Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

834. Shanks: I Have Made Appointments With Several Big Clients

Everything was going very smoothly at first. According to the "National Hero"'s account, when he boarded Whitebeard's Moby Dick and had a little pretense, Whitebeard was quite magnanimous and didn't get angry. Instead, he chatted with him for a while. Dashan even showed that he admired him very much and hoped that he could become his successor. However, of course he could not compete with the son of the former boss for regrets, so he politely refused. Even so, Whitebeard was still very generous and did not care, but when When the handsome boy was about to talk about business after toasting, something happened.

When Whitebeard drank the "hometown wine" he sent him, he seemed quite generous at first glance. He drank most of the tank in one go. But the more he drank, the more strange Whitebeard became. Why didn't this guy's "hometown wine" taste like alcohol at all? , just like drinking boiled water, Whitebeard didn't care at first. After all, this is someone's honor to him. Even if he doesn't like drinking, he has to show it to others, so he just wants to endure it and finish it in one breath.

But as I drank Whitebeard, something felt more and more wrong. I thought about how he had been in the wine shop for decades, and there was no "hometown wine" from all over the world that he had not tasted. From the tribute wine in the sky to the gold wine in the sky, down to Roger's petty wine. The water was mixed with wine, at least it didn't taste like alcohol, but the "hometown wine" this kid sent was really like boiled water and had no alcohol flavor at all. Whitebeard also started to feel a little confused. The bastard couldn't just 137 fool him with boiled water, right?

However, Whitebeard couldn't show it in front of others, so he found an excuse to ask his eldest son to give him a glass of water. When he drank the water handed over by his eldest son, the texture and taste were exactly the same.

This little bastard really just tried to trick Whitebeard with boiled water. Now Whitebeard's temper got the better of him and he drew his sword and chopped!

Damn you, even if you live in poverty, like Roger, you mix water with wine and give it to labor and management. Considering the past friendship, labor and management just tolerated it. Now you, damn you, actually take it. To deceive labor and capital with boiled water, do you really think that labor and capital are hidden and cannot be conquered?

The "national hero" who was so amiable just a second ago and was not angry when he saw Whitebeard drinking so much fake wine was just talking about business when he suddenly saw Whitebeard drawing a knife to attack him. Although he was a little confused, his body Instinctively, he drew his sword to block Whitebeard's machete. The two swords collided, and the burst of momentum actually split the clouds above the two people in half.

At this time, the "national hero" also came to his senses. He seemed a little drunk when he was filling the water that day (bifb). He thought that since he had already mixed it with water, he might as well finish the rest, three-thirds of it. There seems to be no difference between second-hand fakes and full fakes. They are all fakes anyway. Whitebeard is actually quite reasonable, and he probably wouldn't fall out with him over such a trivial matter...

Because he felt a little ashamed, when Whitebeard slashed him with a machete, he just passively defended and wanted to let Whitebeard chop him two more times until the anger subsided.

But who is Whitebeard?

He has traversed the sea for decades and served in the army all his life. Even when Roger used water mixed with wine to have sex for free, he would have tolerated it. At least it smelled like alcohol. But this little bastard was even more shameless than Roger. Came here with a big vat of water to fool him. The key is that he really believed this little bastard and did it in one go. If word got out, "Does he still want his old face?"

So this time Whitebeard was really angry, even more angry than when he found out that his fourth son had been killed by "Blackbeard". It couldn't be done with just one or two cuts.

The two of them fought on Whitebeard's Moby Dick for several days. The "national hero" could only defend but not attack. Whitebeard, who was already on top, could only attack but not defend. He vowed to send the brat to see Roger. Let Roger see how he teaches his younger brother.

As the saying goes, a long-term defense will inevitably lead to failure. In the end, although the "national hero" was not hit, his precious car was hacked twice by Whitebeard and he almost went to find a "big customer" to make money to buy a new boat. He saw that he had just changed the boat. His precious car was cut off, and the "national hero" lost his temper. He turned from defense to offense and had a confrontation with Whitebeard for several days. Finally, his friend came to his senses and did not come to persuade Whitebeard to summon Ace. What?

Why did you start doing it?

Then the friends risked their lives to drag the person away before it was over.

And the "national heroes" who have calmed down are also aggrieved. Whitebeard is really stingy. Didn't he just give you some boiled water to fool you? Labor and management are talking to you about business. This is for your own good. How old are you? , Drinking more boiled water is good for your health. You damn girl actually want to kill me for such a trivial matter.

But even though he was wronged, he didn't mention it. Although his starting point was good, in the end it was his fault first and he didn't bother to argue with Whitebeard. Now that he and Whitebeard can't talk, he can only hope that Captain Roger will My son is alert enough to turn around in time and not chase that "Blackbeard"

.....So you really sent fake wine to Whitebeard... No! Treating plain water as fake wine to fool Whitebeard? (⊙_⊙)?"

After listening to the description of the "national hero", Leonardo was shocked for a moment. Normally, he really couldn't see that this guy was so wicked. He actually used boiled water as fake wine to fool Whitebeard. What a shame. It’s not that my brain is missing a string anymore, it’s that my brain has been caught in the door.

He can even come up with such a genius idea. Although he is old and not in good health, he can still afford surgery, right?

If you deceive people like this, they are right to kill you!

"£=('0`*))) Sigh...Stop it, I contacted a few "big clients" to make some money first, and then I gave up."

When it came to sad things, the "national hero" sighed deeply. After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for Leonardo to react. His newly bought car was stabbed twice by Whitebeard, although it was still intact. It works, but the damage is a bit big. He still has to work hard to earn money to replace it with a new ship. How can he have time to compare nonsense with this guy?

Although this guy's righteous face just now moved him, he just wanted to team up to fight Whitebeard. Firstly, he had no idea about the "number one person in the world", and secondly, his former boss, Captain Roger, had taught him respect since he was a child. Love the young, Whitebeard is already so old, how long can he live, let him be happier in his old age, he can live with the title of "the best man in the world" until his old age, which is considered satisfactory for them who are pirates .

As far as the relationship between Captain Roger and Whitebeard was concerned, there was no need for him to disturb his old age. What's more, they planned to leave the family property to him. Captain Roger's children could inherit it, and he couldn't let Whitebeard die unexpectedly without even writing a will. ...

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