Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 104 Sugar, Go Pour Wine For Them Both (Please Subscribe!)

Chat room——

Jack: "Surround? How can he surround so many pirates by himself?"

Quinn: "??? Who told you that you can't surround them by yourself?"

Abel: "From the ability shown by Parallel Ace, it is not difficult to surround this fighting arena.

Marco: "Logia's ability users speak arrogantly~hahaha!"

Vista: "Even our Ace can say such arrogant words.

Izo: "Yeah, it's not difficult for Mera-mera Fruit to make a fire circle~~~~


[Hearing Ace's words, Mahabais frowned.]

[Although Ace is a Vice Admiral, Mahabais doesn't really know him~)

[At least in the family's intelligence system, there is no such a young Vice Admiral.]

["Boy, you don't know whose territory Dressrosa is, do you?"]

[Mahabais looked at Ace coldly.]

[He has already labeled Ace as a green hand in his heart~~~]

[Such a young Marine Vice Admiral should just be a Vice Admiral with an idle position in the branch base.]

[The so-called Vice Admiral is three levels lower than the Vice Admiral of the headquarters!!]

[To put it bluntly, it's just a good name, but in fact, it's just like this in this life~~~]

[This kind of Vice Admiral and Compared to Doflamingo, it's nothing!】

【Wait until I tell you my young master's name, I guarantee you'll be shocked!】

【However, Ace scratched his ears and looked at Mahbais as if he were an idiot: "What are you thinking about? I'm a Marine Vice Admiral who comes to catch pirates, so why should I care whose territory this is?"】

【At this time, many pirates in the audience stood up, and some began to run to the entrance of the passage.】

【Obviously, these guys are very smart!!】

【No matter who wins the argument between the Marine Vice Admiral and the cadre of the Doflamingo family, the smartest thing to do now is to run away!!】


【It's Ace!!】

【If it was Luffy, these quick-eyed and quick-handed guys would really be able to successfully run away~~~】

【 Ace frowned~~]

[What's wrong with these guys?]

[I've already said that I surrounded them, but they still want to take the opportunity to escape?]

[What a bunch of uncooperative bastards...!!]

[Invisible lightning elements emanated from Ace's body and completely enveloped the entire bullfighting arena!]

[With the spread of Observation Haki, Ace can accurately lock the position of everyone.]


[Purple lightning suddenly appeared, like a blue dragon descending from the sky, and landed on the head of the pirate running at the front~~~]

[White light flashed, lightning overflowed~~]

[The pirate lay on the ground neatly, hissing and smoking...]

["Where is the thunder!"]

["What's going on? It's a sunny day...!!"]

["Fuck! It's a capable person!"]

["Wait! This scene..., ah! It's him! I remembered that in the past few years, North The number of Blue pirates has decreased dramatically. There is news that a Thunder Fruit ability user has gone to a Marine Base in North Blue, and is called North Blue Thunder God by North Blue people!"】

【"What!? North Blue Thunder God? Damn... why is he here?"】

【"It can't be wrong. It is said that the North Blue Thunder God is a young man. Everything is right!"】


【It would be better if he didn't say it. Once he said it, the pirates became even more confused~~】

【North Blue Thunder God~】

【Sounds very powerful!】

【If you don’t leave now, when will you wait???】


[The pirates went on a mass rampage, rushing towards the various exits of the fighting arena! 】

["Damn it! Look what you did!"]

[Looking at the situation at the scene, the Mahabaisi people were all dumbfounded~~~]

[The annual orientation meeting was actually turned into this!]

[Young Master will definitely think that he is not doing things well! 】

["Oh my! Why don't these people listen to my advice?"]

[I originally thought that a thunderbolt would calm down the pirates, but unexpectedly it set the entire arena on fire, which gave Ace a headache~)

[It’s no longer possible to keep a low profile now………………]


[The violent thunder elements continue to overflow from Ace's body~~]

【"It's enough".!"】

[Seeing Ace preparing to take action against the pirates, Mahabaisi finally couldn't bear it anymore!!]

[He grabs Ace's arm. 】

[In his opinion, he is Doflamingo's retainer, and Doflamingo is the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so naturally he and Marine belong to the same camp...]

[As someone from the same camp, it shouldn’t be a problem if I pull my frame~~~]

[He grabbed Ace's arm: "Okay! My young master is Doflamingo, this is his territory, it's not your Marine's turn to interfere yet!!"]


[Ace never expected that this guy would dare to pull him! 】

[Originally, he thought that the other party was from the Donquixote Family, so he didn’t argue with him~

[But now..., this guy actually blocked him from catching the pirates for no good reason!!!]

[The face that was originally playful and uninhibited suddenly turned cold...]

[A violent thunderstorm instantly surged out of Ace's body, like a thunder octopus jumping from Ace's body to Mahabhai's body. 】


[Mahabasi felt a sense of numbness instantly penetrate his heavenly spirit, his consciousness suddenly fell into nothingness, and then he fell to the ground, breathing black smoke from his mouth. 】

【"who do you think You Are?"】

[ Ace dusted his sleeves with an unhappy expression, and then stopped paying attention to this idiot. 】

[He bent his legs and then kicked hard!!]


[The next moment, Ace appeared above the bullfighting arena!!]

[He spread his arms, and the violent thunder elements poured violently from his arms like a torrent that burst a dam!!!]

[It spanned the dome of the bullfighting arena, and then began to extend semicircles to both sides~~~]

[In an instant, a circular thunder and lightning ring formed in the sky of the bullfighting arena!!!]

【"Thunder Waterfall Curtain!!——"】

[Crackling thunder and lightning jumped between the palms, Ace struck down with both hands, and the indescribably terrifying Gao-level thunder and lightning beams fell crazily from the ring!!!]

[It’s like a circular waterfall whose gates were suddenly opened!!!]

[Flying down three thousand feet, it seems that the Milky Way is falling from the sky!!]

[The thunder waterfall curtain fell, directly covering the bullfighting arena~~]


Portgas·D·Ace: "This ability is indeed something I can develop. It is exactly the same as the Enjo Tsuna developed by me from Mera-mera Fruit..."

Trafalgar Law: "Logia is indeed a pervert... In this way, those pirates have no chance to escape!"

X·Drake: "It's really scary! The output of a single target is strong, and the field control is so powerful. Is this Thunder Fruit?"

Porusalino: "Why didn't you get a Thunder Fruit for me to eat?"

Sengoku: "??? Do you think Devil Fruit is a cabbage on the roadside [You can pick it if you want??"

Kuzan: " Sparkling fruit is already very rare, why are you so picky?"

Sakazuki: "If he wants it, he would like to eat ten Devil Fruits!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Haha!!"

[Bullfighting Arena, East District Gate No. 3, the pirates here rushed out first~~]

[The pirates running in front directly knocked the door open and rushed out!!]



[The pirates rushing behind immediately saw a terrifying scene that they would never forget in their lives!!!]

[After the door was knocked open, it turned out to be a world of thunder and lightning!!!]

[Dense thunder and lightning connected from the sky to the ground, forming an impenetrable bamboo forest~~~]

[The first pirate who rushed out crashed into the thunder and lightning waterfall!!]

[In an instant, he was submerged by the thunder and lightning beam, and the whole person instantly became extremely bright!!]

[In just a blink of an eye, a ball of fire Light exploded from his body, and he completely melted into the dense stream of lightning~~~]

[The pirates following closely behind him had no time to brake, and they all crashed into it one after another~~


[Balls of dazzling fire burst out one after another!!]

[These people had no room for regret at all, and they were all vaporized directly...]匚



[The pirates who reacted fell directly to the ground, even if they were trampled, it would be better than rushing directly into the lightning waterfall...][

[The same scene also happened at other exits of the bullfighting arena...]

[In just a few minutes, at least hundreds of pirates disappeared~~~]

[This terrifying scene made the pirates dare not run out again~~

[Above the sky, Ace's whole body was shining with bright lightning, just like the god of thunder!!!】

["You really don't listen to what I say, wouldn't it be fine if you just calmed down earlier?"】

[Ace froze the lightning waterfall and landed on the stage. 】

【He took out the Den Den Mushi and dialed a number: "Hello, has the team arrived yet?"】

【The voice of the adjutant came from the phone: "Report to Vice Admiral, we are about to arrive outside the bullfighting arena...Ah! Vice Admiral, the bullfighting arena seems to be surrounded by lightning!"】

【Ace nodded: "Well, you lead the team to the main gate and prepare to receive the pirates."】

【After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Ace looked at the whole audience and announced in an unquestionable voice: "Now, you have been surrounded by me! I will open a door at the main gate later. You go out one by one and surrender, don't make a fuss! Otherwise, you will be disqualified from going to the Deep Sea Prison!"】

【Disqualified from going to the Deep Sea Prison?】

【Everyone was stunned at first, but then they immediately reacted!!】

【Wouldn't that mean they would be eliminated on the spot??】

【"Damn it! Staying here means death, and going to the Deep Sea Prison is worse than death!! Damn, Laozi does not choose!!"】

【"Damn! There are so many of us, we can't be caught by him alone! Come with me if you are brave, Laozi will fight him!"】

【"As long as he loses control of the lightning outside, we have a chance to escape!!"】

【"Damn it, charge! Let's go together!"】


【Every pirate who can come to New World is definitely not a coward!!!】

【Faced with this life-and-death moment, the most primitive ferocity in their hearts was aroused~ Shit

【For a while, the pirates stopped running away and all rushed towards Ace in the middle of the stage~~~】

[......, we still have to beat him~~~"】

【Ace shook his head slightly, and lightning flashed on his body...!】

【Other side~~~】

【King's Heights, Dressrosa's Royal Palace————】

[ Sabo and Luffy's group are already in the palace. 】

[In the banquet hall, Doflamingo is enthusiastically introducing the humanistic environment of Dressrosa to Sabo~~~]

[Behind him, the two top cadres of the family, Pika and Diamanti, are here. 】

【Luffy was busy eating and drinking, enjoying himself~~】

[At this time, Torrebol also came here with sugar. 】

["Hey? Is that little girl your daughter?"]

[Luffy asked in surprise when he saw the sugar. 】

[“I said……………….I said………………, the young Marine Vice Admiral and Marine Rear Admiral, this is the first time I have seen them~~~They are really young and promising~~~" Torrebol looked at Sabo and Luffy, and was shocked. 】

[Reminiscent of Vergo in F4, he was just a Vice Admiral of the Marine branch, and it took him a long time to get promoted. 】

[The two guys in front of me are already the Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral of Naval Headquarters at a young age, and their backgrounds must be quite big!!!]

[At this time, Doflamingo introduced: "Fufufu...! Torebol, look at your surprised eyes. Let me tell you, these two are the grandsons of Marine hero Garp~"]

["Ah! He turns out to be Garp's grandson. It's such a pleasure to meet him~~~"]

[Torebol's expression suddenly became flattering. 】

[Who among these pirates still doesn’t understand the value of the word “Garp”? 】

[Having the same strength as Admiral, but not being bound by Admiral's responsibilities, he can go to any place in the sea at any time. 】

[To be honest, even if One Piece provokes Admiral, he never wants to provoke this Marine hero~~

[Because Marine Admiral may be entangled by things and cannot come to you for revenge. 】

[But this Marine hero has nothing to do every day, so he goes around looking for pirates to catch...]

(King Qian’s) [If you dare to provoke him, he will really come and fuck you!]

【"It's not good, young master!!!"】

[At this moment, a tall, thin man wearing a top hat and a long blue windbreaker rushed in. 】

[But after seeing the situation in the living room, he stopped immediately. 】

["It's okay. Brothers Sabo and Luffy are both family members. If you have anything to say, just say it directly~~"]

[After all, he is a veteran, Doflamingo is very good at everything he does. 】

[A casual sentence seems to bring the relationship between the two parties closer. 】


[Gladius glanced at the epaulets of Sabo and Luffy, showing an expression of hesitation. 】

[When Doflamingo saw this, Yi Shi's face was stern: "If you have anything to say, just say it! There are no outsiders here!!"]



[ Gladius said helplessly: "Young Master, Marine has taken control of the bullfighting arena. All the pirates participating in the orientation meeting have been controlled by Marine, and are being handcuffed one by one and escorted to the warship... "]


【Doflamingo's eyes widened!!!】

[He turned around and looked at Sabo and Luffy~~

[I secretly thought~~]


【Laozi invites you to eat and drink, you are so stupid that you secretly cheat on Chen Cang [cup of Laozi’s good deeds?】

【Garp’s grandson, right?】

[I really don’t dare to provoke Garp, but what if Garp doesn’t know that he has a grandson? 】

[At this moment, Brother Tuming felt worried!!]

[In the middle of Marine, if you don’t know how to show appreciation, Laozi wouldn’t mind two more free workers!!!]

[Thinking of this, Doflamingo immediately controlled his expression, then looked at Sugar and said: "Sugar, go pour wine for Sabo and Luffy Rear Admiral~~]


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