Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

812. Straw Hat Third Generation Is Released

"National hero" Shanks stood on the bow of the boat, no longer as cheerful as he was at the banquet. Instead, he looked ahead with a sad face.

When he knew that Ace ran after "Blackbeard" alone, he was worried, but he understood Whitebeard's character and Ace didn't leave very quickly, so he wasn't too anxious.

Many years have passed, but the strength of "Blackbeard" is still fresh in his memory. Although he drank some fake wine at the time and was careless during the brawl and got three stripes on his face, he can still use that big mouth Marine's thirty-year lifespan is guaranteed. Except for a moment of carelessness, he was very focused during the whole battle. After all, it was a big fight with Kaido, Charlotte, and Whitebeard. He couldn't be distracted even if he wanted to, but in that moment... Being careless can be caught by "Blackbeard", which shows that this guy is definitely extraordinary. That was the first injury he suffered after he was fully developed.

Although he has never seen Ace's strength, "Blackbeard" can hurt himself when he is fully developed, and his strength is average. Ace, a little kid, ran away thousands of miles away and gave away his head, and now even Kaido is involved. and came in.

Let’s not talk about the billions of Baileys. The temptations of Beasts Pirates’ formal 18-format organization, cadre squad leader, and the fourth plague have already made many people in New World desperate.

Now he is beginning to regret why he didn't block the road when he knew Ace left the Whitebeard Pirates, but it seems inappropriate for him to block the road. Although Ace is Captain Roger's son, his official identity is the Whitebeard Pirate. He is a regular employee of the group. He is full of plans and at most he is the ex-boyfriend of Ace's damn daddy. His relationship is too shallow, so it is not suitable because of the traffic jam.

"Boss, isn't it appropriate for us to run away empty-handed like this? We are here to persuade people. Whitebeard is probably still angry..."

There were also some fragments of Yasopp seeing the worried look on his boss's face. He wiped the barrel of his gun while changing the subject. He silently prayed that he had offended Garp, one of the two most lethal fists in the world, but he must not do it again. The other big fist, Whitebeard, was also annoyed. Although he was a visitor, he was probably not in a very happy mood right now, so he had to bring a few kilograms of fruit with him.

"...What you said makes sense. When you pass by a small town, buy dozens of kilograms of high-concentration spirits and get Whitebeard drunk first..."

Shanks touched his beard and nodded.

What my friend said makes sense. After all, this is a family matter. With Whitebeard’s proud temperament, there is a good chance that he can persuade Whitebeard to call Ace back. But if Whitebeard is drunk and confused, then the certainty will be much greater. One

I am really a genius! (^∇^)

Why do I have an ominous premonition? -_-||”

Looking at Shanks who was smiling again and looking extremely confident on his face, Yasopp looked at his friends with shame.

Beckman took a deep breath and Huazi nodded: 8=('0`*))), me too...

Laki Lu: Same as above...

Friends: +1....

I don't know why, seeing their boss swearing so confidently makes the friends feel a little guilty. Countless personal experiences have told them that whenever Shanks is in this situation, some force majeure accidents will happen.

Whitebeard is an old drunkard, and now he is hanging a bottle. He has to drink several bottles every day to make him drunk with the high concentration of alcohol... Aren't you looking for a fight?

But it's rare for them to change the boss's mood, and it's hard for them to say this.

Sea Circle Calendar1520.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

On a small broken ship in the harbor of East Blue Windmill Town, Straw Hat Third Generation, Pirate King, Luffy, and the grandson of the Garp old boy bowed to the villagers who came ashore to see him off. Today is an important day. For this day, he had been beaten severely by his grandfather for more than ten years, but on this day.



King Luffy can finally escape from the sea of ​​suffering!

His seventeenth birthday has passed, and he turned over the calendar. Today is the day for a funeral, a wedding, a burial, not going to the sea, and not worshiping... However, Wang Luffy is a person who advocates science, and this kind of feudal superstition cannot be attacked. His determination to go to sea was supported by the fact that the "little" Vice Admiral's grandfather had not yet come back. Today was the best time for him to go to sea.

Three years after Ace went overseas, he almost became the key defensive target of Grandpa "Little" Vice Admiral. Although he has been unyielding for more than ten years, he has never succumbed to the big fist of Grandpa "Little" Vice Admiral.

But no matter who is waiting for a bunch of candied haws on his head for at least half of the year, he can't stand it. He burns incense and prays to his father whom he has never met every day, just hoping that the days will pass quickly and his seventeenth birthday will come soon.

Yesterday he finally turned seventeen, and today he, Luffy the Pirate King, can finally go to sea!

"Luffy! Be careful all the way!!!"

"Luffy! Have a nice trip! Don't come back until you become famous!!!"

"Hahaha! Leave quickly, otherwise Vice Admiral Garp will come back..."

The residents of the town, except for the old mayor who is old and stubborn and even dares to kink Marine heroes, are still very open-minded. They all support their children 100% in pursuing their dreams 273, whether they are pirates or not Marines.

Windmill Town has been covered by Garp over the years. The only pirates we have seen in the past few decades are Red Hair Pirates. Moreover, the Red Hair Pirates are not as ferocious as the rumors say. On the contrary, they are easy to get along with. This makes us not fully aware of the dangers of the sea. Thorough residents have always believed that marine and pirates are just different professions. They seem to be essentially the same. They all run boats...

They had a Marine hero in Windmill Town, and it would be better if there was another Pirate King. Unfortunately, Ace has been out at sea for several years, and they have no news at all, and they don’t know how Ace is doing, so they can only do it again. Hope is pinned on Luffy. If there is another Pirate King in Windmill Town, then Windmill Town will be a real hero pool!

They are also extremely proud to be part of the town.

Our town has had Marine heroes, terrorists, First Generation, and One Piece.

That scene makes me fly just thinking about it! (^)/

Luffy also goes to sea, and together with Ace from before, the chances of two people are higher than the chance of one person!

In this way, without Garp's complete knowledge, Luffy, the Straw Hat Third Generation member and the Pirate King, took the blessings and hopes of the whole village and punched away the "Four Emperors" giant monster, the King of the Sea, and ran towards the sea.

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