Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

815.The Eagle-Eyed Handsome Boy Is Very Angry

Recalling that two years ago, when Golden Lion asked him to fight, his tone of voice was very expressive.

Plus where is Impel down.

He just reacted.

This old guy Golden Lion wants to take advantage of him to film Prison Break 2!

Where is Impel Down? It is the famous deep-sea prison, and according to the status of Golden Lion, he is definitely a guest on the sixth floor. Back then, Golden Lion had to pay the price of two legs to escape from it. Now The Golden Lion is physically disabled, strong-willed, and old, so it is impossible for him to escape from it.

If there are external forces, then that's not necessarily the case. However, when Golden Lion was popular, people were too crazy and ordinary. There was no external force to borrow from him. Even Whitebeard of the era didn't look down on him, so this old bastard planned to use him to pick a fight. Out Impel down.

Thinking of this, the eagle-eyed handsome boy was so angry that Golden Lion, this old bastard, really thought of him as a fool. Although he really wanted to compete with Golden Lion, he was not stupid enough to be a knife for Golden Lion. !

"Hahahaha! Your accuracy is so bad, you can't even hit at such a close range.

"Asshole! I'm obviously targeting him. If you have the ability, come..."

Just when the eagle-eyed handsome boy was still angry and continued to vent his anger, a cannonball was fired at him from a distance. Two little karamies on a pirate ship from a group of pirates in the distance regarded him as a target. .

This pirate group sounds huge, with more than a dozen pirate ships alone. It was able to develop from East Blue to this level under Uncle Marine's strict defense, and it was also able to break through Uncle Marine's defense line and run to the Grand Line. This group of pirates The thieves can be considered a big brother in East Blue.

If he encountered this kind of thing normally, he might go up and talk to this group of pirates about the principles of life. How rude it is to disturb others for no reason, and he would have to pay some compensation for the mental damage.

But now the eagle-eyed handsome boy is really on top. He stands up, draws his sword, and swings it in one movement.




"Captain! Help..."

A huge dark green slash struck the pirate ship, and before little Karami could figure out what was going on, it instantly split the ship into pieces. The pirates on the ship were killed, injured, and had their arms and legs broken. Everywhere.

"Nani? What's going on?"

On a huge pirate ship in position C, a strong man wearing golden armor heard the screams of his younger brother and walked out of the captain's cabin.

Just in time to see my little brother's boat being chopped into pieces, some little brothers emerged from the sea in twos and threes and asked for help from him as if they had encountered some big monsters in the deep sea. Their blood dyed the nearby sponges red.

"Captain of the ship, come forward...that bastard in front split our ship!!!"

A strange-looking pirate boy pointed at the eagle eye on the coffin-boarded ship in the distance and said with trembling fear.

He just witnessed it with his own eyes. The guy swung a dark green slash and smashed their ship to pieces. He almost frightened him to death. When he saw the boss coming out, he felt a little calmer.

Son of a bitch, their ship.

Their boss is East Blue, the man who will soon become the Pirate King!

"Nani? Hacked our boat? 000)?"

The first brother from East Blue, who was wearing gold armor, looked at his younger brother with an expression that said, "You are really kidding me."

Although his pirate ship is not handmade by a centuries-old treasure tree, after all, it is too expensive and he can't even afford it, let alone his younger brother's ship, but this is also the best designer in the entire East Blue , made of the strongest materials. For these ships, he spent all his wealth.

My brother is now telling him that such a strong ship has been hacked?

"'s true, boss, he's here..."

This weird boy almost cried when he saw his boss didn't believe him.

What about the trust between people? If he hadn't witnessed the scene just now, he wouldn't have believed it.

Someone can actually smash a brand new pirate ship to pieces with one knife.

"You bastard in front of me, who are you? Why do you want to blindly control labor and capital's ship? (Xiaomi)"

He has been the top brother of East Blue for so many years and has always been in a high position. He still has this momentum. Even if he wants to take action, he has to see how big the opponent is and whether it is worthy of him to take action. After all, he is not asked to do it by himself for all cats and dogs. of.

Isn’t that out of character?

As the boss, there is no reason to take action personally. Of course, something happened to the younger brother!

"You disturbed my sleep."



"Ah! My hand..."


"My feet!"

"Captain, help...!"

He just struck a blow with his sword, as if he had found an outlet to vent his anger, and his mood improved a lot. The eagle-eyed handsome boy gave the East Blue brother a cool look, showed off a rare move, and then made a slow motion with his left hand. There was another slash, this time the accuracy was a bit exaggerated, splitting two ships.

On the two ships that were smashed to pieces, the lucky little Karami got it right in one step and had no pain. The unlucky little Karami, who had done many unethical things, was in misery. His hands and feet were broken, and his career had just begun. It was declared over.

"Hiss! Another two more chops, what a monster! (070)!"

This time, all the little Karami around saw it, and they finally believed that the previous ship was smashed to pieces. The damage was really too explosive.


This kind of power completely exceeded their understanding, and people could actually reach such a terrifying level.

"Hey! How can you not show off...|||

The first brother from East Blue's eyes widened and he broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, he was scared. He looked at the hand in front of him, holding a big sword that looked quite expensive, and he probably couldn't afford it now. Any gem on the big sword was bigger than his thumb, and a big gem was probably bigger than his thumb. All the boats combined are more expensive.

Although East Blue is a small place in the countryside, it does not mean that he is ignorant. On the contrary, he often watches blockbusters and is an aggressive pirate. The kind of person who can cut down a ship with one sword is from the big shots of the Grand Line, just like them. Ace, the pride of East Blue, "Fire Fist", can sink a pirate ship with a big fist. He is no match for such a big shot.

He wanted to run away, but there were so many younger brothers around him. If he ran away now, how would he take care of his younger brothers in the future?

But if he doesn’t run away, he’s really scared! Wow.



The angry eagle-eyed handsome boy didn't care about the emotional drama in East Blue's heart, and swung his sword in slow motion at the pirate ship on the other side.

This time, three boats were smashed to pieces. The little Karamis on the boats couldn't scream and sank into the sea with the boats.

It can be seen that the little Karami who was hit this time is relatively kind-hearted. Although he has done some wicked things, there are not many.

Walking very peacefully...^^).

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