and looked in the direction of New World. Black smoke began to billow from his fists. Now that he had left the Whitebeard Pirates, he had already obtained the Devil Fruit he had dreamed of. , without the constraints of the Whitebeard Pirates, he can roam freely in the world.

However, although he has obtained the Dark Fruit, he has not yet thought about confronting Whitebeard. After all, Whitebeard is seventy years old and can still treat Kaido to a feast of elbows. He has just obtained the Dark Fruit, and he has no intention of confronting Whitebeard. Confidence, the longer you hang out with Whitebeard, the more you understand how powerful Whitebeard is. He will still be your boss when he gets old. Besides, Whitebeard's Shock Fruit is known as the most destructive power that can destroy the world, so for the sake of stability.

He still plans to come to the first half of the Grand Line to develop a wave of wretchedness and catch up with those who have fallen behind...


"Damn Teach, I'm going to catch that bastard!! (♥ Dis▼#)"

At this time, there was no singing and dancing on the Moby Dick in the New World. Those young men with moles who wanted to step on Whitebeard's head and enjoy the scenery were at peace after seeing the violent Whitebeard sinking an island with one punch. I had to find a remote place in the mountain to develop my wretched life.

The angry Whitebeard was too greedy, not only Whitebeard, but also Whitebeard's sons.

Especially because one of his own team members killed his good brother Sachi. The opponent of the second team was in anger and self-blame. Roger, his own son, "Fire Fist" Ace, the successor of the Whitebeard Pirates, fired a fire fist as if to vent his anger. After an incoming pirate group was blown to pieces, he wiped away his tears and jumped on his boat, clamoring to capture the traitor.

Although he joined the Whitebeard Pirates not long ago, he felt the warmth of home in the Whitebeard Pirates. There was mutual help between brothers and the care of his father. When he was picked up on the ship, he still When he kept challenging his father, Sachi was the first to stand up and talk to him and constantly comforted him.

Although there is no blood relationship between them, they are like brothers, just like him and Luffy.

But he didn't expect that someone in his team would kill his brother, which made him very responsible and angry.

It was because he failed to teach his younger brother well that he did such a rebellious thing.

"Ace, don't be impulsive. I can't blame you for this. That guy Teach must have planned it in advance!"

"Yeah, Ace, don't be impulsive, listen to dad..."

"Hey! Ace........."

Because Ace can breathe fire under his feet, his speed is too fast. Before Ma and others can stop him, he has already run away on his fire-breathing boat. They can only run as far away as possible. Ace yelled, asking him not to be so impulsive.

However, their words not only failed to persuade Ace, but made him even more angry and self-blame. Not only did they not look back, but they moved faster.

"Dad! What should we do now, Ace..."

Xiao Ma Ge and others were now even more anxious, especially Xiao Ma Ge who knew the truth of the matter. The day after he was killed with murderous intent, he conducted a case analysis with his father, combined with Teach's decades of experience with them Based on the performance of the Whitebeard Pirates, he and his father came to the conclusion that this Teach was very extraordinary. Now that his father's designated successor, the successor, was running after Teach alone, and he was even more panicked.

Ace has been taught by his father during this period, and although he has made great progress, it is really not enough against Teach, who is definitely not easy.

If there is anything wrong with Ace...

.....Let him be. "

Whitebeard looked at Ace's leaving back and said after a long silence.

Although he and his eldest son both felt that Teach was not simple, judging from the way he killed Sage, he was indeed suspected of a sneak attack. He was not really sure about Teach's strength, but he was probably about the same as Sage. Otherwise, there would be no need for a sneak attack. After Ace's guidance and his huge potential...

Men sometimes need to encounter some setbacks before they can grow. While he can still handle it now, it wouldn't be a bad thing to let Ace encounter some setbacks.

The time when the members of Whitebeard's second division killed the captain of the fourth division was still brewing on the sea. Killing a fellow disciple is a serious crime on the sea. This kind of thing rarely happens on the sea. After all, when 317 comes out to hang out, they must first show loyalty, companions That is the person who can make you trust your life to him. If you don't even have a person to trust your life to, then you are just a fool.

The fight is not fought by one person. Whitebeard, Kaido, Red Hair, Big Mom and other Four Emperors are all subordinates, so even Uncle Marine looks down on people like "Blackbeard" Marshall · D · Teach.

After Whitebeard's sea pursuit order came out, even some Marine uncles did not take any action. They all said that Whitebeard should rest assured, Marshall · D · Teach, we will help you catch it and send it back to you... !(^▽^)

These Marine uncles feel that they have little hope for earning thousands of dollars a month in the Marine. They think that since they have no hope in the Marine, they can join the pirates. As long as they help Whitebeard get this "Blackbeard" Marshall · D · Teach I’m done masturbating, and when the time comes I’ll hug Whitebeard’s elephant legs and call him daddy. After graduation, I’ll be earning thousands of dollars a month, isn’t it cool?

Regarding this incident, Marine executives such as Marine First Brother Sengoku, Marine Hero Garp, and Marine Fourth Admiral Leonardo outwardly criticized "Blackbeard" Marshall D. They would laugh out loud in their dreams if they objected to such a thing in the nest, and this time it was Whitebeard who got into trouble. .

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