Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

859. The Old Drunkard In District 13 Is The Cheapest

Among the eleven members of Supernova, the other nine have really relied on their own efforts to get here step by step. Although they usually act like they are the boss and me, this is the land of Sabaody after all. Marine Four Admiral First, the land of the undead Admiral Green Fox is not far from the Naval Headquarters, and next door is World Government. Sabaody Land is also a place where Celestial Dragons often hang out. When they step into the Sabaody Archipelago, they can feel the Marine and Sabaody Land. The Marine they met before was completely different.

In the past, the Marines they met were more or less panicked when they heard their worth, but in Sabaody, they couldn't find any trace of panic in the eyes of the Marines looking at them. Instead, they felt a sense of panic. And its intense desire.

This feeling makes their scalps tingle as normal people, so after coming to Sabaody land, it is better to restrain themselves. These Marine little garami and they are not panic, but there is a Marine Admiral above them. Don't panic, and it wouldn't be a good idea if the Celestial Dragons wanted to be their son-in-law. They also want to enjoy an unprecedented battle between the "world's best" Whitebeard and Uncle Marine!

However, they happened to go out today without looking at the almanac. With the real grandson of the old boy Garp and the pirate king Luffy, the chance of something happening was as high as 98%. And if they don't do something, how can they be the top pick of this year? Lang?360

In the first half of Grand Line, Doflamingo, the famous black-hearted entrepreneur whose business is spread all over the world, is not to blame. He is obviously the king of New World, but he doesn't want to be so tired. He also wants to sleep until he wakes up naturally every day. , counting money until his hands cramp, he has been struggling for most of his life, and he also wants to enjoy life.

Unfortunately, the reality does not allow it. The Celestial Dragons, especially the Five Elders, have too many demands. On the other hand, they have to spend their own money and efforts for Teacher Kaido to research artificial fruits. With vampires on both sides, Doflamingo can only make money. do what.

In fact, ever since two Celestial Dragons staged a real-person PK on his territory, causing the Celestial Dragons to lose face, and the Five Elders passed the blame to him, causing him to be targeted by Uncle Marine, he has given up all his industries and implemented an asset-light transformation. , the auction house in Sabaody has been closed for many years and has not opened for business.

But when he took back his ancestral land, because he came into contact with the rules and regulations of the World Government, Doflamingo had to bleed a lot to appease the Five Elders and the Celestial Dragons. In addition, he could not listen to the cooperation plan with the Beasts Pirates, and scientific research The project was also a big money burner, so Doflamingo, who had been struggling for most of his life and already had a small amount of assets, almost filed for bankruptcy. In order to satisfy these two vampires, Doflamingo had no choice but to return to his old business, racking his brains to develop his own territory and put himself While building the site into a New World tourist attraction, it also started a "heavy industry" project.

When it comes to which industries are the most profitable in the world, there are only a few. Arms selling and murlocs are definitely the two most violent industries. Arms selling requires capital. Although you can make a lot of money, the risks are also very high. But When it comes to selling fishmen, it is almost a business without capital, as long as there are people.

After all, as the mastermind of the two-pronged killing of black and white in the first half of the game, Doflamingo doesn't have many things but his younger brother. In order to satisfy the two big money-drawers around him, Doflamingo can only restart the auction house in Sabaody and let his younger brother return. Keep up the old business.

But today, his younger brother, the hunting dog pet group, was very lucky and encountered a mermaid in the sky above The Fish Men Island.

You must know that since the Saint Mariejois incident, fishmen have been in hot demand, let alone precious mermaids. However, because Whitebeard planted a flag on The fishmen island, no one has dared to hunt on The fishmen island over the years. Fishermen can only wander around The Fish Men Island. If you are lucky enough to meet some fish men who live too comfortably in The Fish Men Island and sneak out to look for excitement, only those pet groups can make a fortune. Anyway, Ship coating is not expensive. The industry of Sabaody coaters has been very competitive over the years, and the price of coating has continued to fall. For example, the drunkard old man in District 13 who has the same name as One Piece deputy "Pluton + Poseidon" Rayleigh is the cheapest. One coat is the cheapest. The film only costs one and twenty-five cents, which is almost like having sex for free!

So even if it depends on your luck, if you don't open for three years, these pet groups can still afford the energy consumption. If you have nothing to do, you can ask the old man to coat it and wander around the perimeter of The Fish Men Island twice. Once you are lucky, you can eat for three years.

Today, Doflamingo's people had a bad luck and met a mermaid who sneaked out of The fish men island to find excitement. This is a mermaid!

Those Celestial Dragons with congenital mental illness like these different species from them. Although the price of fish-men is quite high, but if it is a mermaid with a fish tail on its lower body, the price is even higher.

However, it was such a coincidence that the fishman captured by Doflamingo's men happened to be the real grandson of the old boy Garp and a friend of the Pirate King Luffy. What was even more coincidental was that the eight swordsman of Arlong's group who ruled the hometown of the little wildcats in East Blue. Squidward Squidward... Because he performed well in Impel Down, he was somehow tricked into Impel Down by this old guy Rayleigh. After being taught by Rayleigh, he changed his mind and returned to The Fish Men Island and opened a charcoal grilled octopus restaurant. Xiaodian originally wanted to start a small business, and when he got rich, he would find a female octopus of the same species as him to get married, breed, and then live happily together.

Because they were kidnapped by the Pet Group based near the sea area of ​​​​Sabaody Land, they were rescued by the Pirate King Luffy and his gang, and the East Blue little wild cat, who was the financial leader of the Straw Hat Pirates, smiled and brought them to Sabaody Land. At that time, they were also introduced to Rayleigh, the famous coating master who was the most famous and cheapest within a radius of three meters.

When Rayleigh saw the pirate king Luffy, his heart tightened. This kid was a troublemaker wherever he went, and he was also the real grandson of the old guy Garp. His eldest grandson, that old guy Garp blocked him once and caused a big hole in his little brother Shanks' car. Now this kid comes to him again. If this kid does something in Sabaody, If something happens, that Marine brat will have to ban him.

He was still thinking about sneaking in to support Whitebeard when he was fighting Uncle Marine. If he was blocked by that Marine brat, he would still be able to support him.

He wasn't too worried about Ace's safety. Shanks and Garp were still there. If Shanks couldn't make it, the old guy Garp could. Although Garp had been chasing them all those years, he was still concerned about Garp's character. I agree with it, just like why Roger left his child as an orphan to Garp. He never worried that Marine would really try to touch Ace if Garp was around. This time, Marine was just trying to target Whitebeard, the "number one person in the world." "It's just a trap set by Ace, so there's no need for him, an old guy, to take action. .

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