Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

810. Sengoku: Pirates Are Still Easier To Catch!

"....Vice Admiral Garp, stop joking. -_-||"

Ghost Spider felt ashamed.

Are you kidding me, Vice Admiral Garp, who has a higher status than the first brother in their Marine, is going to fuck his grandson and give it to Kaido?

How can he survive in Marine in the future? How about becoming the Fourth Plague in Beasts Pirates?

Don’t even think about it. Vice Admiral, a dignified Naval Headquarters elite, shouldn’t he become a pirate?

What are you thinking!

But...this "Fire Fist" Ace has little chance. Doesn't that "Blackbeard" have Whitebeard's sea pursuit order on him?

What the Beasts Pirates have, the Whitebeard Pirates also have!

Even if it doesn't, the machete in Whitebeard's hand seems to be pretty good. Although the style isn't suitable for him, it's still a supremely sharp knife and can be used with just about anything.

Thinking of this, the ghost spider can't help but feel a little eager to try.

For so many years, ever since he created the Eight Sword Style, he has been dreaming of collecting eight famous swords and practicing the Eight Swords Flying Together. Thinking about it, the scene will definitely look cool!

But the problem is that there are too few famous swords, and they are extremely expensive. Although his salary is increasing every year, and he has made a lot of money over the years, the price of goods has skyrocketed these days, and it is not easy to buy it casually. A broken knife of better quality costs several million, let alone a relatively rare famous knife.

He couldn't buy a handful without eating or drinking all year round, but Vice Admiral Garp woke him up. Vice Admiral Garp's grandson couldn't move by himself, but "Blackbeard", the fifth son of the Whitebeard Pirates, was fine!

It is said that that guy has escaped from the New World and is now in the first half. The first half is their Marine territory, right?

Ghost Spider looked at his friends, Flying Squirrel and others, and their eyebrows began to dance. With the help of his friends, it shouldn't be a big problem to find Blackbeard's whereabouts.

"But... Kaido's price is too high. The "Fire Fist" Ace is now more expensive than Whitebeard. It seems that the sea will be lively for a long time."

After receiving the look from his friend, the flying squirrel nodded and responded to the dance of the ghost spider's eyebrows before saying with a solemn expression.

During this period, due to Whitebeard's pursuit order, Kaido's sweep of Wanokuni for "Er" has already made the entire sea extremely lively. Not to mention New World, the first half of their Marine control and the world have been completely boiling, regardless of Whether they are those who want to find "Blackbeard" and hug Whitebeard's lap, or those who are inspired by Teacher Kaido's heroic deeds of fatherly love to set sail. There are waves after waves. During this time, the number of their actions is getting more and more intensive. This is The second time he saw the pirate, he felt the urge to vomit.

The last time was more than 20 years ago when Roger started a new era.

Now Kaido has added another fire, and this fire is obviously bigger than the previous two fires. Whether it is the billions of Baileys or the fourth plague of Beasts Pirates, it is enough to make many people go crazy and fight for it. !

If he were not the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, to be honest, he would be a little moved...

"Hmph! That bastard Kaido has some flaws in his character and can't do anything..."

Akainu, who once fought with Kaido-sensei for two years... was unworthy and could be said to have been suppressed and beaten by Kaido-sensei for two years. When he mentioned this, Akainu snorted in displeasure.

He has always regarded himself as the leader of Marine F4. The Green Fox guy can stand up to Kaido and even exhaust the big monster Kaido to exhaustion. However, in the battles between New World and Beasts Pirates in the past two years, he was completely defeated by Kaido. After suppressing him for two years, didn't this bitch slap him in the face?


Any character deficiencies?

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Akainu strangely. Why did they always feel weird when these words came out of Akainu's mouth?

As far as character flaws are concerned, you, Akainu, should take the blame, right?

People usually don't kill pirates when they want them, and most of them send them to the impel down. You send them to the crematorium, and it's a burial package... -_-||

.....These bastards. (V^▼X)"

Feeling the strange looks in their eyes, Akainu didn't know what these guys were thinking. His face turned red and his neck was thick with anger, and his two big fists began to billow with smoke again.

"Ahem, okay, now is not the time to talk about this. The flying squirrel is right. Kaido's issue of a sea pursuit order against the "Fire Fist" brat this time will definitely make the sea more lively... Notify Shichibukai and let them I also came out to do some activities and wanted to occupy the latrine and not shit, but there is nothing like this in the world..."

…please give me flowers…………

Sengoku looked at the information in his hand. He was also shocked by Kaido's amazing skill. Pirates are easy to make money. The last time Kaido went to Sabaody to buy a girl for Jack the Drough, it was a big deal. He didn't expect it to be short. In just a few years, Kaido has made so much money.

No wonder so many pirates want to get high. He has been worth one billion even though he has been in the army for decades.

In the past few years, Shichibukai has become more and more outrageous. In the past, they would more or less pick up pirates to help their Marines reduce some of their burdens. However, in the past few years, the sea has been stable, and these bastards have begun to lose their work.

Forget about Hawkeye, the "world's greatest swordsman", because he was worried that other people's cards were not strong enough, so he used Hawkeye, the "world's greatest swordsman", to boost Shichibukai's card. Moreover, Hawkeye has always been a dictatorial person. It is not easy to order him. It is better to let him continue to search for clues to the Supreme Sharp Sword for his eldest nephew. Otherwise, it would not be good for his eldest nephew to be annoyed by Hawkeye again. , Red Hair Pirates was well aware of how difficult this guy was...


And the Tyrant Bear, who has always been the most lawless and even dared to rob his Marine brother's goods, has performed well in recent years. He has helped Marine pick up many pirates in these years. Unfortunately, this guy has a criminal record and his background is not very clean. , there is really no way to help him become a regular employee, so he can only become a non-staff member.

Moonlight. That ugly guy Moria is no good. He stays in the Devil's Triangle all day playing with shadows. He doesn't know what this good-for-nothing wants to do. He has no ability and doesn't work hard. He just stays in his own doghouse all day long without doing anything. Here, can you defeat Kaido to death with shadow?

He was just such a loser. If there was no one around and Roger's son didn't agree to become a Shichibukai, if he had to keep this loser, he would have wanted to replace this loser. What do you think of this loser? How uncomfortable.

Although Sand Crocodile is quite useless, at least he will recruit some of his underlings to set up a studio. If he doesn’t do anything himself, the underlings will help him. This time, Moonlight. Moria purely regarded the power they gave him as a benefit. .

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