Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

836. Pirate...King Luffy Has Done Something Big Again

However, just when Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief, the red-haired man fought Whitebeard simply because there was no conspiracy theory in the tank of boiled water.

A big incident almost made him have a heart attack.

My good friend’s grandson is causing big trouble again!

There was a rebellion in Alabasta. The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey.D. Luffy, defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea in Alabasta. Crocodile, the "Sand Crocodile" who was at the peak of his debut, put down the Alabasta rebellion!

As soon as the news came out, the whole world went crazy!

That was Crocodile, the Seven Warlords of the Sea "Sand Crocodile" who once challenged Whitebeard, was at the top of his game, and was worth more than 8,000 yuan as soon as he debuted!

You must know that the Seven Warlords of the Sea have gained a great reputation in the sea over the years, especially in places like Shihai in the first half of the year that were controlled by Uncle Marine "Zero Nine Seven". With the World government deliberately spreading the word, people believed it to be true and even regarded Shichibukai as real. Comparing it to New World Four Emperors, although the price difference is a bit lower, but with the praise of World Government, the status is definitely enough, and in the past few years, there have been several Seven Warlords of the Sea who have not contributed much to let Sengoku very unhappy.

But with the support of the tyrant Xiong Jingjing and the world's greatest swordsman, Seven Warlords of the Sea is definitely a top-tier celebrity. And now, such a top-tier celebrity is actually being taken over by Hai who just debuted not long ago. The new thief was defeated.

This not only makes all the pirates crazy, but also slaps the World government in the face!

You must know that the Seven Warlords of the Sea themselves are a group of famous pirates under the World government who have legal rights to snatch. At best, they are pirates who cooperate with the World government. At worst, they are the lackeys of the World government.

However, although this reputation is not very good, it does not make a lot of people jealous. After all, he is the only pirate who has the legal right to snatch. There are so many pirates in the world, and there are only seven who really have this right. Who is not jealous? , but because the World Government blew Shichibukai to the sky, and Shichibukai themselves really have something to offer, the staff of Seven Warlords of the Sea has not changed over the years.

In addition, "Sand Crocodile" Crocodile's black boss temperament is so well controlled that his name has always been in the middle and upper ranks in Shichibukai, so this time he was overthrown by a newcomer, even if this newcomer is the grandson of Marine hero Garp , also shocked the entire sea.

By the way, this "sand crocodile" Clodall also had a tragedy in his life. First, he was cut off by Whitebeard, his girlfriend who had been with him for many years. After finally becoming a top celebrity, he met the chosen one after a few years of being cool.

When the Straw Hats were pretending to be gay in East Blue Logue town, they almost overturned when they met the White-haired Smoker. Fortunately, his father, the terrorist First Generation, secretly escorted them, and finally passed through the Upside Down Mountain and entered the Grand. Line, and also met the famous Tide Sea Spirit, the former ship's doctor of Roger Pirates, but he is now a lighthouse keeper.

So after beeping with the big whale for a while, it hit the employees of the "Sand Crocodile" studio. To say that this "Sand Crocodile" is also an extremely good pirate, let alone his strength, at least his ambition is consistent with a The basic qualities of an excellent pirate. After Whitebeard killed off his girlfriend who had been with him for more than 20 years, "Sand Crocodile" has been thinking about revenge. However, after seeing Whitebeard's power, he He felt that unless Whitebeard took his last breath and lay in bed, it would be difficult for him to avenge the "female doctor" even if he tried hard.

So after he couldn't avenge his "girlfriend" no matter how hard he tried, "Sand Crocodile" began to look for foreign objects. However, by chance, he overheard the legend about the three ancient artifacts, Poseidon Rayleigh... Bah! Poseidon Poseidon can summon the big monsters of the deep sea to listen to his orders, Pluton Rayleigh...and bah! Pluton Pluto destroyed an island with one cannon, Uranus... Uranus is even more awesome and has no friends. The one who gets Uranus Win the world.

Now the "Sand Crocodile" is moved. Whether it's to avenge his "girlfriend" or to satisfy the ambition of that outstanding pirate, he has to get the ancient artifact. If he gets the ancient artifact, Whitebeard still has to give up. ?

However, the three ancient artifacts are just legends. They have disappeared for hundreds of years. It is not known whether they have expired or not. Although he has some brains, his cultural level is not high. When he was a child, his family did not have the conditions for him to study. When he grew up, he could only run out and become a pawn. Pirates, although they have the conditions now, they have no intention to study. They spend all day thinking about how to become bigger and stronger...

Fortunately, there is no end to the road. God opened his door and did not open a window for him, but at least left him an air vent, allowing him to meet the only surviving orphan in the Ohara incident that shocked the world. The last archaeologist, Robin, the son of the devil.

Later, after the world's last archaeologist peeled off the cocoon, they finally found a few clues about the ancient artifact Pluton Rayleigh... Bah! Pluton Pluto. According to the instructions of this clue, they found Alabasta.

If it were other kingdoms, according to his status as Seven Warlords of the Sea, he could completely overrun this country and then slowly search for it. Anyway, it’s not like he has never done it before, and he is quite experienced in this aspect. , even if Whitebeard cut off a girlfriend, he couldn't suppress his spirit. He always believed that if the ice was not too slippery when he faced Marine Admiral Aokiji, he would never run away.

If he hadn't consumed too much energy fighting the Marine Vice Admiral in the Water City, he would never have surrendered when he encountered the Marine Admiral Green Fox!

If there weren't too many terrorists who kidnapped him back then, he would never have been imprisoned by them for so many years before running out to challenge Whitebeard.

If it hadn't been for the poor condition 1.2 of being locked up for too long when I was duel with Whitebeard, I would never have been killed by Whitebeard so easily...

From the day he came out to hang out, he didn't know how to write the word "coward"!

But he still wants to plan a great cause. This is not "cowardly" but low-key!

This Alabasta is a member of the World Government. Before finding Pluton Rayleigh... Bah! Pluton, Pluto must keep a low profile. This is also his hope of revenge and becoming a pirate group to unify the world.

So when he came to Alabasta, he did not use strong tactics, but planned to use roundabout tactics to slowly gain control of the country, and then slowly search for the ancient artifact Pluton.

Unfortunately, things didn't work out as he wished. Just when he was about to succeed, he met the chosen son of God, the pirate king Luffy. .

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