Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

799. Dominic: The Boss Has Completely Fallen

In Akainu's view, with their Marine power, they are fully capable of destroying any Four Emperors in the New World. The reason why they have not been able to destroy them all these years is that every time they enter the New World, the pirates of the New World will Together, they can become a strong force in the Marine Corps and cannot suppress local vigilantes.

But now that Whitebeard is old and his dominance is no longer what it used to be, and the Whitebeard Pirates have done this, Marine can take advantage of it. They may not be able to lure the Whitebeard Pirates out of New World and kill them!

After all, the death of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, can demoralize the pirates and bring their Marine's intimidation to a new level.


Sengoku was stunned when he saw Akainu, who was talking about his plan with great excitement.

Be bold!

Very bold!

He originally just casually said the opening remarks, but Akainu actually followed his opening remarks and gave him a plan to kill Whitebeard.

He just planned to let Akainu destroy Whitebeard's training of Roger's son to become his successor and further weaken the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates. But he didn't expect that Akainu was more direct and wanted to kill Whitebeard directly.

However, he had to admit that Akainu's plan was not impossible as long as it was executed well.

"....93 Your idea is very good, and I personally agree with your plan. However, this matter still needs to be considered in the long term and deployed slowly. During this period, Whitebeard's sea pursuit order has made the pirates at sea very worried. Active, I don't care what happens in the New World, but the great sea, land and the four seas are protected by our Marine, so there can't be any problems, I'll leave this to you."

I have to admit that after hearing Akainu's plan, Sengoku was moved. After thinking for a while, Sengoku gave up his original plan. If they could really kill Whitebeard in a short time, they wouldn't care about a hair. You little brat who hasn’t grown up yet!

Roger's son doesn't have Whitebeard's guidance. Even if he inherits the entire Whitebeard Pirates, he won't be able to handle it, unless he can find a Celestial Dragons father-in-law like the red-haired one did, and then quietly develop and collect the Six Gods Equipment.

But in today's sea, Roger's son has already made his mark. It is not that easy to keep a low profile. There is a group of people watching the fall of a Four Emperors. It is difficult to conquer the world, but it is even harder to defend the world.

There were only so many pirate groups on the sea in the last era. The number of pirates in this era has increased several times compared to the previous era. I really have to thank that bastard Roger for blocking his son's path. This If Era wants to reach the finals, it's not enough just to have the strength, but also a lot of luck.

It has to be said that Akainu is indeed the best candidate to be the next Marine's first brother among the four Marine Admirals, but he was praised by the Five Elders first, which makes him a little troubled. In fact, it is not a problem for the Five Elders to praise Akainu. Big, as long as Akainu can stick to his true intentions and prevent the Five Elders from intervening too much in Marine, he will not object even if Akainu takes over. Facts have proved that Zhiyan is indeed the best candidate for the next Marine brother.

But he is worried. All generations of Marine executives have guarded against the Five Elders and will not let the World government interfere too much in Marine and gain access to control Marine. If Marine is controlled by the World government in his hands, his historical status will be affected first. Not to mention, he would not have the shame to meet all the Marine pioneers after his death!

So he has to think about this carefully...

"Pa bang bang..."

"Admiral Curry, there is news from the Water Capital that traces of the rebel "Blackbeard" Marshall · D · Teach of the Whitebeard Pirates have been found."

Sabaody branch, because life in Sabaody is too rounded, middle-aged people are obviously at the peak of their careers, but they have gradually developed sideways, and their belly has begun to bulge slightly. Dominic, who is probably more than three months pregnant, came early in the morning. Leonardo's office, after politely knocking on the door a few times, rushed in without waiting for a response and said eagerly, obviously intending to make a fortune from Whitebeard.

However (bidj) considering that the opponent can kill people from Whitebeard's ship and run out, he must be very strong in terms of strength. He also knows it himself, so if he wants to take action, he has to let the boss lead the team.

"... Just discover it if you find it. Whitebeard's family has nothing to do with you. When you have time, go to the park to box with the old man and old lady to reduce your belly. Don't think about those things that are there or not. , (-_-)/*

Leonardo stretched out sleepily and looked at Dominic who was almost getting angry and said angrily.

That grandson of Garp is going to go to sea soon, and the wave of the great era is coming soon. At that time, all kinds of talented newcomers will debut one after another, not to mention that the grandson of Garp will cause trouble in Sabaody.

He was really worried that if he allowed Dominic to develop in such a stable manner, he would be killed by those newbies before the plot of Garp's grandson came...

"I will. I have signed up for a weight loss class for a few months and am currently taking Admiral. That is a promise from Whitebeard!"

Seeing Leonardo's lack of interest, Dominic became anxious, Whitebeard!

Do you know how precious a promise from Whitebeard is?

Although they are Marine and do not need any kind of promise from Whitebeard, they can definitely exchange this promise for Bailey!

Whitebeard has been in the New World for decades. His background is not comparable to that of Beasts and BIGMOM. It is important that Whitebeard deducts a little. He can open a few more gyms in Sabaody Archipelago without any problem!

It is getting harder and harder to make money these days. Sabaody is different now. It has been more than ten years since he and Curry Admiral came to Sabaody. Back then, Curry Admiral’s order was first implemented. They can still make a lot of money, but now this order has lasted for more than ten years, and everyone is familiar with it. It is not easy for him, the landowner of Sabaody, to do it, and there are too many dignitaries in Sabaody. , there are people behind him in all walks of life. Even if his boss is the godson of Five Elders, he can't do anything too outrageous.

However, with the development of economic prices, current taxes are getting higher and higher, and the gyms he opens are paying more and more taxes every month. He is now earning fewer and fewer Baileys.

He is like this, not to mention the younger brothers below, who have no extra money. Even if the salary is higher than that in other places, it is not easy to live in a place like Sabaody!

In the past, when the eldest brother was not married, he was under pressure from the little black card. From time to time, he would take them to New World to have fun and earn some extra money.

But ever since the eldest brother got married and the little black card was replaced by a little gold card, he began to lose his will to make progress and completely degenerate.

Boss, it’s okay for you to have a rich woman to support you, but how do we, the younger brothers, live?

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