Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

822.How Much Is My Appearance Fee?

"Ding ding ding....!"

As if he also felt that he was talking a lot of nonsense, as soon as Leonardo finished speaking, the "great writer" Green Algatou began to recite a poem as if he was superimposed and launched the attack first, but the level of this kid was not the same. The difference between the handsome guy with eagle eyes is too big. After a wave of fierce attacks, the handsome guy with nail clippers was helpless. In the end, the handsome guy with eagle eyes was hit by a wave of defensive counterattacks, and then the "big writer" Green Algae Head started again. In various shows, he recited almost half of the three hundred ancient poems. Even if he lost, he still had to show off his literary talents.

"The gap is just too big."

Thomas Berry, who was next to Leonardo, shook his head. Although he was not a swordsman, he had been with Leonardo for so many years. He had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running. Anyone with a discerning eye could see the situation in front of him. Let’s see how big the gap is between the two sides. The kid with a green head carried three big knives and fought for so long but still couldn’t break through the defense of the handsome guy with eagle eyes. What a slap in the face!

"Isn't this nonsense? He is the number one swordsman in modern times. If he didn't have a super divine weapon, I wouldn't dare to fight with him. This green algae head who chants poems and counterattacks has not even appeared in Novice Village.

How could he be the opponent of the eagle-eyed handsome boy? It is good to have ideals and goals, but if the step is too big, it will easily lead to trouble..."

Leonardo looked at the fencing in front of him in boredom. The eagle-eyed handsome guy was so aggressive. If the eagle-eyed handsome guy didn't show off, even with a nail clipper, the green algae head would be defeated in seconds at the beginning. Sometimes there was a level gap. It's not just a weapon that can make up for it. The service war number can kill the big dragon with a novice wooden stick. On the contrary, even if the novice Xiao Chuan runs to kill the big dragon with a god on his back, the damage at most will be +1.

And the East Blue brother who was quite arrogant before is currently lowering his sense of presence in the ultimate way. He looks in the direction of Uncle Marine's warship as if he is seeing a savage beast and does not dare to move. Now this Marine Admiral is not moving. It was probably because his presence was relatively low. Marine Admiral didn't see him, and his attention was attracted by Shichibukai's eagle eyes. If he made the slightest noise, he might be able to draw his attention back.

Although he is the first brother of East Blue, and in East Blue there is a person who can cause small earthquakes by stomping his feet, but the opponent is the Marine Admiral with the highest combat power in the world government!

Even Shichibukai's Hawkeye can scratch them with just a few blows, let alone Marine Admiral?!

"Don't be so nervous. I won't hit you. What are you afraid of? You look so tall and powerful, can I still eat you? You East Blue pirates are really not good at psychological quality. You have to practice it in the future, otherwise you won't do it again. There is no future for someone like you..."

Leonardo glanced at the nervous East Blue guy next door, who kept saying "You can't see me, you can't see me."

He looks mighty and majestic, but his status is too low. He can't even keep up the energy of the "big" pirates in the first half, let alone a small East Blue pirate.

....Yes, your teaching is correct..."

This East Blue guy's feet are weak. What kind of heaven-defying luck is this? Not only did he meet the world's greatest swordsman, but he also met the Marine Admiral.

Don’t labor and management simply want to go overseas?

Why is it so difficult?

"Uncle, these guys want to rob Uncle Beard's food boat, why don't you arrest them!"

Luffy, the Pirate King, was quite familiar with him, so he snitched on Leonardo.

"... Let "Red Foot" call 999 and East Blue Marine call the police. I never look at pirates who are generally worth less than 500 million. This thing is not even worth 100 million. Just The Armani outfit I'm wearing costs tens of millions, and the value of this thing is not enough to cost me a set of clothes. Is it ridiculous to ask me to buy a Marine Admiral?"

"Besides, it's not impossible to ask me to take action, but my appearance fee is not low. Do you have the money?"

Leonardo waved his hand and said.

Just kidding, Marine Admiral, the man who fucked Mr. Kaido, is already embarrassed enough by coming to East Blue to deal with these little pirates. His taste is even lower than Akainu’s. If you don’t point out the appearance fee, it’s just the gas fee from Grand Line to East Blue. Neither is good enough.

"Ding dong!"

"No...I wonder how much your appearance fee is?"

Hearing these words, the eyes of the little East Blue wild cat next to Pirate King Luffy sparkled.

She thought of Arlong and the others in the village. This was the Marine Admiral. Arlong and the others were definitely no match. She had previously thought about whether she could ask the Marine Admiral to go to their village to eliminate Arlong, but she didn't know how to ask. After all, Why should anyone help her? And after hearing what this Marine Admiral said, she gave up completely. The targets they targeted were big pirates with a bounty of at least 500 million. Arlong and his gang only had a little over 100 million in total. The gap is too big.

But after hearing that there would be an appearance fee later, the fire of hope in my heart burned brightly.

She has also been living in the sea for several years, and she has some savings. She originally planned to redeem her with Arlong, but compared to Arlong's gang of fishmen, she obviously trusts Marine more. After all, the other party is Marine Admiral!

The people around also looked over. Rather than being boring and cruel to the world's greatest swordsman over there, they wanted to know the appearance fee of Marine Admiral, the highest combat power in the world government. Some noble elder sisters who were only sixty years old had already I silently took stock of my net worth. If the price is right, it would be nice to hire a Marine Admiral to protect me for two or three days and leave some 697 beautiful memories...

The heart of East Blue's brother almost jumped out of his chest. He looked at it with trembling lips and white lips, but he didn't dare to say a word. What if the Marine uncle just made a price casually?

If he didn't panic at all in the past, the worst he could do was offer double the price when someone made an offer. He had been living in East Blue for so long and was not short of money, but now it's no longer possible. In order to join the Grand Line and become the Pirate King, he lost all his wealth. They were all used to buy a boat, and they were all chopped up by the world's greatest swordsman. Now he is left with only one...

"Well... By the way, how much was the appearance fee for my last shot? Little Luffy is also an acquaintance of ours, so I'll give them a 20% discount..."

Leonardo looked like he was thinking seriously and then asked Thomas Berry beside him, giving him a look by the way.

"The last time you made a move, the reward for the pirates plus overtime pay, bonuses, and reimbursed fuel expenses totaled one billion beli. If you discount it by 20, it would be 800 million."

Toss Berry has been hanging out with the boss for so many years. Although he doesn't trust his hands-on ability, he still has a tacit understanding. He knows what the boss means with just one look.

The boss has a rich wife, Gion Vice Admiral, who is not short of money for maintenance. After all, a bunch of officers and soldiers in their Sabaody branch also have to support their families...

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