Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

841. Kaido Is An Extremely Good Pirate

But... although Sengoku's acting is really what he is, so natural and has no trace of the stage at all, but he is also an old film critic, he can still tell whether Sengoku is acting, let alone the current Marine The old boy is always urging him to have a second or third child with that stinky bitch in Gion. This X-Drake is Zoan. An ancient species. The fruit in the form of an Allosaurus. Just look at the three disasters under Teacher Kaido. Okay, where is his upper limit? His future may be even higher than his preferred white-haired smoker.

If their Marine had such a talented person, it would be impossible for Sengoku, who cherished his talent, not to pay attention to it, and not to care about this guy's physical and mental condition.

As a member of the Marine mechanism, if those low-level officers with a worrying future feel confused about their future and have no room for improvement and change careers to become pirates in search of a breakthrough, it is "487" possible. There are many such examples, and every year some low-level officers get their first blow. The officer felt that he had less money but was more tired than a dog. He felt that his future was hopeless and turned to become a pirate to try his hand. However, these are basically Marine officers at the "General" level. Even if they reach the "General" level, they are just a Commodore, this kind of thing rarely happens. When you are promoted from Marine Colonel to Commodore, you have to go through a political review. If there is no one at the top, your ideas will be brushed off early.

This guy was promoted to the Rear Admiral despite his evil father's misdeeds like Madara Madara. It can be said that he wants to become a pirate even though his future is bright. It doesn't make sense from that point of view.

Now is no longer the Kong Era. In the Kong Era, Kong was not able to understand the leader's intentions, so it was difficult for Marine to process. Everyone everywhere was struggling to tighten their belts and live a life. He remembers when he was promoted to Rear Admiral. At that time, the annual salary was only over two million, which was not even enough to pay for gas. Although Kong occasionally received several annual salary increases in the following years, it was just a drop in the bucket. Those Marine big-head soldiers were real. He spent thousands of dollars a month to fight pirates.

This situation lasted until Sengoku, who was able to understand the leadership's intentions quickly and accurately, took over. Since Sengoku took over, Marine's salary cap has been rising basically every year. Now, the monthly salary of Marine's top soldiers has increased to His income is tens of thousands, and although he has never understood it as a Rear Admiral, his annual salary is definitely many times higher than when he was a Rear Admiral.

Moreover, Marine who has entered the Sengoku era not only has a car and a house, but also has a high salary and good benefits. Even after he retires, he can also have a private top medical team to follow up. If he is not worried about being criticized for doing too much, he will be equipped with a A sexy cook is fine.

Now that Marine is being treated like this, except for a middle-school boy from a family that doesn't pay attention to ideological education like the old boy Garp, who is a little more sensible and knows a few Chinese characters and doesn't write his name crookedly, who would become a pirate?

Isn't that stupid?

So based on Leonardo's observation of Sengoku and the fact that Marine's future is in great shape, he has reason to suspect that Sengoku is definitely playing Infernal Affairs 2!

And this X-Drake is the male protagonist of Infernal Affairs 2.

After all, their Marines have too little information about the "Four Gates" of the New World. For example, they don't even know why the battle between Red Hair and Whitebeard ended after a few days, and they even asked him to personally call the "national hero" "The other side understands the situation.

Among the "four gates" of the New World, the one who calls the shots on Fat Lady Charlotte's side has always been her son-in-law and a few "beloved concubines". Even if an undercover agent is sent in, it will be difficult for the undercover agent to be reused because of his high potential. , unless you are willing to fall into the big bed of Charlotte's fat woman.

However, considering the size of Charlotte's current situation, it would be difficult for anyone with normal aesthetics to overcome their inner demons and devote themselves to Charlotte's big bed. Moreover, although Charlotte's ambitions are there, they are not very big. Over the years, they have Although Marine also pays attention to Charlotte's fat lady, it is not the focus of his observation.

Judging from their performance over the years, the "national heroes" Red Hair Pirates are really just like salted fish. They are either running around the world or looking for big sisters who are only 60 years old to do big business. Their influence on the sea It's trivial. He also transformed into a messenger of justice to reduce the burden on their Marines, so sending undercover agents to the Red Hair Pirates is a waste of resources. Moreover, despite the small number of Red Hair Pirates and their lack of big breast moles, the threshold for the Red Hair Pirates is Four The tallest among the Emperors, it's really not easy to join the Red Hair Pirates...

So the only two remaining targets are Whitebeard and Mr. Kaido. However, given Whitebeard’s age, the level of danger is not as high as it was at his peak, and Whitebeard has never had any ambitions. After all, if he wanted to become the Pirate King, he would have been there twenty years ago. He has already become king. The current only potential threat to the Whitebeard Pirates is Roger's son. The total value of Whitebeard's successors has reached 6 billion plus the "Fourth Plague" of the Beasts Pirates, but this is a potential threat. , "Fire Fist" Ace has not yet completed his development, and it is hard to say what his future will be like.

So the only ones left are Kaido-sensei and his Beasts Pirates. Kaido-sensei has always maintained a huge drive and ambition from his debut to the present. Anyone can see it, except for having too many brains. Most of it is just muscles, and there are not many other shortcomings. Kaido-sensei is definitely the best pirate in the world today. There is no one else. He has all the factors of an excellent pirate, including ambition, strength, and power.

This X-Drake is still Zoan. The whole world knows that Teacher Kaido prefers Zoan. In addition, his iron-blooded animal army is still under construction. People with such Zoan abilities are most needed, and they are Zoan with huge potential. In ancient times, it was too It suits Mr. Kaido's taste.

From the above conclusion, there should be nothing wrong with Sengoku's Infernal Affairs 2 plot being shot on Kaido-sensei 1.0's Beasts Pirates.

"This year's new pirates are all talented. Isn't the Op-Op Fruit of this kid from Rafal Garro the same one that the World Government wanted to trade for?"

Then Leonardo looked at the information of several other pirate newcomers. The first thing that caught his eye was the star of Celestial Dragons, the child laborer of Doflamingo. He was not targeting this kid, but just speaking from the perspective of a bystander. He has more or less the attributes of a white-eyed wolf. If he hadn't met Doflamingo back then, this kid wouldn't have had the chance to meet Corazon.

How could he have a chance to become a supernova? As a result, this kid remembered Corazon's kindness but forgot that if Doflamingo hadn't raised him, he would have burped long ago. .

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