Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

831. The Five Godfathers Are Very Angry

"Is this kid the grandson of that guy Garp?"

Sabaody land, inside Shakky's rip-off BAR, Rayleigh looked at the straw hat on the newspaper in his hand and murmured to himself, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he had seen the scene when Roger forcibly tricked him into joining the gang, and his eyes gradually became moist.

"Haha, didn't the newspaper say that his surname is Monkey.D? Who else could it be but Garp's grandson?"

Shakky on the side was holding a root in his mouth and wiping the cup intently with a smile. After living together for so many years, one look at Rayleigh's behavior and knew that this guy was recalling the past sentimentally again.

"Gudong Gudong...=('o`*)))!"

Rayleigh took a big gulp of wine and let out a long sigh. Then she silently mourned for her little brother Shanks. Back then, Shanks was chased by Garp's "267" guy just for deceiving this kid into a Straw Hat Third Generation project. The world is far away, and now this grandson has really become a pirate. You can imagine how Shanks will be chased by that old guy Garp in the future. He is probably even more involved than they were at the beginning...

Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

"Puff! Puff!"

“Moses Moses, I am Sengoku.

Sengoku has been having a headache recently. He originally planned to increase the net worth of his good friend's grandson and write up his record more beautifully. When his good friend knew that his grandson went to sea and became a pirate, he wouldn't be so angry, and he didn't make the matter a big deal. The original idea was that there were only tens of millions of small pirates, and they couldn't make much noise [after all, the main theme is now beards on the sea and many sea chases.

A little pirate worth tens of millions would not attract much attention.

But who would have thought that the news media ignored Kaido and Whitebeard's news and kept boasting about this grandson. Now, the whole world knows that Garp's grandson went to sea to become a pirate. By the way, Dorag was also brought in. He had a headache when he saw the good gay family introduced in the newspaper.

But he was having a headache when the phone rang.

"Sengoku! Do you want to explain to us what's going on with Monkey.D. Luffy? Why did Garp's grandson become a pirate?!(^x"

From the other end of the phone came the furious roar of the knife-wielding father.

Wu's father is very angry now, because he has been fighting wits with Garp's son during this period. He pays close attention to the situation on the sea side. In fact, there is nothing to pay attention to. Sengoku has always revealed a "stable" attitude for so many years. "Word, with Sengoku watching over the sea, they can also battle wits and courage with Garp's son with peace of mind.

Not to mention, although this Dorag is Garp's son, he only inherited Garp's fighting genes. In other aspects, he really didn't inherit Garp's old guy. When the boy plays a card, they have to hold meetings and study for a long time before they come up with a countermeasure. If this guy is placed in Marine, he will be the perfect successor to the Marine hero!

I have to say that the Monkey family’s genes are really strong.

Now the old guy Garp's son hasn't been settled yet, and now the special grandson of Garp is also coming out to cause trouble. If it's just a little pirate, they won't take it seriously, but this kid is Garp's grandson. It’s different.

This is the gene of the Monkey family. If it is not dealt with properly, I wonder if a One Piece will really come out.

Now Garp's son alone is giving them a headache.

When he saw the newspaper, Wu's father was so angry that he almost burst out of his lungs. He called Sengoku and was furious. Forget about Garp's nominal grandson going to sea. It's nominal after all, even if it's nominal. No matter how big the fuss is, they don't panic. After all, there is no genetic blood, and there is only one Four Emperors at most. But this grandson is different, the genetic blood is there!

"This... Your Excellency Five Elders, the matter is not as serious as you think. Judging from this kid's experience since going to sea, he has not caused much loss to us. Garp has already gone to chase people. I believe he will be able to do it soon. Catch that kid back."

Sengoku really wants to carry his 180-meter sword and chop down those bastards who are bragging in the newspapers. I don't recommend that you, the mother-in-law, rely on sales to make money selling newspapers, but you can't brag. !

.... Get this thing done as soon as possible, the Garp family has almost become unstable genes)

"Come and have tea when you have time..."

Hearing that Garp had gone to chase someone, Wu Zai's father felt a little better...

Back then, I had chased Roger, and then the red-haired guy, who was just a little grandson. With Garp taking action, there should be no problem.

After the godfather with the knife finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone. They didn't have time to compete with Sengoku now. If they had that time, they might as well study what Garp's son would do next.

Although the battle of wits and courage with Garp's son recently was sometimes a headache, it also made them enjoy it. After being invincible for so many years, they finally met a decent opponent. Only a strong opponent can force out a stronger self. .....


“It’s all this bastard Garp’s fault....(#)*

After Sengoku slapped the phone bug away, when he thought that he was sprayed by the Five Elders because of his good friend's grandson, but he couldn't refute the key, Sengoku was so angry that he gritted his teeth. What evil had he done in his previous life? How could he do this? Met such a good friend.

"Actually, there is no need to be so angry. We should have been mentally prepared when the red-haired kid met this kid in East Blue. This kind of thing is bound to happen sooner or later. It can only be said that the red-haired brat gambled too much. "

Seeing Sengoku being so irritable, the Vice Admiral next door quietly settled in.

When it comes to deceiving people, except for Leonardo, Marine is really not as good as the pirates, especially the red-haired kid who once ran a boat with Roger. Roger's ability to deceive people was also super strong in 1.2. Red It's not just words to tell this kid to East Blue, he actually paid for it with a dominant hand and Roger's hat.

To be honest, if you pay such a price to deceive a kid, who can bear it?

Not to mention a brat with an immature mind, most adults can't handle it. When she knew that the red-haired man had deceived his friend's grandson at such a price, even she was surprised. What kind of thing was his friend's grandson? Isn’t God’s chosen son successful?

The red-haired boy has to pay such a high price, and Sengoku has always allowed Garp to teach his grandson in his own way. She will encounter a day like this. In terms of teaching experience, she is much more experienced than the two little friends, and Gion is also Which of their little geniuses, Lucy Jiu, was not taught by her?

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