Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

826. Sengoku: What The Hell, It’S From The Garp Family

"Curry Admiral, what should we do next?"

After Tonya took the people away in the boat, Toss Berry also gritted his teeth and asked, "He has been hanging out with the boss for so many years, and the boss's compassionate look is obviously for this little girl, so he will naturally be beaten." They cooperated, and these murlocs did indeed go too far. More than 20 surrounding villages were messed up by these murlocs, and they also enslaved humans. This was too much.

"It's just little Kalami. You take someone to follow this little girl and beat them up. If little Luffy comes, leave it to little Luffy to deal with it. If little Luffy hasn't come yet, you can handle it yourself. 11

Leonardo waved his hand.

Although Thomas Berry's strength has not changed much over the years, if he were to challenge these murlocs one-on-one, he would probably be defeated by a group of murlocs. But "One, Two Zero" has many younger brothers now, and there are seven or eight around them. He is a genuine Rear Admiral, and it is not easy to kill these murlocs. As for him, he will not go, lest these murlocs raise the white flag when they see him.

He came here simply to avenge his little brother. After all, he was beaten quite badly by these fishmen back then. According to Duncan Vice Admiral, even his father had never beaten his son so badly...

He is a Marine Admiral. If the opponent has already raised the white flag, he can't let his younger brother take action again, so he still lets Thomas Berry lead the people.

"Mr. Admiral, aren't you going?"

After hearing Leonardo's words, the East Blue little wild cat asked a little worriedly. After all, the fishman left a huge shadow on her heart. She couldn't help but worry that if the Marine Admiral didn't go, this group of people wouldn't be able to defeat that group. Fishmen, it will be the people of their village who will suffer.

"Don't worry, little girl, it's just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps. We can handle it without Curry Admiral setting off."

At this time, a Marine aunt, Mian Na, the pink-headed girl back then and now a Marine Rear Admiral, comforted her with a cigarette in her mouth.

Since the pink-headed girl started working at the Sabaody branch, with Leonardo as her monster spawner, she was promoted much faster than her classmate White-haired Smoker, who followed Aokiji for two years before being entrusted with an important task by Sengoku. I went to East Blue Logue town as a supervisor, and after all these years I was still Colonel Marine. Of course, this speed was already super fast for them at the same time, but it was still much slower than Hina, who was brought with me to brush the dungeon, mainly because In a small place like East Blue, the number of pirates is not big enough. If you want to compete for performance, Hina's big pirate in the first half or New World can beat the white-haired smoker and kill East Blue.

His performance is not outstanding enough. Even if the White-haired Smoker gnaws the Logia fruit, Sengoku will not be able to promote him. Although their Marine lacks talents, what they lack is top talents with Admiral appearance. The White-haired Smoker obviously cannot reach this level. Although this Logia smoke fruit is not bad, the attack power is too low to be honest, and the white-haired smoker is not a physical genius. He only relies on a fire stick made of seastone to get around.

His performance is not outstanding, and his performance is not amazing enough. Even if Sengoku wants to promote him, it will be difficult for him. If this guy doesn't say that he can go to Golden Lion and Kozuki Oden when he debuts like his eldest nephew, and he can also lick Five Elders as his godfather. , even if Akainu and Kizaru were able to dominate the first half of the Grand Line just after their debut, Sengoku would have reason to promote him, but this guy obviously can't do it!

And after Hina became their Marine martyr, although Hina’s father was not a high-level Vice Admiral, he was still a Rear Admiral before his death. Even if he is weak after becoming a martyr, as long as his performance is sufficient, no one will gossip when he is promoted. Moreover, Hina’s current His strength is not weak either. After working with Stowe Berry for several years, Stowe Berry's hands-on ability is indeed a bit lacking, but his theory is very good.

As the second direct disciple of Zephyr, a true academic master, with the support of various theories such as Stowe Berry's Marine Six Styles, two-color Haki, etc., the current Hina is not the vase in the original work who only knows how to torture people. If it weren't for the fact that Marine had no major wars and the Vice Admiral establishment was already full, it wouldn't be a problem for Leonardo to find her through the back door and get a Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral. At least in Leonardo's view, Hina would be better than she is now. Not as powerful as the ghost spider with eight swords flying together...

"What a girl, they belong to the Garp family. What on earth is Leonardo doing? (▼^▼X)"

Naval Headquarters, in Brother No. 1's office, Sengoku looked at the document from East Blue in his hand and wanted to pull out his 100-meter-long stick and smash that bastard Garp to death!

Early this morning, before he had time to study the latest dolls that had just arrived yesterday, an urgent document came from East Blue. East Blue had another newcomer, and he became famous all at once. Witnessed by a group of nobles and businessmen Next, he overthrew East Blue's famous "big" pirate, the Creek Pirates...

This is not the key point. After all, the Creek Pirates usually do some bad things in East Blue. This newcomer jumped the Creek Pirates. It sounds like this newcomer has a sense of justice. For such a Pirates, although everyone has different camps, Sengoku still likes to see them. After all, maintaining world peace cannot rely solely on the Marines, but also on the pirates themselves.

But when he saw the information about this new pirate, his whole head was completely blown as if he had been hit by Kizaru's ultimate move!

Monkey. D. Luffy, Monkey. The straw hat that kid is staring at

Sengoku's mentality completely exploded. He turned around and walked to a small room behind the screen, and took out the 100% restored doll that he asked the doll company to cover his good friend. Then, after a series of explosions that exceeded the speed of sound were heard in the small room, Sengoku He walked out with a calm face of 0.7 while wiping his glasses, took a deep breath, and started doing it again.

Forget about that "Fire Fist" Ace, he is originally Roger's son. The unstable gene in his body is too strong, and he can understand it even if Garp can't affect it. Dragons and dragons give birth to phoenixes. Even the son of One Piece doesn't learn how to learn and becomes a pirate. It makes sense that Garp couldn't teach this kid, and he wasn't actually too angry.

To put it another way, if Whitebeard had come to entrust him with a baby before he died, he would have made the same choice as Garp. Although he is a Marine, he is still a human being, and a human being has seven emotions and six desires, and he will fight with Whitebeard. After so many years, they have already transcended the relationship between an ordinary Marine and a pirate. After all, they were contemporaries and "encouraged each other to make progress."

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