Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 16 The Whole World Fell Silent, Kizaru Is Still The Same Kizaru~

【"Don't even think about leaving!!"】

[ Kizaru shouted sharply and rushed behind Buggy. 】

["~" Buggy frowned. He didn't expect Kizaru to have such a firm belief! 】

[For a moment, he thought highly of Kizaru~~~]

[However, having a high opinion does not mean that you will be merciful. 】

[As soon as he turned around, he was right in front of Kizaru who was rushing towards him. 】

[The fist covering Armament Haki was punched out unceremoniously! 】

[The black fist and the light fist collide. 】

【boom! ! ——】

[Kizaru was like a cannonball, and was immediately blown away. 】

[The speed was faster than when he rushed over. It smashed through the building in the distance and smashed into it. 】

["??" Buggy was a little confused. 】

[Is the disparity in our strength already so great? 】

[After all, it was Kizaru who launched a sudden attack just now, so Buggy responded hastily. Naturally, the power of this punch is not that powerful~~~]

[But despite this, it still caused a powerful destructive power to Kizaru that was beyond Buggy's expectation...]

[ Buggy waited for a while, but did not see Kizaru appear again, so he left. 】

World Channel——

"No!! Mr. Kizaru!!"

"Damn pirate, he killed Mr. Kizaru!"

"Mr. Kizaru from the parallel world is truly a role model for Marine and our idol!!"

"When one Kizaru-san falls, thousands of Kizaru-san will stand up!"

"Yes, Mr. Kizaru's spirit will live forever!!"



Jack: "Parallel Buggy is so powerful! He killed Parallel Kizaru with one punch!"

Joz: "It's really scary! How far has his Armament Haki training reached? Has he surpassed dad?"

Lakyo: "Even if my father had originally, he wouldn't have been able to kill Kizaru with one punch."

Shiki: "Why do you feel something is wrong?"

Sengoku: "What's wrong? Parallel Buggy's strength is obvious to all, but Kizaru from the parallel world is Marine's military spirit!!!"

Dauberman: "The marshal is right. The Kizaru Admiral in the parallel world is really amazing!"

At this moment, in the picture on the sky screen...

[The ruins of the collapsed building were suddenly lifted up, and a voice slowly climbed up. 】

["Wu~~~~, this guy's fist is really heavy~~~"]

[While wiping the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth, Kizaru rubbed his head. 】

[Then he took out the video phone bug and tapped it against his injured face. 】

[At the same time, he murmured to himself: "From now on, if the headquarters asks more questions, I will have an explanation~~"]

[After that, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the screen...]


! ! !

Under the sky, people all over the world were silent at the same time...

Above the sky, the barrages are also clean~~

Rocks D. Xebec: "Pfft! Hahahaha!!!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahaha!! I'm so laughing!!"

Shiki: "Jie hahahaha...!! Damn it, Laozi makes even dead people laugh and come back to life~~~"

Monkey D Garp: "This kid..., hahaha!!!"

Sengoku: "Garp! Is it time for you to laugh?"

Monkey D Garp: "Oh oh oh. Pfft...haha, I can't help it, haha!"

Sakazuki: "Damn it, Porusalino!! Marine's face has been humiliated by you!!"

Porusalino: "Hey, hey, that's me in the parallel world. What does it have to do with me in this world..."

Kuzan: "I was just wondering why your personality changed in the parallel world? Now that I look at it, it's true that you are still you!"

Monkey D Garp: "Hahaha! I can't do it, I can't do it anymore, I'm laughing to the point of tears~~~"

Edward Newgate: "Grrrr! It really made my old disease come back!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Sengoku, this is Marine's will you said, right? Hahaha!! Got it, Marine's will is really eye-catching!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Old Sengoku, why don't you come out and say a few words?"

Shiki: "I still remember someone swearing just now that Kizaru in the parallel world is Marine's military spirit! Jie hahahaha...!!!"

World Channel——

"Asshole!!! Kizaru is a complete bastard!!"

"Damn it, I tricked Laozi into losing a liter of tears, and this is what happened!!!"

"Marine's will is clearly Marine's shame!"

"It's not just a disgrace to Marine? It's a disgrace to the entire human race!"

"Bah!! Idiot!"

"Grandma Gante!"


The World Channel was flooded with barrages, all of them angrily criticizing Kizaru.

Even the few who spoke for Kizaru were drowned in the overwhelming curses.

Naval Headquarters, Marineford~~~

Sengoku’s old face is red~~

Seeing the provocations of the big pirates in the chat room, he was angry and angry, but he couldn't refute.

Looking at the various curses on the world channel, it was like a hot big dick blowing directly in his face!

This time it’s really embarrassing to be thrown into grandma’s house! ! !


Garp was laughing beside him and fell forward and back, dying~

The senbei residue in his mouth spurted out.


Sengoku was already on his deathbed, but now that he sees Garp like this, he really can’t hold back his anger...

He raged: "Bastard Garp, that's enough for you!!"

"Ah! OK, OK! I won't laugh, I won't laugh~~"

Garp also understood that it was not good to laugh like this, so he covered his mouth with his hand and forced himself to stop.

But when he thought about what parallel Kizaru said when he finally emerged from the ruins, he couldn't help but...

"Haha, poof..."

The laughter was covered in his mouth with his own hands, resulting in a mouth full of senbei coming out of his nose! ! !



At this moment, all the Marines present burst into laughter~~~~


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