Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

861. Curry Admiral’S Face Is Great

“Rayleigh is at..………………”

"Sir, it's not good, my God... Celestial Dragons was beaten at the auction house!!!!"

"At Doflamingo's auction house!"

However, before the adjutant could finish speaking, another younger brother reported breathlessly.


Dominic almost fainted. He suppressed the dizziness in his head and asked this little brother with his heart beating wildly.

This is beating up the Celestial Dragons!

The key is that in this place like Sabaody, which bastard is so arrogant and dares to beat up the Celestial Dragons in Sabaody? Isn’t this really tired of living?

No wonder his left eyelid has been twitching non-stop since today. He thought it was the yellow-faced woman in his family who was trying to steal his property again..."Seven Zero Seven"

Seeing his little brother's panicked expression, Dominic was still praying silently, but he must not be the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp.

If it were anyone else, he would just take someone to do it, but if it was Vice Admiral Garp's grandson, it would be really difficult.

In the entire Marine, Brother No. 1 scared every Marine's top soldiers. As long as everyone was a Straw Hat brat, even if Brother No. 1 did not speak to Vice Admiral Garp, everyone had a tacit understanding to turn a blind eye to the Straw Hat brat. One eye, even the extremist group of Akainu Admiral who insist on absolute justice are like this. Firstly, they want to give Vice Admiral Garp face. Of course, more importantly, they don’t want to face Vice Admiral Garp’s pair of super artifacts that can even hammer. A big fist that collapsed.

From the incident where Ryder Vice Admiral was attacked in Marineford and the culprit was not found, many people can see that even if the culprit behind the scenes is not Vice Admiral Garp, he is also one of Vice Admiral Garp's biggest fans. Vice Admiral How many fans does Garp have in Marine?

It can be said that at that time, it was known as the golden generation of Marine. Today, more than half of the backbone of Marine came to Marine because of Vice Admiral Garp, including himself. Although he is the leader of Curry Admiral, he is also a Marine. I have been a fan of Vice Admiral Garp for decades, and my admiration for Vice Admiral Garp has remained consistent for decades.

If Vice Admiral Garp's grandson did it, he really doesn't know what to do. Should he take someone to masturbate that grandson?

If the grandson stumbles in any way and is attacked at night, even his boss Curry Admiral will not be able to protect him!

But if he doesn't go for sex, he, the commander of the Sabaody base, doesn't care. The key is to smear the face of his boss Admiral Curry!

"Just...that straw hat kid did it!"

Uncle Marine's words were so tongue-tied. After all, beating up the Celestial Dragons was a serious crime, and the Marine Admiral would be dispatched.

It just so happens that their top official in Sabaody, Admiral Kuli, is not in Sabaody. When the World government takes the blame, they will end up in Sabaody.

Working as a Marine in a place like Sabaody is the dream of all Marines. The salary is high, the oil and water are sufficient, the work is easy, and the critical risks are not great. Working in Sabaody for one year is equivalent to working hard for several years elsewhere.

He is also a veteran of Sabaody. In the years since he came to Sabaody, no one has ever dared to beat up the Celestial Dragons in Sabaody. Even the big pirates of the New World have to behave like good citizens when they come to Sabaody.

But the current generation of pirate rookies are too lawless. Don’t you know where Sabaody is?

"Mad... you take people over first and arrest these new pirates. I'll notify Admiral."

After hearing the answer he least wanted to hear, Dominic raised his head and spoke to the adjutant. After giving him a look that made him understand, he picked up the phone and dialed the number of the boss.

The World Government has a clear stipulation that if the Celestial Dragons are beaten, the Marine Admiral must be dispatched. As for which Marine Admiral it is, it doesn't matter. The World Government and Marine just want to express their attitude.

The tiger's butt cannot be touched.

In fact, there are so many Celestial Dragons murder cases and Celestial Dragon disappearance cases in the world. However, because of their superb methods and secluded methods, the World Government and Marine did not bother to find out. After all, the truth is that prevention will inevitably lead to failure, no matter it is Five Elders and Marine both understand.

As long as you don't disturb the Celestial Dragons in a big way and slap the World government in the face, even if you sleep with the Celestial Dragons girl, the Five Elders will praise you and say you are awesome, just like the national hero red-haired Shanks, the Five Elders were really Don’t know Shanks’ identity?

It's obviously impossible. Let's not even mention that when Shanks was an intern on Roger's ship, he stubbornly stood and fucked Leonardo. It's already fresh in people's memory. With that bright red hair, there is no other person in the whole sea. Come.......

What's more, after Roger was executed, the red-haired Shanks showed up in front of the whole world to confront Akainu and forcibly took away Roger's body. The Five Elders who had attached great importance to Roger's body could not have forgotten it. As the top of the world government Leader, the Five Elders can't have such a bad memory.

However, when they found out that the red-haired girl had slept with the Celestial Dragons girl in Sabaody while drinking some shards, and the Celestial Dragons girl's father didn't say anything, they turned a blind eye and pretended it was nothing. occur.

Moreover, this red-haired man is quite upright. He did not go out to publicize such a matter that was worthy of publicity and bragging. Because of this, the person involved and the person's father did not express anything, and they were too lazy to meddle in other people's business.

As long as things don't get out and have a major impact on them, Celestial Dragons.

But it’s different now. Just like when two Celestial Dragons fought hand-to-hand in front of the Doflamingo auction house regardless of their image, almost many people saw it and couldn’t hide it at all. Moreover, this incident was much bigger than the street fight between the two Celestial Dragons. The impact is even greater. In the past, both sides of the street battle were Celestial Dragons. The Celestial Dragons fought against their own people, so it didn't matter. But now there is an outsider and a pirate beating up Tianlong 2.1 people in Sabaody, and many people have seen it.

This thing is no less serious than when Byrnndi Waldo, that stupid guy, ripped Celestial Dragons live during his live broadcast.

And the murderer is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp. If this one is not handled well, World Government and Marine will be at odds with each other, and this kind of thing is not something that a "little" Vice Admiral like him can handle. Although he has been doing well with a few Celestial Dragons who are not very smart in the past few years, but now he feels that it is better not to get into trouble. The boss is big enough and can save his face. This kind of thing still needs to be done. It's better to let the boss go.

Marine Admiral still has a lot of respect in the eyes of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, especially since his father is the godson of the Five Elders. This respect is even better.

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